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Vehicle Detection Project

The goals / steps of this project are the following:

  • Perform a Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) feature extraction on a labeled training set of images and train a classifier Linear SVM classifier
  • Optionally, you can also apply a color transform and append binned color features, as well as histograms of color, to your HOG feature vector.
  • Note: for those first two steps don't forget to normalize your features and randomize a selection for training and testing.
  • Implement a sliding-window technique and use your trained classifier to search for vehicles in images.
  • Run your pipeline on a video stream (start with the test_video.mp4 and later implement on full project_video.mp4) and create a heat map of recurring detections frame by frame to reject outliers and follow detected vehicles.
  • Estimate a bounding box for vehicles detected.


First I will talk about the kinds of features that can be extracted from an image for use in a machine learning algorithm. There are three basic types, color histograms, spatial binning, and histogram of oriented gradients.

Feature Extraction - Color Histograms

The first of three types of feature extraction was a color histogram. This type of feature extraction counts the number of pixels falling within a certain range, or bin. This is done for each of the 3 channels. Below are the RGB histograms for an image of a car, a section of road, a tree, and some sky. You can see that the car histograms are more complex and should be easy to delineate from the other three in a machine learning process. The code generating these images is in the jupyter notebook vehicle_detection.ipynb in the code cell with the same title as this section.

Car Image RGB Color Histogram

Road Image RGB COlor Histogram

Tree Image RGB Color Histogram

Sky Image RGB Color Histogram

Feature Extraction - Spatial Binning

Spatial binning is an attempt to use raw pixel values as a way to determine if an image is a vehicle or not. The image is typically reduced in size to something manageable like 32X32. Otherwise, the feature set can become quite long. Even with 32X32 image and 3 channels, this yields 32X32X3=3072 features! Below are the plots of the pixel values for a 32X32 version of the same images used above. Again the car graph is quite different from the other 3 and should be useful for a machine learning approach. The code that generated these images is in the jupyter notebook vehicle_detection.ipynb in the code cell with the same title as the this section.

Car Image Spatial Bin

Road Image Spatial Bin

Tree Image Spatial Bin

Sky Image Spatial Bin

Feature Extraction - Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG)

The last type of feature extraction looks at the gradient of the pixels - the direction of change of pixel values. Each of the figures below shows an original image and its histogram of gradients. Again, the vehicle HOG is quite different from the other three and a good candidate for machine learning. The code that generated these images is in the jupyter notebook vehicle_detection.ipynb in the code cell with the same title as the this section.

Car Image HOG

Road Image HOG

Tree Image HOG

Window Search

In developing a search strategy, first off, I don't want to search anywhere cars are not likely to appear. So obviously, avoid the sky, trees, buildings, etc. Also, I opted for keeping the search simple. Not too many offsets, etc. The window search development code is in the jupyter notebook vehicle_detection.ipynb in the code cell with the same title as the this section.

Y Axis Search

After reviewing several frames from the video, I decided to start Y axis searching at 400 - eliminating sky, trees, etc. The larger the window dimension, the farther down the Y axis I went. I did not see a need to conduct the search all the way to the bottom of the image.

X Axis Search

I chose not to narrow the search along the X axis. This is because the road can swerve right or left. Also, as in the project video, the car is in the left most lane of 3 lanes and other cars may appear in the right most lane. In such cases, these cars can appear at the far edges of the image. There are clear examples of this in the figures below.

Other Considerations

A final consideration in window search is computation costs. The more windows, the longer it takes to process a frame. So any additional windows in the search need to provide a definite benefit for the cost. Several attempts at adding windows, new dimensions, etc. did not yield any significant increase in results.

My final solution (although tweaked later) is as folows

Y start Y stop Window Size Overlap
400 496 64 X 64 0.5
416 560 96 X 96 0.5
432 624 128 X 128 0.5

This is illustrated in the figures below. The code that generated these images is in the jupyter notebook vehicle_detection.ipynb in the code cell with the same title as the this section.

Search Pattern Window Size 64X64

Search Pattern Window Size 96X96

Search Pattern Window Size 128X128

Full Search Pattern

Full Search Pattern for Another Frame

Yet Another Frame 0.75 Overlap


I had 2 kinds of test data. Single frames for initial testing and training data for training the model.

Test Data

For single frame test data, I opted to use actual frames from the project video. Six were provided in the project repository. I generated 7 others from different points in the video. These were based on trouble spots I experienced in my previous attempt at this project. These images were used in developing the window search and parameter tuning for the model. The code I used to generate these additional frames is not in the vehicle_detection.ipynb.

Here are 2 of the frames I generated and used for initial testing.

Example Frame from Video Used for Development

Another Example Frame from Video Used for Development

Training Data

For training data, I used all png images of cars and non cars provided by the project repository. These are sourced from GTI and KITTI. This provided 8792 examples of cars and 8968 examples of non cars. The code that I used to read in all of the image names is in the jupyter notebook vehicle_detection.ipynb in the code cell with the same title as the this section. Some examples of these are shown below.

Label Example Images
Non Cars

Search and Classify

Fitting a model for the pipeline was a 4 step process: 1) selecting feature parameters, 2) extracting feature vectors from the training data using those parameters, 3) fitting a linear SVM model using those feature vectors, 4) applying the trained model to the test images (video frames) and visually inspecting for detections and false positives. Also, since this process involves a window search, I varied that as well. Some models fit better under one window size, but not another. All of the code used for this section is in the jupyter notebook vehicle_detection.ipynb in the code cell with the same title as the this section.

