This release is rolling out to all regions
- AKS API version 2020-04-01 (to be published) will default to VMSS (Virtual Machine Scale Sets), SLB (Standard Load Balancer) and RBAC enabled.
- AKS has introduced AKS Ubuntu 18.04 in preview. During this time we will provide both OS versions side by side. After AKS Ubuntu 18.04 is GA, on the next cluster upgrade, clusters running AKS Ubuntu 16.04 will receive this new image.
- Bug Fixes
- Added CriticalAddonsOnly toleration for calico-typha-horizontal-autoscaler
- Fixed a bug where the ILB backend bool would be removed after a manual VMSS update-instances command was issued.
- Features
- AKS has now introduced a new Mode property for nodepools. This will allow you to set nodepools as System or User nodepools. System nodepools will have additional validations and will be preferred by system pods, while User pool will have more lax validations and can perform additional operations like scale to 0 nodes or be removed from the cluster. Each cluster needs at least one system pool. All details here:
- System/User nodepools are available from core CLI version 2.3.1 or greater (or latest preview extension 0.4.43)
- Nodepool mode requires API 2020-03-01 or greater
- AKS now allows User nodepools to scale to 0.
- AKS Diagnostics - Added networking and connectivity checks through our new Cluster Network Configuration detector. This allows you to check DNS and subnet related issues that may have impacted your cluster. It also highlights your network configuration to give you all this information at your fingertips.
- AKS has now introduced a new Mode property for nodepools. This will allow you to set nodepools as System or User nodepools. System nodepools will have additional validations and will be preferred by system pods, while User pool will have more lax validations and can perform additional operations like scale to 0 nodes or be removed from the cluster. Each cluster needs at least one system pool. All details here:
- Component Updates
- AKS Ubuntu 16.04 image updated to AKSUbuntu-1604-2020.04.06.
- AKS Ubuntu 18.04 image release notes: AKSUbuntu-1804-2020.04.06.
This release is rolling out to all regions
- AKS API version 2020-04-01 will default to VMSS (Virtual Machine Scale Sets), SLB (Standard Load Balancer) and RBAC enabled.
- AKS has introduced AKS Ubuntu 18.04 in preview. During this time we will provide both OS versions side by side. After AKS Ubuntu 18.04 is GA, on the next cluster upgrade, clusters running AKS Ubuntu 16.04 will receive this new image.
- Features
- New VM GPU SKUs are now supported: Standard_NV12_Promo; Standard_NV12s_v3; Standard_NV24_Promo; Standard_NV24s_v3; Standard_NV48s_v3.
- Bug fixes
- Added validation to block cluster creation if user specifies a subnet that is delegated
- Fixed bug caused by apmz package being installed from, which is not in the AKS required endpoint egress list.
- CoreDNS memory limit increased to 500M and assigned Guaranteed QoS class.
- Fixed a bug with Cluster Proportional Autoscaler (CPA) version on 1.16. This bug is solved on version 1.7.1 which is now the version being used in AKS.
- Fixed bug passing the correct nodepool at validation time on UDR OutboundType preview feature.
- Patched bug where nodepool was not correctly added to internal SLB backend address pool: kubernetes/kubernetes#89336
- Component Updates
- AKS Ubuntu 16.04 image updated to AKSUbuntu-1604-2020.03.24.
- AKS Ubuntu 18.04 image release notes: AKSUbuntu-1804-2020.03.24.
This release is rolling out to all regions
- AKS API version 2020-04-01 will default to VMSS (Virtual Machine Scale Sets), SLB (Standard Load Balancer) and RBAC enabled.
- AKS has introduced AKS Ubuntu 18.04 in preview. During this time we will provide both OS versions side by side. After AKS Ubuntu 18.04 is GA, on the next cluster upgrade, clusters running AKS Ubuntu 16.04 will receive this new image.
- Two security issues were discovered in Kubernetes that could lead to a recoverable denial of service.
- CVE-2020-8551 affects the kubelet, and has been rated Medium (CVSS:3.0/AV:A/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L).
- CVE-2020-8552 affects the API server, and has also been rated Medium (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L).
