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Releases: SwedbankPay/swedbank-pay-sdk-ios


11 Feb 13:38
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The SDK has a new way of handling redirects from the payment menu. The new handling should improve the experience in the vast majority of cases, but it should still allow payments to proceed with webview-incompatible pages, albeit with a somewhat suboptimal flow.


11 Nov 08:42
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2.5.0-alpha.1 Pre-release

This preview version has a new way of handling redirects from the payment menu. The new handling should improve the experience in the vast majority of cases, but it should still allow payments to proceed with webview-incompatible pages, albeit with a somewhat suboptimal flow.

This preview version does not yet have fully localized texts for the fallback path of the new redirect handling. Therefore, you may see English texts in place of Swedish or Norwegian in some cases.


11 Nov 08:25
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2.5.0-alpha Pre-release

This preview version has a new way of handling redirects from the payment menu. The new handling should improve the experience in the vast majority of cases, but it should still allow payments to proceed with webview-incompatible pages, albeit with a somewhat suboptimal flow.

This preview version does not yet have fully localized texts for the fallback path of the new redirect handling. Therefore, you may see English texts in place of Swedish or Norwegian in some cases.


04 Nov 14:55
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The SDK will now show an alert if the user returns to the app while a payment is processing in the browser.

Note that the "hidden" _continueInBrowserMessage property of SwedbankPaySDKController has been removed. If you used this this property to access this feature previously, please remove any references to it. The messages are now provided by the Swedbank Pay SDK.


21 Oct 08:34
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SwedbankPaySDKController now support view controller state restoration. If your app uses state restoration, you can assign a restoration identifier to the SwedbankPaySDKController to have it participate. The state restoration is a best-effort business, and will currently result in reloading the payment menu for the ongoing payment.

To support state restoration, a new API for SwedbankPaySDKController has been introduced. Previously you would create a SwedbankPaySDKController by calling .init(configuration:withCheckin:consumer:paymentOrder:userData:) This initializer is still available, but will not work with state restoration. Instead, create the SwedbankPaySDKController by calling the no-argument initializer or instantiate it from a storyboard. Then, start the payment by calling startPayment(withCheckin:consumer:paymentOrder:userData:). The configuration cannot be passed as an argument here; rather, you should set it as SwedbankPaySDKController.defaultConfiguration. If your application requires both state restoration and multiple configurations, you need to subclass SwedbankPaySDKController and overrider the configuration property accordingly.

Note that if you use state restoration and pass a userData argument, that argument must conform to either NSCoding or Codable, and to use a Codable userData, you must first register the type with SwedbankPaySDK.registerCodable. The same is true for any value your configurations sets as ViewPaymentOrderInfo.userInfo. Both this registration and setting SwedbankPaySDKController.defaultConfiguration should happen before any state restoration is done; the best place is in UIApplicationDelegate.application(_:willFinishLaunchingWithOptions:).


12 Oct 12:06
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Merge pull request #30 from SwedbankPay/feature/browser-note

Add (hidden, pending localization) alert when returning to SwedbankPa…


07 Oct 08:18
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Fixed bug where SwedbankPaySDK.PaymentOrderUrls.init(configuration:language:callbackUrl:termsOfServiceUrl:identifier:) would ignore the identifier argument.


21 Sep 06:32
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Added the SwedbankPaySDKConfigurationAsync protocol. By implementing this protocol, you can build you configuration using async functions introduced in Swift 5.5.


25 Aug 05:47
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SwedbankPaySDK is now also available through the Swift Package Manager.

To add the SDK to your Xcode project via SwiftPM, choose the File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency option, or go to the Swift Packages tab of your project properties. Then add a dependency using the git url The package contains two libraries, SwedbankPaySDK and SwedbankPaySDKMerchantBackend. If you do not use the Merchant Backend API for backend communications, you only need SwedbankPaySDK. Otherwise, select both libraries.

SwedbankPaySDK remains available through CocoaPods as well.


19 Aug 13:31
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tl;dr: If you get compilation errors, add pod SwedbankPaySDKMerchantBackend to your Podfile, then add import SwedbankPaySDKMerchantBackend to any files with errors.

This release separates the core SDK, and Merchant Backend utilities to their own libraries.

From this version on, the SwedbankPaySDK pod shall contain the core functionality of the Swedbank Pay Mobile SDK for iOS. Utilities for interfacing the SDK with a server implementing the Merchant Backend API are contained in the SwedbankPaySDKMerchantBackend pod.

This version alters the API surface of the SwedbankPaySDK pod, so it is a major release. All the missing APIs are now in the SwedbankPaySDKMerchantBackend pod. You will need to add a dependency to that pod as well, and add import SwedbankPaySDKMerchantBackend where appropriate.