Adds kerbalized parts from a popular sci-fi series to KSP
Place the GameData/KerbolBattlesPack and Gamedata/JSI folders into your KSP/Gamedata directory (Optional) Place the ships folder in your Kerbal Space program folder, and overwrite files if asked to do so. This will add example craft to KSP. (optional)Remove KerbolBattlesPack/patches/IonEngineAtmoBuff.cfg - Without the patch, the engine included in this pack acts like a normal, abet OP Ion engine. With the patch, the engine now runs on SpaceMagic and is ludicrously OP in a normal game.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License(
This package comes packaged with JSI (RasterPropMonitor) as a dependancy, and is distributed under its own license (included).
This package comes utilizes the NearFutureSolar plugin by Nertea (NFE) as a dependancy, and is distributed under its own license.
ModuleManager - made by Sarbian & Ialdabaoth -