Welcome to the repository! We appreciate your interest in contributing to the project. Whether you're reporting issues, suggesting improvements, or submitting code changes, your contributions are valuable to us. Please take a moment to review the guidelines below before getting started.
If you encounter any issues or bugs while using the project, please report them by following these steps:
- Check the existing issues to see if the problem has already been reported.
- If not, create a new issue, providing a descriptive title and detailed description of the problem you encountered.
- Include steps to reproduce the issue, along with any relevant error messages or screenshots.
We welcome suggestions for new features, enhancements, or improvements to the project. To suggest an improvement, follow these steps:
- Check the existing issues and pull requests to see if your suggestion has already been made.
- If not, create a new issue with a clear title and detailed description of the improvement you're proposing.
- Clearly explain the rationale behind your suggestion and how it would benefit the project.
If you'd like to contribute code changes to the project, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository and create a new branch for your changes.
- Make your code changes, following the coding style and guidelines used in the project.
- Write clear, concise commit messages that explain the purpose of each change.
- Push your changes to your fork and submit a pull request to the main repository.
- Provide a descriptive title and detailed description for your pull request, explaining the changes you've made.
All pull requests will be reviewed by project maintainers. We will provide feedback, suggestions, or requests for changes as needed. Once the changes have been reviewed and approved, they will be merged into the main branch.
Please note that we adhere to a Code of Conduct, and we expect all contributors to follow it in all interactions related to the project.
Thank you for your interest in contributing to the project. Your contributions help make the project better for everyone. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us through the issue tracker.