Currently there is one way to obtain these cookies,
python login -n username
This will open up a chrome window, which will prompt you to login to Tiktok, please make sure you have the latest version of Chrome installed on your system.
When logged in this cookie will be saved on your system, to view all cookies currently on system, use command:
python show -c
This will ensure that you can upload videos using that exact username, through command:
python upload --user username -v "video.mp4" -t "My video title"
Alternatively, you may want to obtain cookies manually, to do so,
By using tiktok cookies function save_cookies_to_file
for the object to be saved, input the following:
cookies = [{'domain': '', 'expiry': EXPIRY_FROM_BROWSER, 'httpOnly': True, 'name': 'sessionid', 'path': '/', 'sameSite': 'Lax', 'secure': True, 'value': 'YOUR_SESSION_KEY_FROM_BROWSER'}]
save_cookies_to_file(cookies, "username.cookie") # You must have the .cookie extension.