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Scenes provides a Swift object library with support for Scenes, Layers, and RenderableEntitys along with an event Dispatcher. Scenes runs on top of IGIS.

Very Preliminary API Documentation



In order to use the library, use the project ScenesShell as a starting point.


Scenes provides a framework for quickly and easily building complex, interactive graphic applications using Igis.

Class Hierarchy Overview

A subclassed Director is responsible for transitioning from one Scene to another. Each Scene is constructed of one or more Layers. For example, a single Scene may be constructed of a background Layer, an interaction Layer, and a foreground Layer. Layers are themselves constructed of one or more RenderableEntitys. These objects are responsible for providing the rendering and (most of) the interaction for a Layer.

It is generally helpful to provide unique and meaninful names to these objects for easier debugging.

Event Overview

Scenes provides a multitude of events to which objects can respond. Objects that are interested in a particular event declare their conformance to the relevant protocol and then register to receive the desired event. It's important that each such object unregister no later than their teardown() method. The Dispatcher is responsible for maintaining registrations and raising events.


The first action which a Director must take is to enqueue at least one Scene.

 This class is primarily responsible for transitioning between Scenes.
 At a minimum, it must enqueue the first Scene.
class ShellDirector : Director {
    required init() {

The Scene will continue executing until the transitionToNextScene() method is invoked. At that point, the currently executing Scene will terminate and the Director will continue with the next enqueued Scene, if any. If no such Scene has been enqueued, the session will terminate. Consequently, the general means of transitioning from one Scene to another involves first enqueuing the next Scene via enqueueScene() followed by invoking transitionToNextScene().

The Director is also responsible for specifying the frame rate. For most projects, 30fps is ideal. Results will be suboptimal is the frame rate is too slow or too fast. Some experimentation may be required for your particular application.

    override func framesPerSecond() -> Int {
        return 30


The Scene is responsbile for providing the required Layers for the application. Each Layer is inserted into the Scene using the insert() method. Layers (and RenderableEntitys) are ordered and rendering will occur in that specific order. This enables graphic objects to consistently appear above or below other objects. It also enables Scenes to perform hit-testing to find the top-most object which intercepts a mouse event. While a Scene doesn't require more than one Layer, non-trivial Scenes will generally use at least three Layers. The background tends to be non-interactive and back-most, the middle tends to be interactive, and the front-most is often used for displaying data. Other common Layers involve control panels or multiple backgrounds for parallax.

   This class is responsible for implementing a single Scene.
   Scenes projects require at least one Scene but may have many.
   A Scene is comprised of one or more Layers.
   Layers are generally added in the constructor.
class MainScene : Scene {

    let backgroundLayer = MainBackgroundLayer()    // subclassed Layer
    let interactionLayer = MainInteractionLayer()  // subclassed Layer
    let foregroundLayer = MainForegroundLayer()    // subclassed Layer
    init() {
        insert(layer:backgroundLayer, at:.back)
        insert(layer:interactionLayer, at:.front)
        insert(layer:foregroundLayer, at:.front)


The Layer is responsbile for providing subclassed RenderableEntity objects. Layers are rendered from back to front, based on their current location as determined by the Scene. While the Layer may handle any high-level events for entities, in the general case the Layer will simply insert the required RenderableEntitys into the Layer. For example:

class MainBackgroundLayer : Layer {

    let background = Background() // subclassed RenderableEntity
    init() {
        insert(entity:background, at:.back)

Layers support alpha and transforms. The following methods may be invoked:

    // This function should only be invoked during init(), setup(), or calculate()
    public func setTransforms(transforms:[Transform]?) 

    // This function should only be invoked during init(), setup(), or calculate()
    public func setAlpha(alpha:Alpha?) 


The RenderableEntity provides the majority of rendering and interactive functionality by overriding the required methods and working with the Dispatcher to register events of interest.

In addition to the initializer, the setup() method may be used to setup any required parameters that require the Canvas. It's also useful for registering handlers with the dispatcher. If so used, the teardown method is available to unregister the handlers.

    // setup() is invoked exactly once,
    // either when the owning layer is first set up or,
    // if the layer has already been setup,
    // prior to the next calculate event
    // This is the appropriate location to register event handlers
    override func setup(canvasSize:Size, canvas:Canvas)

    // teardown() is invoked exactly once
    // when the scene is torndown prior to a
    // transition
    // This is the appropriate location to unregister event handlers
    override func teardown() 

For each render cycle, the calculate() method is invoked to allow objects to perform any calculations required prior to rendering, then the render() method is invoked to perform the actual rendering. Objects are calculated and rendered in back-to-front order as specified by the Layer.