- Am I vulnerable?
- Only in cases where the attacker can make authorized resource requests to un-patched API server or kubelets.
- Also AKS auto restarts apiserver and kubelet in the event of an OOM error which further limits exposure.
- How can I get the latest patched API and kubelet and fix this vulnerability?
- Upgrade to kubernetes versions v1.16.7 or v1.15.10. Or AKS preview versions v1.17.3
- Bug fixes
- Fixed bug that caused an error while updating existing AAD cluster with the new 2020-03-01 API
- Preview Features
- Updated Azure Policy addon preview to use Gatekeeper v3 on new and updated addons. See more at
- Behavioral changes
- All AKS Standard LBs will now have TCP Reset flag set to true.
- Component Updates
- AKS Ubuntu 16.04 image updated to AKSUbuntu-1604-2020.03.11.
- AKS Ubuntu 18.04 image release notes: AKSUbuntu-1804-2020.03.11.
This release is rolling out to all regions
- As previously announced we have retired support for Kubernetes 1.13 releases.
- AKS API version 2020-04-01 will default to VMSS (Virtual Machine Scale Sets), SLB (Standard Load Balancer) and RBAC enabled.
- AKS has introduced AKS Ubuntu 18.04 in preview. During this time we will provide both OS versions side by side. After AKS Ubuntu 18.04 is GA, on the next cluster upgrade, clusters running AKS Ubuntu 16.04 will receive this new image.
- Features
- An update to AAD integration (AADv2) is in public preview. Code has been rolled out; documents and cli extension to be published in the week of 23rd March.
- AKS now exposes the balance-similar-node-groups setting on cluster autoscaler, which enables evenly balanced numbers of auto-scaled nodes across nodepools.
- AKS has added 2 new built-in storage classes for Azure Files Standard (azurefile) and Azure Files Premium (azurefile-premium).
- AKS Clusters using Managed Identity are now Generally Available (GA) and will no longer need a service principal.
- Behavioral Changes
- The default azure disk storage class configuration has been changed from
, andallowVolumeExpansion
has been set to true. - Event deletion from the cluster will be audited to increase threat detection.
- The default azure disk storage class configuration has been changed from
- Bug Fixes
- A change in how swap nodes (used during upgrade of VMSS) are deleted from the cluster to increase reliability.
- Component Updates
- AKS Windows image has been updated to 2019-datacenter-core-smalldisk-17763.1075.200227.
This release is rolling out to all regions
- K8s 1.16 introduces API deprecations which will impact user workloads as described in this AKS issue. If you plan to upgrade to this version user action is required to remove dependencies on the deprecated APIs to avoid disruption to workloads. Ensure you have taken this action prior to upgrading to K8s 1.16.
- AKS API version 2020-04-01 will default to VMSS (Virtual Machine Scale Sets), SLB (Standard Load Balancer) and RBAC enabled.
- AKS has introduced AKS Ubuntu 18.04 in preview. During this time we will provide both OS versions side by side. After AKS Ubuntu 18.04 is GA, on the next cluster upgrade, clusters running AKS Ubuntu 16.04 will receive this new image.
- Features
- Kubernetes version 1.16 is now Generally Available (GA) on AKS. (1.13 is being retired as previously communicated).
- New Kubernetes patch versions available, v1.15.10, v1.16.7.
- Preview features
- New Kubernetes patch versions (v1.17.3) are available for v1.17 preview.
- AKS will now generate a default Windows username and password when creating a cluster (similarly as with ssh keys for Linux nodes). Customers can then add Windows pools to any newly created cluster without the need to have explicitly specified this parameters at create time. Customers can also reset this username and password at any time if they need it.
- Note that, as before, You can only add Windows nodepools to clusters using VMSS and AzureCNI.
- AKS now supports a new AKS base image based of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
You can test it by following:
# Install or update the extension az extension add --name aks-preview # Register the preview feature flag az feature register --name UseCustomizedUbuntuPreview --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService # Create 18.04 based cluster az aks create -g <CLUSTER RG> -n <CLUSTER NAME> --aks-custom-headers CustomizedUbuntu=aks-ubuntu-1804
If you want to continue to create 16.04 GA clusters, just omit the -aks-custom-headers.
