A comprehensive guide to all commands used in developing, deploying, and maintaining the Task Master Pro application.
# Build and start services
docker-compose up --build
# Run in detached mode
docker-compose up -d
# Stop and remove containers
docker-compose down
# Stop containers but keep volumes
docker-compose down --volumes
# View running containers
docker ps
# View all containers (including stopped)
docker ps -a
# Remove all stopped containers
docker container prune
# Access container shell
docker exec -it [container_name] bash
# View container logs
docker logs [container_name]
# Follow container logs
docker logs -f [container_name]
# Check container resource usage
docker stats
# Inspect container configuration
docker inspect [container_name]
# List volumes
docker volume ls
# Clean up unused volumes
docker volume prune
# Inspect volume
docker volume inspect [volume_name]
# Remove specific volume
docker volume rm [volume_name]
# Create new React project
npx create-react-app frontend
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Install specific dependency
npm install [package_name]
# Remove dependency
npm uninstall [package_name]
# Start development server
npm start
# Run tests
npm test
# Build for production
npm run build
# Run linter
npm run lint
# Run linter with auto-fix
npm run lint -- --fix
# Initialize Tailwind
npx tailwindcss init
# Build CSS
npm run build:css
# Watch CSS changes
npm run watch:css
# Create virtual environment
python -m venv venv
# Activate virtual environment (Windows)
# Activate virtual environment (Unix/MacOS)
source venv/bin/activate
# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Freeze dependencies
pip freeze > requirements.txt
# Run development server
flask run
# Run with debug mode
FLASK_ENV=development flask run
# Run on specific port
flask run -p 5000
# Run with hot reload
FLASK_DEBUG=1 flask run
# Access SQLite CLI
sqlite3 tasks.db
# Common SQLite Commands
.schema tasks
.mode column
.headers on
SELECT * FROM tasks;
# Initialize repository
git init
# Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/TheToriqul/task-master-pro.git
# Add remote
git remote add origin [repository_url]
# Check status
git status
# Add files
git add .
# Commit changes
git commit -m "Your detailed commit message"
# Push changes
git push origin main
# Pull changes
git pull origin main
# Create new branch
git checkout -b feature/new-feature
# Switch branches
git checkout [branch-name]
# List branches
git branch
# Delete branch
git branch -d [branch-name]
# Merge branch
git merge [branch-name]
# Stash changes
git stash
# Apply stashed changes
git stash pop
# View commit history
git log
# Revert commit
git revert [commit-hash]
# Reset to commit
git reset --hard [commit-hash]
# Build production Docker images
docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml build
# Deploy to production
docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d
# Scale services
docker-compose up -d --scale backend=3
# Check application logs
docker-compose logs
# Monitor container resources
docker stats
# System cleanup
docker system prune -a
# Update containers
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
# Backup database
sqlite3 tasks.db .dump > backup.sql
# Restore database
sqlite3 tasks.db < backup.sql
# Backup Docker volumes
docker run --rm -v [volume_name]:/source -v $(pwd):/backup alpine tar czf /backup/backup.tar.gz -C /source .
# Check application status
docker-compose ps
# Monitor logs
docker-compose logs -f
# Check container health
docker inspect --format='{{json .State.Health}}' [container_name]
# View container statistics
docker stats
# Network inspection
docker network ls
docker network inspect [network_name]
# Volume inspection
docker volume inspect [volume_name]
Note: Replace placeholders (indicated by [square brackets]) with actual values relevant to your deployment.