#Nodejs Template
#Project Information
###subGoal startedwith Project that will allow users to create groups and register games to keep win and lose ratios. Pratice using Mango, Express, Node, Handlebars and passport.
##Goal Turned into creating the basics usage for a nodejs based system that has most user basic functionality
##Description Project that will allow users to create groups and register games. Will utilize Mango, Express, Node, Handlebars, and passport.
- Being able to create a user
- Edit user information
- Send email notifications with different services including Amazon SES
- Email templates are made with handlebars
- Flash for errors/success messages
- Forgote password
- User verification
- Following users
- User profiles
- Facebook and google Auth
- All authentication is done with Passportjs
- https
- UI admin panel for interacting with mongo console
Project Strucutre:
| certifications
| www contains http server
│ | index.hbs
| │ layout.hbs
| │ error.hbs
| | login.hbs
| |
| ├───game
| │ _form.hbs --template form used in edit and new
| │ edit.hbs
| │ new.hbs
| |
| ├───group
| │ _form.hbs --template form used in edit and new
| │ edit.hbs
| │ new.hbs
| | index.hbs --details of group
| ├───email
| | email templates
| |
| |
| ├───user
| | user related routes
| |
| | auth.js --contains info from authEx.js keys etc
| | passport.js -- contains different login strategys using passport and welcome email
| | authentication.js contains midleware function to check if user is signed in and activated
| css/js files that wil be included in views
│ ├───user
| ├───email
| ├───game
| |_form.hbs has form for edit/new
| |_edit.hbs
| |_new.hbs
| |
| ├───user
| each function has views that have to do with each views
│ accounts.js -- contains the mongoose schema
| email.js -- contains functions for sending emails
│ index.js -- contians functions to call db for games
│ games.js -- contains the mongoose shcema
│ index.js -- contians functions to call db for games
│ games.js -- contains the mongoose shcema
To be able to run admin system follow instructions on https://github.com/andzdroid/mongo-express