    // calculate() is invoked prior to each render event
    override func calculate(canvasSize:Size)
    // render() is invoked during each render cycle
    override func render(canvas:Canvas) 

In order to support the EntityMouse* events, the following methods are available:

    // Must be over-ridden to return the boundingRect of the entity, in global coordinates
    override func boundingRect() -> Rect 
    // Must be over-ridden to return true iff the location generates a hit
    override func hitTest(globalLocation:Point) -> Bool

    // This function is invoked to determine whether or not an entity is transparent
    // to entity mouse events
    // If true, the entity will not intercept such events
    override func isMouseTransparent() -> Bool

RenderableEntitys support alpha and transforms. The following methods may be invoked:

    // This function should only be invoked during init(), setup(), or calculate()
    public func setTransforms(transforms:[Transform]?)

    // To convert an arbitrary point (for example, globalLocation) to its actual location
    // using either specific or current transforms:
    public func applyTransforms(toPoint:Point, transforms:[Transform]? = nil) -> Point

    // To convert a series of arbitrary points to their actual location
    // using either specific or current transforms:
    public func applyTransforms(toPoints:[Point], transforms:[Transform]? = nil) -> [Point]

    // This function should only be invoked during init(), setup(), or calculate()
    public func setAlpha(alpha:Alpha?)

An overview of the order of method calls throughout the class hierarchy is as follows:


Interactions occur through the use of events. When an event occurs, the dispatcher informs all registered objects of the event. In order to receive an event objects must:

  1. Declare conformance with the desired protocol
  2. Implement the required functionality to conform to the protocol
  3. Register with the dispatcher for each desired event (most often in the setup() method)
  4. Unregister with the dispatcher when events are no longer desired (most often in the teardown() method)

The following table lists the available events for each object type:

Protocol Event Scenes Layers Renderable Entity
KeyDownHandler onKeyDown ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
KeyUpHandler onKeyUp ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
MouseDownHandler onMouseDown ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
MouseUpHandler onMouseUp ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
MouseMoveHandler onMouseMove ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
EntityMouseDownHandler onEntityMouseDown ✔️
EntityMouseUpHandler onEntityMouseUp ✔️
EntityMouseClickHandler onEntityMouseClick ✔️
EntityMouseDragHandler onEntityMouseDrag ✔️
EntityMouseEnterHandler onEntityMouseEnter ✔️
EntityMouseLeaveHandler onEntityMouseLeave ✔️
CanvasResizeHandler onCanvasResize ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
WindowResizeHandler onWindowResize ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Protocol signatures:

// Key Presses
func onKeyDown(key:String, code:String, ctrlKey:Bool, shiftKey:Bool, altKey:Bool, metaKey:Bool)
func onKeyUp(key:String, code:String, ctrlKey:Bool, shiftKey:Bool, altKey:Bool, metaKey:Bool)

// General Mouse Events
func onMouseDown(globalLocation:Point)
func onMouseUp(globalLocation:Point)
func onMouseMove(globalLocation:Point, movement:Point)

// Entity Mouse Events (relies on hit-testing)
func onEntityMouseDown(globalLocation:Point)
func onEntityMouseUp(globalLocation:Point)
func onEntityMouseClick(globalLocation:Point)
func onEntityMouseDrag(globalLocation:Point, movement:Point)
func onEntityMouseEnter(globalLocation:Point)
func onEntityMouseLeave(globalLocation:Point)

// Re-sizing Events
func onCanvasResize(size:Size)
func onWindowResize(size:Size)

Convenience Properties

In order to conveniently access other objects in the Scenes hierarchy, the following convenience properties are defined:

Property Director Scenes Layers Renderable Entity
dispatcher ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
director ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
scene ✔️ ✔️
layer ✔️


All mouse events specify coordinates using the global coordinate system. Translation between global and entity-local coordinate systems (based upon the topLeft of the entity's bounding box) using the following methods:

  public func local(fromGlobal:Point) -> Point 
  public func global(fromLocal:Point) -> Point


ZOrder is used to indicate where in a Scene a Layer should be placed, and where in a Layer a RenderableEntity should be placed. The insert() method is used to insert an object, and the moveZ() method is used to move an object.

// For a Scene:
    public func insert(layer:Layer, at zLocation:ZOrder<Layer>) {
        backToFrontList.insert(object:layer, at:zLocation)

    public func moveZ(of layer:Layer, to zLocation:ZOrder<Layer>) {
        backToFrontList.moveZ(of:layer, to:zLocation)

// For a Layer:
    // This function should only be invoked during init(), setup(), or calculate()
    public func insert(entity:RenderableEntity, at zLocation:ZOrder<RenderableEntity>) {
        backToFrontList.insert(object:entity, at:zLocation)
    // This function should only be invoked during init(), setup(), or calculate()
    public func moveZ(of entity:RenderableEntity, to zLocation:ZOrder<RenderableEntity>) {
        backToFrontList.moveZ(of:entity, to:zLocation)

Available ZOrders:

public enum ZOrder<T> {
    case back                   // Place (or move) the object at the back-most position
    case backward		// Place (or move) the object backward from its current position
    case behind(object:T)       // Place (or move) the object behind the specified object
    case inFrontOf(object:T)    // Place (or move) the object in front of the specified object
    case forward                // Place (or move) the object foreward from its current position
    case front	                // Place (or move) the object to the front-most position


For more information about rendering methods, see the documentation for Igis.