TBR Group in-app calls application.
To run this project you need to have:
- Flutter SDK minimum version 3.10.2
- Dart SDK minimum version 3.0.2
To configure this project you need to have:
- Firebase project with enabled Phone Authentication and Cloud Firestore.
- Two OneSignal apps: one for Android push notifications and one for iOS VoIP notifications
- Agora project.
- Create a Firebase project.
- Set up Android and iOS apps in the Firebase project settings.
- Enable Phone Authentication.
- Enable a Cloud Firestore database.
- Replace google-services.json with your own Android services file from Firebase project settings.
- Replace GoogleService-Info.plist with your own iOS services file from Firebase project settings.
- Setup 1st OneSignal app for Android push notifications.
- Setup 2nd OneSignal app for iOS VoIP notifications. Use VoIP Services Certificate as your APNs Certificate as mentioned in documentation.
- Create an Agora project.
- Enable App Certificate.
The app uses 3 environment variables:
- oneSignalKey — OneSignal app ID for Android push notifications OneSignal app.
- oneSignalVoipKey — OneSignal app ID for iOS VoIP notifications OneSignal app.
- agoraRtcAppId — Agora app ID.
See environment_config.yaml file. Replace the values with your own. Run the script to generate environment variables:
make generate_env
flutter pub get && flutter run