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Releases: Suprcode/Crystal.Database


22 Apr 19:48
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Patch Notes

-Class books now have correct colors depending on Required Class (Parity)
-All spells have been adjusted to either be useable or not useable by a Hero.
-TaoVillage Notice Board NPC script adjustment to fix broken Shop Teleports.
-All Merchant NPCS display currently equipped Items. (NPC Dependant)
-WhiteDragonPassage: Hydra AI Fixed/SmallDrake AI Fixed/SandStorm Mob removed from Respawns/Respawn count increased.
-WhiteValley: Cave Movements adjusted/Added Icons for movements/Added NPC Charlotte to enter IceHell.
-IceHell: Icons added for movements/Movements tweaked (Still needs more work)/Minimaps & Bigmaps added.
-GM Teleporter Options to teleport to town stores added.


14 Apr 15:53
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-Red Cavern all movements are in with Bigmap icons too.
-Red Valley now has Bigmap Icons.
-Snow Cavern door to KR fixed.
-Lunar door added to treepath.
-Ice Hell doors fixed.
-Rebirth 1-3 now fully implemented. (Check BW Board)
-Dangerous Cavern now has a minimap/bigmap.
-Pranja Temple Door icon fixed for F 7>KR + Bigmap added to KR.
-Hell Fire KR now has a minimap/bigmap.
-Stone Trap AI now correct. (130 > 255)
-Rebirth Panel added to GM_Manager in r001.
-GM_Teleporter has had a huge rework.
-GM Stable now displays currently equipped Mount and Mount Loyalalty.
-@ GM command added to teleport admin accounts to r001 @ 100:100.
-GM_Manager has Sabuk Wall Management Panel.


09 Apr 15:46
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-Added new spells to GM Book NPC. (Buy & Give option)
-Meteor Shower spell added. (Image bug found)
-Immortal Skin spell added.
-MoonMist spell now fully added.
-Healing Circle spell added.
-GM Chars now login into Gamemaster map. (r001)
-Added Rebirth Manager Panel to GM Manager NPC.
-GM Set flag now working correctly to hide GM NPCS from non-gm chars.
-Started working on Rebirth NPC script addition to BichonWall Notice Board. (Still outstanding)
-Last but not least: Conquests are now fully implemented into game. SabukWall set to start for 30 mins from 18:00, daily. (All bugs fixed)


07 Apr 18:00
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-Curse now causes attacking players to go brown.
-Turn Undead now makes you brown if you cast upon a player's pet.
-MP/HP now regen when running.
-Fixed Lover Buff.
-Shoulder Dash bug fix.
-Focus Master Target pet mode added.
-Flaming Sword now has a visible timer icon.
-Blizzard & Meteor Shower light bug fixed.
-Fixed custom Keybinds resetting after re-logging.
-All NPC scripts now organized into sub folders.
-SpiderLegs item now drops when the quest is active.
-Gold Chestnut drop rate increased. (Easier to obtain)
-2 Assassin weapons removed. (Duplicate)
-Assassin base agility changed from 7 - 16. (Parity, will need testing)
-BoneFamiliar is now classified as undead.
-ChesnutTree HP/EXP Values changes. (Parity)
-EbonyTree Level Changed from 16 to 60. (Parity)
-CherryTree Level Changed from 16 to 60. (Parity)
-Added Material Dealer NPC in Border Village.
-All Teleport NPC scripts adjusted to remove same-town teleport and included a 2k service fee.
-SuperiorMagicHelmet AC/AMC stats changed from 1-3 to 1-2.
-Ancient Natural Cave now boots you out if you exceed max level for cave.
-NewbieGuild wont boot you after every level. Now checks for max level.
-Red Orchid Items now have the correct HP Drain %.
-Assassin Base Accuracy changed to 7.
-Lowered gold prices of all Premium Passes.
-Specialist_Eugene In TaoVillage now sells green poison.
-You can now sell belts to Merchant_Jennifer in Mudwall.
-Minimap/Bigmaps added to Ancient Stone Tomb.
-Bug Cave Evil Tongs now all have drop files.
-Adjusted movements into Border Village Storage.
-Healing Circle (Taoist Spell) now fully implemented.
-Stack size of Benediction Oils increased from 1 to 5.
-All Ancient Monsters have had their AI's looking at.
-Bug Cave GiantWorms SunPotion drop rate increased (Harder) due to typo.
-All Archer spells have been adjusted where needed to match official. (Levels + EXP Requirements)


