Releases: TBoshoven/MinecraftMods
Magic Mirror 1.16.1-0.0.3: Fix for curse of binding
This fixes an issue where you could unequip armor with curse of binding by swapping it with a mirror.
Magic Mirror 1.16.1-0.0.2: Forge upgrade and fix for debug command
This should fix an issue around the debug command in the Magic Mirror mod not working and potentially causing loading issues.
Magic Mirror 1.15.2-0.2.2: Fix for curse of binding
This fixes an issue where you could unequip armor with curse of binding by swapping it with a mirror.
Magic Mirror 1.14.4-0.2.2: Fix for curse of binding
This fixes an issue where you could unequip armor with curse of binding by swapping it with a mirror.
Magic Mirror 1.12.2-0.1.0: Backport of bug fixes and equip feature
Since I can somehow build the 1.12.2 version again, I figured I should backport a few features.
This release includes better vertical fading for the mirror and a change to handle the curse of binding when swapping armor.
Magic Doorknob 1.16.1-0.1.0: Netherite doorknob
This release adds the Netherite doorknob.
It's strictly better than diamond, but gold still makes deeper doorways unless you hit some hard blocks.
Magic Doorknob 1.12.2-0.0.2: Properly handle block hardness
This release includes a backport of a bugfix where doorways would go through bedrock.
Magic Doorknob 1.16.1-0.0.4: Particle texture fix
Breaking particles now have the right texture instead of obsidian.
Magic Doorknob 1.16.1-0.0.3: Fix for changed composite model data setup
This was broken by Forge 1.16.1-32.0.44 (released today).
Magic Doorknob 1.15.2-0.0.6: Particle texture fix
Breaking particles now have the right texture instead of obsidian.