- Behavioral Changes
- To ensure user is correctly configuring OutboundType: UDR feature AKS now validates not only if a Route Table is present but also if it contains a default route from to allow egress through an appliance, FW, on-prem GW, etc. More details how to correctly configure this feature can be found here:
- AKS enforces password expiration as part of CIS compliance but excludes the linux admin account that is using public key auth only. All accounts created using password will be subject to this enforcement.
- As usual, with the GA of 1.16 the AKS default version follows n-1 and is now 1.15
- As per Azure#1304 AKS will now upgrade the rest of the fleet to CoreDNS 1.6.6 after upgrading only non-Proxy users on Release 2020-01-27.
- Component Updates
- AKS Ubuntu 16.04 image updated to AKSUbuntu:1604:2020.03.05.
- AKS Ubuntu 18.04 image release notes: AKSUbuntu:1804:2020.03.05.
- Updated to Moby 3.0.10 -
- Updated Azure CNI plugin version for Linux to 1.0.33 and Azure CNI plugin version for Windows 1.0.30 -
- External DNS image was updated to v0.6.0.
- (Added 03/16/2020) AKS Windows image has been updated to 2019-datacenter-core-smalldisk-17763.973.200213
This release is rolling out to all regions
- K8s 1.16 introduces API deprecations which will impact user workloads as described in this AKS issue. When AKS supports this version user action is required to remove dependencies on the deprecated APIs to avoid disruption to workloads. Ensure you have taken this action prior to upgrading to K8s 1.16 when it is available in AKS.
- 1.16 will GA on the week of March 9th and you will no longer be able to create 1.13.x based clusters or nodepools.
- Features
- Added balance-similar-node-groups as an additional parameter users can configure for AKS Managed Cluster Autoscaler (CA)
- Behavioral Changes
- For enhanced security AKS has removed CHACHA from API server accepted tls cipher suites.
This release is rolling out to all regions
- K8s 1.16 introduces API deprecations which will impact user workloads as described in this AKS issue. When AKS supports this version user action is required to remove dependencies on the deprecated APIs to avoid disruption to workloads. Ensure you have taken this action prior to upgrading to K8s 1.16 when it is available in AKS.
- With the introduction of Kubernetes v1.16 on the last release that marked the start of the deprecation for v1.13 in AKS. 1.13 is scheduled to be retired on February 28th.
- Features
- AKS now supports Service Account Token Volume Projection
- Preview Features
- AKS now supports Azure Spot NodePools
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug on Windows Nodepools preview where vnetCidrs were sometimes not set correctly on Windows nodepools resulting in wrong NAT exceptions on Windows nodes.
This release is rolling out to all regions
- K8s 1.16 introduces API deprecations which will impact user workloads as described in this AKS issue. When AKS supports this version user action is required to remove dependencies on the deprecated APIs to avoid disruption to workloads. Ensure you have taken this action prior to upgrading to K8s 1.16 when it is available in AKS.
- With the introduction of Kubernetes v1.16 on the last release that marked the start of the deprecation for v1.13 in AKS. 1.13 is scheduled to be retired on February 28th.
- New Features
- AKS Cluster AutoScaler now supports configuring the autoscaler profile parameters.
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug when upgrading Virtual Machine Availability Set (VMAS) clusters that would trigger a PutNicOperation cancelled
- Fixed bug causing throttling when using Internal Load Balancer
- Preview Features
- AKS now supports adding tags and labels to nodepools
- Component Updates
- AKS VHD image updated to aks-ubuntu-1604-202002_202002.12
This release is rolling out to all regions
- K8s 1.16 introduces API deprecations which will impact user workloads as described in this AKS issue. When AKS supports this version user action is required to remove dependencies on the deprecated APIs to avoid disruption to workloads. Ensure you have taken this action prior to upgrading to K8s 1.16 when it is available in AKS.
- With the introduction of Kubernetes v1.16 on the last release that marked the start of the deprecation for v1.13 in AKS. 1.13 is scheduled to be retired on February 28th.
