trpv = ERFA.trxpv(r, pv)
Multiply a pv-vector by the transpose of an r-matrix.
r double[3][3] r-matrix
pv double[2][3] pv-vector
trpv double[2][3] r^T * pv
The algorithm is for the simple case where the r-matrix r is not a function of time. The case where r is a function of time leads to an additional velocity component equal to the product of the derivative of the transpose of r and the position vector.
It is permissible for pv and rpv to be the same array.
eraTr transpose r-matrix
eraRxpv product of r-matrix and pv-vector
This revision: 2021 May 11
Copyright (C) 2013-2021, NumFOCUS Foundation. Derived, with permission, from the SOFA library.