Releases: SystemsBioinformatics/metadraft
MetaDraft release 0.8.1
This is a MetaDraft update release. MetaDraft is a GUI based tool for the reconstruction genome-scale metabolic networks. Dependencies are CBMPy, available from Anaconda, PyPI, SourceForge and GitHub:
To install from Anaconda:
conda install -c bgoli -c sbmlteam cbmpy
To update from Anaconda:
conda update -c bgoli -c sbmlteam cbmpy
To install simply unpack the archive open a console and type: python
For support please create an issue or contact the developers.
MetaDraft release 0.8.0
This is the first release of MetaDraft a GUI based tool for the reconstruction genome-scale metabolic networks. Dependencies are CBMPy, available from Anaconda, PyPI, SourceForge and GitHub:
conda -c bgoli -c sbmlteam install cbmpy
To install simply unpack the archive open a console and type: python
For support please create an issue or contact the developers.
Preview release RC2