- New Features
- Virtual Nodes are now supported in Canada Central
- AKS now supports Service Account Token Volume Projection
- Preview Features
- Windows nodepools will change to use a vhd image provided by aks-engine. This release updates the Windows base image to version: 17763.864.191211 --> Rel Notes:
- Important With this change, the Image Publisher to "microsoft-aks" also changes, as such existing node pools cannot upgrade to this new image. To get the newest OS image, you'll have to create a new node pool.
- Windows nodepools will change to use a vhd image provided by aks-engine. This release updates the Windows base image to version: 17763.864.191211 --> Rel Notes:
- Bug Fixes
- Improved error message when attempting to skip minor versions when performing an upgrade operation.
- Fixed a bug where the dashboard would not work when RBAC was set to false for kubernetes v1.16/v1.17
- Behavioral Changes
- AKS has released a new API version
This release is rolling out to all regions
- K8s 1.16 introduces API deprecations which will impact user workloads as described in this AKS issue. When AKS supports this version user action is required to remove dependencies on the deprecated APIs to avoid disruption to workloads. Ensure you have taken this action prior to upgrading to K8s 1.16 when it is available in AKS.
- CoreDNS has been updated to v1.6.6. This change can affect users using the deprecated Proxy plugin which is no longer supported. Users should replace that with the Forward Plugin. Azure#1304
- With the introduction of Kubernetes v1.16 on the last release that marked the start of the deprecation for v1.13 in AKS. 1.13 is scheduled to be retired on February 28th.
- New Features
- AKS now supports specifying the Outbound Port and Idle Timeout properties on the Azure SLB.
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that caused a billing extension error.
- Preview features
- AKS now supports specifying Outbound type to define if the cluster should egress through the Standard Load Balancer (SLB) or a custom UDR (that sends egress traffic through a custom FW, on-prem gateway, etc.) Egress requirements are still the same, wherever the traffic egresses from.
- Behavioral Changes
- The private cluster FQDN format has changed from * to *
This release is rolling out to all regions
- AKS has updated supported versions as announced in this service update and AKS issue to move from the "N-3" to "N-2" window. Starting December 9th, 2019 AKS has removed support for anything older than K8s 1.13 and scoped the active support window to K8s 1.13, 1.14, and 1.15.
- K8s 1.16 introduces API deprecations which will impact user workloads as described in this AKS issue. When AKS supports this version user action is required to remove dependencies on the deprecated APIs to avoid disruption to workloads. Ensure you have taken this action prior to upgrading to K8s 1.16 when it is available in AKS.
- CoreDNS will be updated to v1.6.6. This change can affect users using the deprecated Proxy plugin which is no longer supported. Users should replace that with the Forward Plugin. Azure#1304
- With the introduction of Kubernetes v1.16 this marks the start of the deprecation for v1.13 in AKS. 1.13 is scheduled to be retired on February 28th.
- New Features
- AKS now supports Customer-Managed keys (BYOK) to be used for encryption of both OS and Data Disks of AKS clusters.
- New Supported SKUs: Standard_ND40s_v3, Standard_ND40rs_v2, Standard_D_v4, Standard_E_v4 and Standard_NP families
- New supported patch version for kubernetes v1.15 (v1.15.7)
- AKS now supports up to 10 nodepools.
- Virtual Nodes is now supported in Korea Central
- AKS now supports setting tags per nodepool. Which will propagate automatically to all nodes in the nodepool.
- Preview Features
- AKS now supports Kubernetes versions 1.16 (1.16.1, 1.16.2) and 1.17 (1.17.0) in preview.
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug with calico-typha health check in cases where localhost doesn't resolve
- Fixed validation bug where users could not deploy AKS at the same time of their SLB Public IP resource
- For clusters using Managed Identities and addons a bug was fixed where the addons' identity information was not displayed correctly.
- Fixed bug where Accelerated Networking would be disabled after an upgrade.
- Fixed issue while retrying to create the SLB default egress IP.
- Fixed bug where DS3_v2 would be Network Accelerated despite supporting it.