25 Mar 20:07
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-RedOrchid Set now have the correct stats. -Pet EXP being stopped now fixed. -Group HP bar now visible. -Fatal Sword now coded correctly. -Newbie guild cap fixed backend. -Account creation screen bug fixed. -Login/Char select screen music now defined as correct type. -Taoist pets no longer die upon log out. (PetSave bug) -Way to Monghcon quest. (Pickup in Serpent Valley/Drop off in Monghcon) -Gameshop items added. (Gold ONLY) -Mudwall board. (Fixed teleports to stores) -BichonWall board. (Added Hairdresser teleport) -Swamp. (Monster drop files added & Stats changed) -Hero Inspect now working. -Press ESC to close Hero windows. -Hero windows now in English. -Hero bag. (Drop items straight to floor)


14 Mar 18:20
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-Deer drop file changed to increase chances of venison drops.
-All Trust Merchant NPC scripts adjusted. (Removed unnecessary lines)
-VioletKekTal stat parity.
-Fishing rod accessories have had their weights reduced to 0.
-Ancient Oma Cave quest line finally fixed.
-WhimperingBee drop file edited to fix Archer Armour rate.
-StoneTrap has been given some stats. (Will need testing once AI is complete)
-Assassin Hero's disabled. (Bug found)


11 Mar 17:33
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-Khazard has had a drop change.
-All NPC scripts/quest scripts that direct the player to Peter in BW have had the Cords changed.
-Some Spell Parity.
-Added remainder of bigmaps to caves (Excluding KRs)
-Oma Fighter/Oma Warrior exp changed.
Hell Cavern:
-HellKeeper spawning on all floors removed. (1 in KR)
-HellKeeper AI changed to 79.
-All monsters have drop files and are redirected to correct directory.
-Snow Cavern now has minimaps/bigmaps.
-Assassin accuracy base state changed from 5 to 8.
-Red Cavern now has minimaps/bigmaps.
-Archer accuracy base state changed from 8 to 10.
-Oma Fighter & Oma Warrior EXP values changed.
-BoneFighter & Bone Warrior EXP values changed.
-Started adding some movements inside Red Cavern.


09 Mar 22:37
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-NewbieGuild now works. (Script change)
-Adjusted Guild levels and Guild EXP.
-Removed Oma Cave NPC from bigmap. (Causes a crash)
-Fixed Movements from Wastelands > BichonProvince.
-Fixed Movements from PrivateHouse 0130 > BichonProvince. (Both ways)
-HerbalTea stats changed. (Too high)
-MoonMist fully implemented. (Book,Bookstore,Code)
-Mirguide script has been cleaned up and reorganised.
-FilterWords have been added. (Might be too aggressive)
-GeneralJinmYo name changed to GeneralMeowMeow.
-GeneralTucson name changed to TucsonGeneral.
-Fixed the scripts for GM map npcs. (ISADMIN check was above buy and sell options)
-All ChestnutTree variants have had a drop adjustment.
-SpittingSpider's drop has been adjusted.
-NPC added to HiddenRoom to buy and sell armours. (Oma Cave)
-Gathering Of Bones quest required bones changed from 40 to 15.

In Progress

-Add Assassin Skill descriptions to MirGuide_Peter.
-Finishing the NPC Directories.
-Adjusting TravellingMerchant NPC spawns.


06 Mar 19:31
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-Awakening now works (Script change)
-All NPCS now check for 199 PK points instead of 2.
-HellCavern Bigmaps added.
-BugCave movements adjusted.
-BigMap Icons added for all caves and provinces.
-TrollCave added NPC to teleport from 3F > 4F (vice versa)
-Swamp added NPC to teleport from 3F > 4F (vice versa)
-Swamp added minimap for DarkSwamp (KR)
-Swamp GeneralTucsion (boss) now spawns at the center of map.
-Database is ready for Net.7 upgrade and works with either Net.7 & Net 4.8.


23 Feb 17:49
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Changed any 0 HP values to 1 to avoid crashes.