Releases: TBoshoven/MinecraftMods
Releases · TBoshoven/MinecraftMods
Magic Mirror 1.14.4-0.0.2: Fix for mirror breaking behavior
I fixed an issue in Forge that caused tile entities not to be cleaned up properly.
Unfortunately that fix itself caused further errors. This release fixes those.
Magic Mirror 1.14.4-0.0.1: 1.14.4 Port
The Magic Mirror mod now works in Minecraft 1.14.4.
Magic Doorknob 1.14.4-0.0.1: 1.14.4 Port
The Magic Doorknob mod now works in Minecraft 1.14.4.
Magic Doorknob 1.12.2-0.0.1: Initial release of Magic Doorknob
First release of the Magic Doorknob mod, which allows you to open up a door without the use of a door.
Magic Mirror 1.12.2-0.0.4: Skeletons!
Implemented skeletons!
Also fixed a bug that would stretch your reflection if your window size was non-default.
Also fixed an issue that caused reflections to be zoomed based on player FoV (for example when using a bow).
Magic Mirror 1.12.2-0.0.3: Initial release
First version with working networking.