- Fixed several issues where under specific conditions users could see Azure API throttling on their subscriptions. - Azure#1413
- Fixed bug with
az aks reset-credentials --reset-aad
that would require manual intervention to complete.
- Component Updates
- Updated to Moby 3.0.8 -
- Updated AKS-Engine to 0.45.0 -
- Azure Monitor for Containers Agent updated to 01072020 release
- Important Node cpu, node memory, container cpu and container memory metrics were obtained earlier by querying kubelet readonly port(http://$NODE_IP:10255). Agent now supports getting these metrics from kubelet port(https://$NODE_IP:10250) as well. During the agent startup, it checks for connectivity to kubelet port(https://$NODE_IP:10250), and if it fails the metrics source is defaulted to readonly port(http://$NODE_IP:10255).
- AKS VHD image updated to aks-ubuntu-1604-202001_2020.01.10
This release is rolling out to all regions
- AKS is updating supported versions as announced in this service update and AKS issue to move from the "N-3" to "N-2" window. Starting December 9th, 2019 AKS will remove support for anything older than K8s 1.13 and scope the active support window to K8s 1.13, 1.14, and 1.15.
- K8s 1.16 introduces API deprecations which will impact user workloads as described in this AKS issue. When AKS supports this version user action is required to remove dependencies on the deprecated APIs to avoid disruption to workloads. Ensure you have taken this action prior to upgrading to K8s 1.16 when it is available in AKS.
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed cases of failed cluster creations due to an "Unregistering" or "NotRegistered" state for a subscription's access to NRP or CRP.
- Added AKS validation that service principal secrets may not exceed 190 bytes.
- Behavior Changes
- Fixed a bug where outbound IP creation for Standard Load Balancer did not retry when receiving internal server error from Network Resource Provider.
- Improved validation of agent pool operations to only validate agent pool count when cluster autoscaler is turned off. When cluster autoscaler is turned on the minCount and maxCount set are used for count validations.
This release is rolling out to all regions
- New Features
- Announcing AKS Diagnostics in Public Preview
- Hopefully, most of the time your AKS clusters are running happily and healthily. However, when things go wrong, we want to make sure that our AKS customers are empowered to easily and quickly figure out what's wrong and the next steps for mitigation or deeper investigation.
- AKS Diagnostics is a guided and interactive experience in the Azure Portal that helps you diagnose and solve potential issues with your AKS cluster, such as identity and security management, node issues, CRUD operations and more. Detectors in AKS Diagnostics intelligently find issues and observations as well as recommend next steps. This feature comes configured completely out-of-the-box and is free for all our AKS customers.
- Get started and learn more here:
- Support for new regions:
- Norway East
- Norway West
- Announcing AKS Diagnostics in Public Preview
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed enforcement that node pool versions can never be greater than the control plane
version. - Fixed error messages incorrectly stating a version was not supported to return proper errors detailing what validation was failed.
- Added retries to retrieve a managed resource group. Errors can be returned with
due to slow Azure Resource Manager (ARM) data replication when AKS tries to place new managed resources into the managed resource group.
- Fixed enforcement that node pool versions can never be greater than the control plane
- Behavior Changes
- Added a label
to thekube-system
- Added a label
- Component updates
- AKS-Engine has been updated to v0.43.0
This release is rolling out to all regions
- With the official 2019-11-04 Azure CLI release (v2.0.76), AKS has defaulted new cluster creates to VM Scale-Sets and Standard Load Balancers (VMSS/SLB) instead of VM Availability Sets and Basic Load Balancers (VMAS/BLB). Users can still explicitly choose VMAS and BLB.
- From 2019-10-14 AKS Portal has defaulted new cluster creates to VM Scale-Sets and Standard Load Balancers (VMSS/SLB) instead of VM Availability Sets and Basic Load Balancers (VMAS/BLB).
- From 2019-11-04 the CLI extension has a new parameter --zones to replace --node-zones, which specifies the zones to be used by the cluster nodes.
- New Features
- AKS has created a new default role clusterMonitoringUser to simplify the Azure Monitor Live metrics onboard experience so that moving forward users don't need to explicitly grant those permissions. This user will have 'GET' and 'LIST' permissions to 'POD/LOGS', 'EVENTS', 'DEPLOYMENTS', 'PODS', 'REPLICASETS' and 'NODES'.
