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<translate> <!--T:1-→ In version 2.1.0 of {{L|Twilight Forest}}, a configurable option was added to toggle a linear progression in the mod, which can be enabled by toggling the gamerule <code>tfEnforcedProgression</code> to true/false. Bosses and dungeons will be in a set order. Attempting to visit areas and dungeons out of order will be prevented by barriers or detrimental effects. In version 2.3.4 the /tfprogress command was added which can skip certain progressions however it will not grant certain items associated with bosses which might still be needed. As of 3.0.0, the /tfprogress command was removed in favour of using Advancements to track progress.
<!--T:2-→ Not all dungeons and bosses follow progression. {{L|Hedge Maze|Hedge Mazes}}, {{L|Hollow Hill|Hollow Hills}}, {{L|Quest Grove|Quest Groves}}, {{L|Mushroom Castle|Mushroom Castles}}, {{L|Leaf Dungeon|Leaf Dungeons}}, and small areas are not included in the progression. These areas can be completed and looted on sight, rather than having to complete other dungeons before.
Getting out of the progression system can have several effects that help to push players back into the system. </translate> * <translate><!--T:4-→ Area Protection: Dungeons and other areas that are locked will be protected. Blocks will be unbreakable, chests will be locked, and monsters will not take damage.</translate> * <translate><!--T:5-→ Biome Protection: Biomes may be completely protected as well as areas or dungeons. When the player is in a protected biome, a weather event will hinder the player in some way. There is more information on each individual biome further below in the guide.</translate> <translate> == Progression == <!--T:6-→ The first part of progressing through the mod is creating the Twilight Forest portal. Creating a base in the dimension is suggested, but not required. {{L|Magic Map|Magic Maps}} and minimap mods are useful for locating dungeons and biomes.
{{Main{{L}}|Twilight Forest (biome)}}
<!--T:8-→ The first bosses in the progression are spawned randomly in the forest. There can be more than one of these bosses on a single map, and killing more than one will not affect the progression.
<!--T:9-→ Forest bosses are typically in the center of biomes.
{{Main{{L}}|Naga (Twilight Forest)}}
<!--T:11-→ The {{L|Naga}} can be found in the {{L|Naga Courtyard}}. When killed it drops {{L|Naga Scale|Naga Scales}} and a {{L|Naga Trophy}} along with some other loot; touching a scale will allow the player to enter the {{L|Lich Tower}}.
{{Main{{L}}|Twilight Swamp}}
<!--T:15-→ The next stage in Twilight Forest progression is the Twilight Swamp. The Twilight Lich must be defeated and its Scepter taken before entering this phase. Entering this stage before the Twilight Lich is defeated will inflict [[mcw:Status effect#Hunger|Hunger]] on the player.
<!--T:17-→ The Minoshroom can be found in {{L|Labyrinth|Labyrinths}}, which are found in the Twilight Swamp biome. Natural entrances can be found through caves or the small hills found in the surface that lead directly to the center. The goal of this dungeon is to kill the Minoshroom. Killing it and eating one of the dropped {{L|Meef Stroganoff}} will allow the player to enter the {{L|Fire Swamp}}.
{{Main{{L}}|Dark Forest}}
<!--T:21-→ The next stage in Twilight Forest progression is the {{L|Dark Forest}} biome. Added to its already extreme darkness, players will have [[mcw:Status effect#Blindness|Blindness]] inflicted on them unless they have defeated the Twilight Lich first. This can be circumvented if the player is wearing a helmet enchanted with {{L|Night Vision (Astral Sorcery)|Night Vision}}.
{{Main{{L}}|Knight Phantom}}
<!--T:23-→ The Knight Phantom can be found in the {{L|Goblin Knight Stronghold}} underneath {{L|Dark Forest|Dark Forests}}. Before being able to enter the stronghold, the player must find a room with a {{L|Trophy Pedestal}}. On the pedestal, they must place any trophy. When placed down the shield around the stronghold will be removed.
<!--T:24-→ The player then needs to go through the stronghold until the {{L|Knight Phantom}} is found. When killed it will allow access to the {{L|Dark Tower}}.
<!--T:26-→ The Ur-Ghast can be found in the Dark Tower found in the middle of the [[Dark Forest]]. It is found at the top of the tower, along with many other monsters, such as {{L|Carminite Ghastling|Carminite Ghastlings}}, {{L|Towerwood Borer|Towerwood Borers}}, and {{L|Carminite Golem|Carminite Golems}}. Killing it and taking the {{L|Fiery Tears}} will complete one step to unlocking the Highlands.
{{Main{{L}}|Snowy Forest|Glacier (Twilight Forest)}}
<!--T:28-→ The next stage in Twilight Forest progression is in the {{L|Snowy Forest}} and {{L|Glacier (Twilight Forest)|Glacier}} biomes. If entered before defeating the Twilight Lich, the player will freeze and move much slower than in other biomes.
{{Main{{L}}|Alpha Yeti}}
<!--T:30-→ The Alpha Yeti is found in the {{L|Yeti Lair}}, in the center of {{L|Snowy Forest}} biomes. There are four natural entrances. Inside the lair are many {{L|Yeti (Twilight Forest)|Yeti}} packs. Killing the Alpha Yeti and obtaining the {{L|Alpha Yeti Fur}} will unlock the Glacier biome.
{{Main{{L}}|Highlands (Twilight Forest)|Thornlands|Highlands Center}}
<!--T:34-→ When the Hydra, Ur-Ghast and Snow Queen have been defeated, the {{L|Highlands (Twilight Forest)|Highlands}} will unlock, revealing the final stages in progression. If entered before defeating all three bosses, the player will be damaged by acid rain.
{{Main{{L}}|Cave Troll|Giant Miner}}
<!--T:36-→ Unlike previous stages, the Highlands does not have a boss to defeat, rather an item to obtain to get to the center. This area is split into two: the {{L|Troll Cave}} and the {{L|Cloud Cottage}}. To complete this achievement, the player must obtain the {{L|Lamp of Cinders}} from inside an Obsidian vault, requiring a {{L|Giant’s Pickaxe}} to break in. Once the Lamp is acquired, the player can move on to the next stage.
<!--T:38-→ The Thornlands stage is the final functioning stage in Twilight Forest. It is completed by simply burning through the dense bushes of {{L|Thorns}} with a {{L|Lamp of Cinders}}. This allows the player to move onto the final stage of progression.