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Uladzislau Nikalayevich edited this page Sep 4, 2022 · 2 revisions

Simple start with dxGui

Hello world

local HelloWorldConstruction = dxConstruction{ x = 0, y = dxConstruction.screen.h - 30, w = 100, h = 30;
    objects = {
        text = { type = 'text', x = 0, y = 0, w = 100, h = 30, text = 'Hello world', alignX = 'center', alignY = 'center' };
    show = true;

This code shows "Hello world" in bottom left corner.

  • dxConstruction creates new construction. New construction will be added into screen construction.
  • Screen root construction is available in dxConstruction.screen and has width and heigh parameters. You can use it for calculations.

This code hides construction from screen


You can hide only one object in this construction


Some parameters are optional here. By default every object will be fit into parent construction.

local HelloWorldConstruction = dxConstruction{ x = 0, y = 0, w = 100, h = 30;
    objects = {
        text = { type = 'text', x = 0, y = 0, text = 'Hello world', alignX = 'center', alignY = 'center' };

HelloWorldConstruction:setAlign('left', 'bottom')


You can create your own gui classes in style table.

local myStyle = {
    text = {
        -- This replaces color and font for all texts 
        font = DxFont( 'fonts/GothaProReg.ttf', 6 );
        color = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    textBigBold = {
        -- This creates new text class with another font
        -- Color will be inherited from parent class
        parent = 'text';
        font = DxFont( 'HUD/fonts/GothaProBol.ttf', 12 );

local TestGui = dxConstruction{ x = 0, y = 0, w = 100, h = 60;
    objects = {
        -- white small text
        text = { type = 'text', x = 0, y = 0, h = 30, text = 'White small text', alignX = 'center', alignY = 'center' };
        text2 = { type = 'textBigBold', x = 0, y = 30, h = 30, text = 'White big text', alignX = 'center', alignY = 'center' };

    style = myStyle;


You are able to select layer for your object via p param. Next example will draw black text on white background with red corner.

local ExampleLayers = dxConstruction{ x = 0, y = dxConstruction.screen.h - 30, w = 100, h = 30;
    objects = {
        background = { p = 1, type = 'rectangle', x = 0, y = 0, color = 0xFFFF0000 };
        background2 = { p = 2, type = 'rectangle', x = 2, y = 2, w = 96, h = 26, color = 0xFFFFFFFF };
        text = { type = 'text', x = 0, y = 0, w = 100, text = 'Hello world', alignX = 'center', alignY = 'center' };
    show = true;


-- Create new animation
    name = 'updateMoneyText';

    create = function( self, gui )
        return self

    -- DxGUI calls update function before draw
    update = function( self, gui )
        gui:setText( tostring( localPlayer:getMoney() ) .. '$' )
        return true

local PlayerHUD = dxConstruction{ x = 0, y = 0, w = 100, h = 30;
    objects = {
        moneyText = { type = 'text', x = 0, y = 0, alignX = 'center', alignY = 'center',
            anims = {
                { 'updateMoneyText' };
    -- You can attach animations for objects and construction
    -- This example uses animation from library
    anims = {
        { 'softShow', 500 };
    style = myStyle;
    show = false;


Simple window

local windowExampleStyle = {
    button = {
        parent = 'button';
        w = 100;
        h = 30;
        objects = {
            background = { p = 1, type = 'rectangle', x = 0, y = 0 };
            text = { type = 'text', x = 0, y = 0, alignX = 'center', alignY = 'center' };
        stats = {
            default = { background = { color = 0xFFFFFFFF } };
            oncursor = { background = { color = 0xFFAA0000 } };
            clicked = { background = { color = 0xFFFF0000 } };
        statusSounds = {
            clicked = 'click.ogg';

local SmallWindow = dxConstruction{ x = 0, y = 0, w = 150, h = 70;
    objects = {
        background = { p = 1, type = 'rectangle', x = 0, y = 0, color = 0xAA000000 };
        text = { type = 'text', x = 0, y = 0, h = 30, text = 'Hello world', alignX = 'center', alignY = 'center', color = 0xFFFFFFFF };
        exitButton = { type = 'button', x = 25, y = 30, w = 100, h = 30, text = 'Close' };

    style = windowExampleStyle;

    -- Construct window here
    create = function(self)
        if not dxConstruction.create( self, true ) then
            error('Can not create SmallWindow', 3)

        self.objects.exitButton.onLeftMouseClick = function()

        return self

    open = function(self)

        self:setAlign('center', 'center')

    close = function(self)

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