- Support for new regions:
- Germany North
- Germany West Central
- UAE North
- Switzerland North
- Switzerland West
- On-Demand Certificate Rotation is now Generally Available:
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug with MC_ infra resource group not being created/propagated quickly enough and triggering ResourceGroupNotFound errors.
- Fixed missing cloud provider role binding: Azure#1104
- Fixed nodepool bug where a PUT would be accepted while the pool was being deleted.
- Correctly assign the cluster-admin clusterrolebinding to the clusterAdmin user in all cases.
- Fixed several upstream bugs with attach/detach in VMSS:
- kubernetes/kubernetes#85158
- kubernetes/kubernetes#83685
- kubernetes/kubernetes#84917
- AKS is rolling this changes in automatically and users do not need to upgrade.
- Fixed a bug upgrading Basic LB clusters that were using the preview of API Authorized Ranges feature, only supported in GA with Standard LB.
- Behavior Changes
- Add priorityClass for calico-node and ensure calico-node tolerates all NoSchedule taints. This ensures calico-node will still be scheduled to all nodes even when users have added other node taints.
- Component updates
- Metrics server has been updated to v0.3.5
This release is rolling out to all regions
- With the official 2019-11-04 Azure CLI release, AKS will default new cluster creates to VM Scale-Sets and Standard Load Balancers (VMSS/SLB) instead of VM Availability Sets and Basic Load Balancers (VMAS/BLB). Users can still explicitly choose VMAS and BLB.
- From 2019-10-14 AKS Portal will default new cluster creates to VM Scale-Sets and Standard Load Balancers (VMSS/SLB) instead of VM Availability Sets and Basic Load Balancers (VMAS/BLB).
- From 2019-11-04 the CLI extension will have a new parameter --zones to replace --node-zones, which specifies the zones to be used by the cluster nodes.
- New Features
- Multiple Nodepools backed AKS clusters are now Generally Available (GA)
- Cluster Autoscaler is now Generally Available (GA)
- Availability Zones are now Generally Available (GA)
- AKS API server Authorized IP Ranges is now Generally Available (GA)
- Kubernetes versions 1.15.5, 1.14.8 and 1.13.12 have been added.
- These versions have new API call logic that helps users with many AKS clusters in the same subscription to incur is less throttling.
- These versions have security fixes for CVE-2019-11253
- The minimum
value has been altered from 30 per node to 30 per Nodepool. Each node will have a hard minimum of 10 pods the user can specify, but this value can only be used if the total pods across all nodes on the nodepool accrue to 30+.
- Bug Fixes
- Added additional validation to nodepool operations to check for enough address space. If there is no address space left for a scale/upgrade operation, the operation will not start and give a descriptive error message.
- Fixed bug with Nodepool operations and
az aks update-credentials
to reflect on the agentpool state. - Fixed bug on Nodepool operations when using incorrect SKUs to have more descriptive error.
- Added validation to block
az aks update-credentials
if nodepool is not ready to avoid conflicts. - Node count on the Nodepool is ignored when user has autoscaling enabled. (Manual scale with autoscaler enabled is not allowed)
- Fixed bug where some clusters would still receive an older Moby version (3.0.6). Current version is 3.0.7
- Preview Features
- Windows docker runtime updated to 19.03.2
- Component updates
- Moby has been updated to v3.0.7
- AKS-Engine has been updated to v0.41.5
This release is rolling out to all regions
- With the official 2019-11-04 Azure CLI release, AKS will default new cluster creates to VM Scale-Sets and Standard Load Balancers (VMSS/SLB) instead of VM Availability Sets and Basic Load Balancers (VMAS/BLB).
- From 2019-10-14 AKS Portal will default new cluster creates to VM Scale-Sets and Standard Load Balancers (VMSS/SLB) instead of VM Availability Sets and Basic Load Balancers (VMAS/BLB). Users can still explicitly choose VMAS and BLB.
