Write a function called "cache". It will be a function wrapper, which takes a function and caches its results depending on the arguments that were applied to the function.
let complexFunction = function(arg1, arg2) {
return arg1 + arg2; // just for example (any logic can be here)
let cachedFunction = cache(complexFunction);
cachedFunction('foo', 'bar'); // complex function should be executed
cachedFunction('foo', 'bar'); // complex function should not be invoked again,
// instead the cached result should be returned
cachedFunction('foo', 'baz'); // should be executed,
// because the method wasn't invoked before with these arguments
Create an object called "forwardBackwardSteps”. It should include 3 methods: “forward", “backward", “revealStep” and one property: “step”. Initial value of “step” is equal to 0. The object should support chaining calls on its methods. "forward" – increasing "step", "backward" – decreasing “step”, "revealStep" – console.log current value of "step".
forwardBackwardSteps.forward().forward().backward().forward().revealStep(); // 1+1-1+1 = 2
Write a function called “applyAll”. It takes a function (sum or mul) and an arbitrary number of arguments. It should call a received function ( output the “sum” and “mul” functions) with all arguments and return result. Using of call method is mandatory.
applyAll(sum, 1, 2, 3); // -> sum(1, 2, 3) = 6
applyAll(mul, 2, 3, 4); // -> mul(2, 3, 4) = 24
module.exports = { cache, ladder, applyAll, sum, mul }