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Ugly method to obtain pretty graphs of models
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TDacik committed Dec 5, 2024
1 parent 6585e35 commit fbeec26
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Showing 3 changed files with 74 additions and 27 deletions.
96 changes: 69 additions & 27 deletions src/SL/
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Expand Up @@ -232,8 +232,26 @@ let to_smtlib sh =

open Graph

(** This is a hack to access stack from vertex labelling function in Dot *)
let model = ref None

module Vertex = struct
include Location
type t =
| Loc of Location.t
| Nil of Int.t
[@@deriving equal, compare]

let name = function
| Loc loc -> Format.asprintf "\"%s\"" ( loc)
| Nil n -> Format.asprintf "\"nil_%d\"" n

let show = function
| Loc loc ->
Format.asprintf "%s : %s"
( loc)
(String.concat "," (stack_inverse (Option.get !model) loc))
| Nil n -> !UnicodeSymbols.bottom

let hash = Hashtbl.hash

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,23 +291,21 @@ module HeapGraph = struct
let path_checker = PathChecker.create g in
PathChecker.check_path path_checker src dst

let model = ref None

module Dot = Graphviz.Dot
include Graph

let graph_attributes _ = []
let default_vertex_attributes v = []
let vertex_name v = Format.asprintf "\"%s\"" ( v)
let vertex_attributes v =
[`Label (Format.asprintf "%s : %s" ( v) (String.concat "," (stack_inverse (Option.get !model) v)))]

let vertex_name =
let vertex_attributes v = [
`Label ( v);
`Shape (match v with Loc _ -> `Box | Nil _ -> `Plaintext);
let get_subgraph _ = None
let edge_attributes e = [`Label ( @@ E.label e); ]
`Style (match E.label e with Next -> `Solid | Prev -> `Dashed | Top -> `Bold);
let edge_attributes e = [
`Label ( @@ E.label e);
let default_edge_attributes _ = []

Expand All @@ -315,38 +331,64 @@ module HeapGraph = struct
has_path g (Some field1) ~src ~dst
&& List.for_all (fun loc -> has_path g (Some field2) ~src:loc ~dst:sink) top_path

let get sh =
let update x y g = match y with
| Value.Struct (def, ys) ->
let fields = StructDef.get_fields def in
List.fold_left2 (fun acc field y -> add_edge_e acc (Loc x, field, Loc y)) g fields ys
|> Stack.M.fold (fun _ loc g -> add_vertex g (Loc loc)) sh.stack.stack
|> Heap.fold update sh.heap

(** Replace each link to nil with a fresh node
TODO: add nils directly
let prettify_nils sh g =
let is_nil loc = List.mem "nil" @@ stack_inverse sh loc in
let fresh_nil =
let cnt = ref 0 in (* TODO *)
(fun () -> cnt := !cnt - 1; Vertex.Nil !cnt)
let isolated_vertices =
fold_vertex (fun v acc ->
if out_degree g v = 0 then add_vertex acc v
else acc
) g empty
fold_edges_e (fun (src, label, Loc dst) acc ->
if is_nil dst then add_edge_e acc (src, label, fresh_nil ())
else add_edge_e acc (src, label, Loc dst)
) g isolated_vertices

let output channel sh =
let g = get sh in
let g = prettify_nils sh g in
Dot.output_graph channel g

let update x y g = match y with
| Value.Struct (def, ys) ->
let fields = StructDef.get_fields def in
List.fold_left2 (fun acc field y -> HeapGraph.add_edge_e acc (x, field, y)) g fields ys

let succ_field sh field loc =
Heap.find_field field loc sh.heap

let get_heap_graph sh =
|> Stack.M.fold (fun _ loc g -> HeapGraph.add_vertex g loc) sh.stack.stack
|> Heap.fold update sh.heap

let domain sh = Footprint.of_list @@ fst @@ Heap.bindings sh.heap

let has_path ?field sh ~src ~dst =
HeapGraph.has_path (get_heap_graph sh) field ~src ~dst
HeapGraph.has_path (HeapGraph.get sh) field ~src:(Loc src) ~dst:(Loc dst)

let get_path ?field sh ~src ~dst =
HeapGraph.get_path (get_heap_graph sh) field ~src ~dst
HeapGraph.get_path (HeapGraph.get sh) field ~src:(Loc src) ~dst:(Loc dst)
|> (fun (Vertex.Loc l) -> l)

let get_nested_path sh ~src ~dst ~sink ~field1 ~field2 =
HeapGraph.get_nested_path (get_heap_graph sh) ~src ~dst ~sink ~field1 ~field2
HeapGraph.get_nested_path (HeapGraph.get sh) ~src:(Loc src) ~dst:(Loc dst) ~sink:(Loc dst) ~field1 ~field2
|> (fun xs -> (fun (Vertex.Loc l) -> l) xs)

let has_nested_path sh ~src ~dst ~sink ~field1 ~field2 =
HeapGraph.has_nested_path (get_heap_graph sh) ~src ~dst ~sink ~field1 ~field2
HeapGraph.has_nested_path (HeapGraph.get sh) ~src:(Loc src) ~dst:(Loc dst) ~sink:(Loc dst) ~field1 ~field2

let output_graph filename sh =
let channel = open_out filename in
HeapGraph.model := Some sh;
HeapGraph.Dot.output_graph channel (get_heap_graph sh);
model := Some sh;
HeapGraph.output channel sh;
close_out channel
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/utils/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ let forall = ref "forall"

let entails = ref "|="

let bottom = ref "_|_"

let empty_set = ref "empty"

let maps_to = ref "|->"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,6 +51,7 @@ let init unicode =
set_ref star "";
set_ref septraction "-⍟";
set_ref empty_set "";
set_ref bottom "";
set_ref defined ""

let easter_eggs value =
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/utils/UnicodeSymbols.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ val forall : string ref

val entails : string ref

val bottom : string ref

val empty_set : string ref

(* *)
Expand Down

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