- From 2019-11-04 the CLI extension will have a new parameter --zones to replace --node-zones, which specifies the zones to be used by the cluster nodes.
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where nodepool API would not accept and handle empty fields correctly, "", "{}", "{"properties":{}}".
- Fixed a bug with http application routing addon where portal would lowercase all addon names and the input was not accepted.
- Upgrade operation will not fail when manual changes have been applied to the SinglePlacementGroup property on underlying VMSS.
- Fixed bug where customers trying to enable pod security policy without providing k8s version in the request would encounter failure (500 internal error).
- Fixed bug where NPM pods would consume an excessive amount of memory.
- Preview Features
- Updated windows image to the latest version.
- Component Updates
- Updated Azure Network Policy (NPM) version to v1.0.28
- Azure Monitor for Containers Agent updated to 2019-10-11 release:
This release is rolling out to all regions
- With the official 2019-11-04 Azure CLI release, AKS will default new cluster creates to VM Scale-Sets and Standard Load Balancers (VMSS/SLB) instead of VM Availability Sets and Basic Load Balancers (VMAS/BLB).
- From 2019-10-14 AKS Portal will default new cluster creates to VM Scale-Sets and Standard Load Balancers (VMSS/SLB) instead of VM Availability Sets and Basic Load Balancers (VMAS/BLB). Users can still explicitly choose VMAS and BLB.
- Behavioral Changes
- Improved process and speed of upgrade to reduce impact to pods during the process
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where kubelet reserved values where applied only to primary node pool. Now correctly applied to all nodepools if using multiple nodepools.
- Added additional service principal validation on Upgrade.
- Prevented multiple concurrent provisioning operations.
- New Features
- Kubernetes versions 1.15.4, 1.14.7 and 1.13.11 have been added.
- Component Updates
- AKS-Engine has been updated to v0.41.4
This release is rolling out to all regions
- With the official 2019-11-04 Azure CLI release, AKS will default new cluster creates to VM Scale-Sets and Standard Load Balancers (VMSS/SLB) instead of VM Availability Sets and Basic Load Balancers (VMAS/BLB).
- Support for node pool taints and public ip assignment per node with AKS will be available in Azure CLI extension v0.4.17
- AKS Availability Zone support has been expanded to the following regions:
- Japan East
- UK South
- France Central
- East US
- Central US
- Australia East
- New Features
- Customer may use NetworkPolicies with Azure CNI and Kubenet based clusters:
- Managed Identity (MSI) support is now in public preview.
- Bug Fixes
- Fix a bug where the removal of an outbound rule from standard load balancer in the AKS node resource group could cause the failure of subsequent cluster operations.
- Fixed the issue impacting GPU enabled clusters being unable to install the required NVidia drivers.
- Fixed an issue where customers could encounter a CSE (custom script extension) error 99 during operations.
- Fixed an issue with the Azure Portal cluster metrics multiplying the metric
count based on the viewed window of time. Moving forward the default for
these metrics will be correctly set to average() as opposed to sum().
- For customers with metrics already enabled and in-use in portal, the sum() type will continue to be supported.
- Component Updates
- AKS-Engine has been updated to v0.40.1
- Preview Features
- Fixed an issue where nodes provisioned by cluster autoscaler would be de-provisioned when resetting or updating AAD credentials.
- Azure CLI 2.0.74 released with key AKS changes
- Added
parameter to aks create command, which allows for creating AKS cluster with SLB - Added
parameters to aks[create|update]
commands, which allow for updating load balancer profile of an AKS cluster with SLB - Added
parameter to aks create command, which allows to specify vm types of an AKS Cluster (vmas or vmss)
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the node pool count rendered in the portal would be incorrect when not using the multiple node pools feature.
- Fixed an issue to ensure a cluster upgrade will upgrade both the control plane and agent pools for clusters using VMSS, but not multiple agent pools.
- Resolved an issue with cluster upgrades that could remove existing diagnostics settings and data erroneously.
- Fixed an issue where AKS was not validating user defined taint formats per agent pool resulting in failures at cluster creation time.
- Behavioral Changes
- Increased the reserved CPU cores for kubelets to scale proportionally to cores available on the kubelet's host node. Read more about AKS resource reservation here.
