A collection of utility scripts for making Merlin projects
This is a suite of small utility scripts that enable one to quickly compile and execute Swift projects, especially those that require linking to dynamic libraries. It's able to compile and execute Swift projects that use Packages (those with a Package.swift file) as well as those that are simply a collection of .swift files.
The first step in using these utilities involves creating a make.sh file in the root of the project. To do so, enter the root directory of the project and execute:
NOTE: This file is usually included in Merlin projects from GitHub. If a make.sh file already exists for the project, there's no need to execute this command.
After make.sh has been created the project may be built using:
After make.sh has been created the project may be executed using:
If any dynamic libraries are required, simply create a file named dylib.manifest. This file must contain one line for each dynamic library required. There are two options for each line. For standard, server-supplied libraries, use the format:
<projectName> <version>
For example:
Igis 1.1.2
Scenes 0.1.8
If you are developing your own library, use the format:
<projectName> LOCAL <path>
For example:
Igis LOCAL /home/john-williams/projects/Igis
In order to view the dynamic library paths used for a project, execute:
In order to inform emacs of the use of dynamic libraries a configuration file is required. This can be generated automatically by executing:
in the root of the project.