Implementation of Hades252 permutation algorithm over the Bls12-381 Scalar field.
Unstable : No guarantees can be made regarding the API stability.
To generate the Hades252
make doc
make doc-internal
To import Hades252
, add the following to the dependencies section of your project's Cargo.toml
Hades252 = "0.12.0"
By default Hades252
has a width
equals to 5
It's possible to use an arbitrary value, between 3
and 9
, by setting the
environment variable HADES252_WIDTH
to the desired number.
p =
Security level is 117 -120 bits of security [NCCG] bits.
width = 5
Number of full rounds = 8 . There are four full rounds at the beginning and four full rounds at the end, where each full round has
quintic S-Boxes. -
Number of partial rounds = 59, where each partial round has one quintic S-Box and (width-1) identity functions.
Number of round constants = 960
use dusk_hades::{ScalarStrategy, Strategy, WIDTH};
use dusk_plonk::bls12_381::BlsScalar;
// Generate the inputs that will permute.
// The number of values we can input is equivalent to `WIDTH`
let input = vec![BlsScalar::from(1u64); dusk_hades::WIDTH];
let mut strategy = ScalarStrategy::new();
let mut output = input.clone();
assert_ne!(&input, &output);
assert_eq!(input.len(), output.len());
// Proving that we know the pre-image of a hades-252 hash.
use dusk_hades::{GadgetStrategy, Strategy, WIDTH};
use dusk_plonk::prelude::*;
// Setup OG params.
const CAPACITY: usize = 1 << 7;
let public_parameters = PublicParameters::setup(CAPACITY, &mut rand::thread_rng()).unwrap();
let (ck, vk) = public_parameters.trim(CAPACITY).unwrap();;
// Gen composer
let mut composer = StandardComposer::new();
// Gen inputs
let mut inputs = [BlsScalar::one(); WIDTH];
let mut prover = Prover::new(b"Hades_Testing");
// Generate the witness data
let mut composer = prover.mut_cs();
let zero = composer.add_input(BlsScalar::zero());
let mut witness = [zero; WIDTH];
.for_each(|(w, i)| *w = composer.add_input(*i));
// Perform the permutation in the circuit
GadgetStrategy::hades_gadget(prover.mut_cs(), &mut witness);
// Now your composer has been filled with a hades permutation
// inside.
// Now you can build your proof or keep extending your circuit.
Round constants for the full rounds are generated following: They are then mapped onto
s in the Ristretto scalar field. -
The MDS matrix is a cauchy matrix, the method used to generate it, is noted in section "Concrete Instantiations Poseidon and Starkad"