Parameter Selection

I used all three feature types from above: color histogram, spatial binning, and HOG. I had no real intuitions about what parameter values might work so I tweaked most of them. This exhaustive approach is not good at all since the permutations explode and the cycle time to train the mdoel each time can be time consuming. I noticed color channel seemed to have the most effect. I even tried using only HOG features. Success of these experiments varied quite a bit but no real success. Whenever I had good detection, I also had several false positives - more than I could reliably filter out. I then tried the parameter set from Vehicle Detection Lesson, Exercise 35 since this seemed to work well on the test image in that exercise. This also had a good effect on my test imags so I settled on that. The final parameter set is as follows:

Parameter Value Explanation
color_space YCrCb Color channels of the image
orientations 9 Number of HOG orientations
pix-per_cell 8 HOG pixels per cell
cell_per_block 2 HOG cells per block
hog_channel ALL which color channel to use, or ALL
spatial_size (32,32) size of spatially binned image
hist_bins 32 number of bins for color histogram
spatial_feat True use spatial features or not
hist_feat True use color histogram features or not
hog_feat True use HOG features or not

Fitting the Model

First I extracted the features from the training images using the parameter set above. This took 90.02 seconds. Each vector had 8460 features in it. Then I normalized the vectors so that features with larger magnitude values would not have undue influence. Then I split the total training feature set into 80% for training, and 20% for testing. Then I trained a sklearn.svm.LinearSVC with the 80% training data. This took 53.11 seconds. I then used the 20% training data to calculate an accuracy of 0.9901. Finally, I could optionally save the model to file so it could be used later without having to regenerate it.

Test Images

Since training the model with the full data set is so time consuming, during my experimentation phase, I would only use a sub sample of the data, typically 1000 images. This reduced my cycle time since the model had to be retrained with each change of the parameters. Below are some of my test images with the searches resulting from the final model.

Test Image Cars Detected

Test Image Car Detected

No False Positives

Two Cars Detected

HOG Sub-sampling

The HOG feature extraction is computationally expensive. Furthermore, calculating the HOG values for each window in the search causes redundency of this effort. Therefore, I used the HOG sub-sampling approach used the the Vehicle Detection Project, Exercise 35. I generated test images using this code to verify that it worked but none are provided here since there is really no difference in quality of output from previous images, this is just an efficiency issue. The code for this is in the notebook vehicle_detection.ipynb in the code cell with the same title as the this section. Also, several examples can be seen below this cell in the notebook.

False Positives

In order to remove any false positives, I used a heat map approach. This is a copy of the image whereby each pixel is incremented by one for each time that it is covered by a bounding box, and all other pixels are zero. It is assumed that false positives will not overlap but that positive detections will. This allows us to remove any pixels of low heat value. Furthemore, it allows us to maintain a history and apply the heat map over several frames. In this case, it is assumed that a false positive in one frame will not appear in the next frame or so in the sequence - it being an anomaly. But of course, it is expected the positive detections will appear in the subsequent frames, and therefore, overlap to a great degree.

Once a heat map is built on a single frame, or multiple frames, a threshold can then be applied to remove the pixels indicating false positives. This is then passed through the scipy.ndimage.measurements.label() function which groups pixels into distinct areas which can then be used to determine the entire bounding box for the vehicle.

Below are some video frames with the final bounding boxes found and the subsequent heat map generated. The code for the heat map approach is in the notebook vehicle_detection.ipynb in the code cell with the same title as the this section. Additional image examples can be seen there as well.

Bounding Boxes and heat Maps 1

Bounding Boxes and heat Maps 2

Bounding Boxes and heat Maps 3

Tracking Pipeline

The pipeline is actually a function (method in my case) that takes an single frame image from the project video and returns a copy with vehicles clearly marked. The function/method must have this signature because that is what is required by the MoviePy VideoFileClip object that processes the project video.

In this case, I had to maintain a history of previous images so that I could filter out false positives based on heat level. Therefore, I decided to make my pipeline a class, VehicleDetectionPipeline. The implementation for this class is in the jupyter notebook vehicle_detection.ipynb in the code cell with the same title as the this section.

An instance of this class will maintain a history of 10 frames - actually the bounding boxes found for the frames. This allows me to build a heat map for the previous 9 frames plus the current frame being processed.

The process() method processes the video frame and returns the marked up image. This method conducts the 3 window searches described previously of the input image using the model saved previously. All of the bounding boxes found are placed in a collection and then placed in history.

It then creates a heat map for all frames in history. I used a heat map threshold of 1 plus the the number of history frames divided by 3. This did an adequate job of removing any false positives form the current frame.

This then is passed through the label object described previously to determine the regions for bounding boxes. These final bounding boxes are then used to mark up a copy of the input image and return it.

I tested the pipeline on my single test images. The result of this can be seen on the jupyter notebook vehicle_detection.ipynb in the cell with the same name as this section. But this does not test out the history aspect of the object. So I then tested it on 24 sequential frames taken from the project video and saved as set of single images. The results of this test can be seen in the notebook as well.

Create Video

Finally I created a new instance of VehicleDetectionPipeline (to start with no history) and used it to create my video output using MoviePy VideoFileClip. The code for this can be seen in the jupyter notebook vehicle_detection.ipynb in the cell with the same name as this section. The final video is project_video_final.mp4 in the repository.


My final video does track the cars and all false positives have been removed. However, the white car is not adequately identified in all cases. My model is not very good at detecting the white car in some frames, especially those with light colored pavement. The result is that the bounding box for the white car sometimes clips the full dimensions of the car. While the car is identified, its centroid is inaccurate and this could lead to poor decisions for my car.

One possible approach to fix this is to fine tuning the window search strategy more thoroughly. More overlapping searches at differing sizes and offsets might help. Another might be to augment training data with more white cars - particularly ones taken from video frames.

What I would like to do, however, is abandon the entire approach so far (linear SVM with derived features) and try a neural network instead. The window search piece can be reused, as well as the training data set. This would be a very interesting exercise!