- Preview Features
- Fixed an issue where AKS was not enforcing the minimum Kubernetes version required at additional agent pool creation time when using the multiple node pools feature.
- Fixed an issue where creating new agent pools will overwrite the route table and customers would lose their route table rules. Fixes issue #1212.
This release is rolling out to all regions
- The announced updates to default new clusters to VMSS/SLB configurations is
under way, if you are using the
Azure CLI extension, all clusters created are now defaulted to VMSS & SLB. - AKS Kubernetes 1.10 support will end-of-lifed on Oct 25, 2019
- AKS Kubernetes 1.11 & 1.12 support will end-of-lifed on Dec 9, 2019
- New Documentation additions:
- The AKS team is pleased to announce the new
tool.- AKS Periscope will allow AKS customers to run initial diagnostics and collect logs into an Azure Blob storage account to help them analyze and identify potential problems.
- For more information please see:
- New Features
- AKS now GA in the Azure US Gov Virginia region.
- Control of egress traffic for cluster nodes in AKS is now GA
- This feature allows you to restrict outbound network communication for you cluster as required for compliance or other secure use-cases.
- Known Issues:
- Clusters that do not have PSPs enabled upgrading to Kubernetes 1.15 will fail
- Bug Fixes
- An issue where excessively logs (eg node/status patch events) were being emitted to the audit logs stream and stored. Customer should now see greatly reduced audit log volume
- Preview Features
- The
flag has been added to theaks-preview
extension - this command will force the upgrade of the customers control plane without simultaneously upgrading the other nodepools. This functionality is only supported for multi-pool clusters.
- The
Service Updates
AKS Kubernetes 1.10 support will end-of-lifed on Oct 25, 2019
AKS Kubernetes 1.11 & 1.12 support will end-of-lifed on Dec 9, 2019
- Note that AKS Kuberrnetes 1.15 support is in public preview, on Dec 9, 2019 the supported minor Kubernetes versions will be 1.13, 1.14, 1.15
- Azure Updates blog post with additional details will be published this week
New Features
- VMSS backed AKS clusters are now GA
- VMSS is the underlying compute resource type which enables features such as cluster autoscaler, but is a separate feature.
- See and for more information.
- NOTE: Official support in the Azure CLI for AKS+VMSS will be released on 2019-09-24 (version 2.0.74
- Standard Load Balancer support (SLB) is now GA
- See for documentation.
- NOTE: Official support in the Azure CLI for AKS+SLB will be released on 2019-09-24 (version 2.0.74
- Support for the following VM SKUs is now released: Standard_D48_v3, Standard_D48s_v3, Standard_E48_v3, Standard_E48s_v3, Standard_F48s_v2, Standard_L48s_v2, Standard_M208ms_v2, Standard_M208s_v2
- VMSS backed AKS clusters are now GA
Bug Fixes
- CCP Fall back is not working as expected. This is because we updated CCP to turn on useCCPPool flag based on the toggle. But we did not refresh the useCCPPool flag after the change. So the flag is still false even though toggle changed it to true.
- Fixed an issue where cluster upgrade could be blocked when the "managedBy" property is missing from the node resource group.
- Fixed an issue where ingress controller network policy would block all egress traffic when assigned to pods (using label selectors).
Behavioral Changes
- Review the planned changes for new cluster creation defaults referenced in Release 2019-08-26
Preview Features
- Fixed an issue where multiple nodepool clusters would use the incorrect version(s) and block upgrades.
- Fixed an issue where AKS would incorrectly allow customers to specify different versions for multiple nodepools.
- Fixed an issue where the incorrect node count would be returned or fail to update when using multiple node pools
Preview Features
- Kubernetes 1.15 is now in Preview (1.15.3)
Bug Fixes
- A bug where kube-svc-redirect would crash due to an invalid bash line has been fixed.
- A recent Kubernetes dashboard change to enable self-signed certs has been reverted due to browser issues.
- A bug where the OMSAgent pod would fail scheduling on a user tainted node has been fixed with proper toleration on the OMSAgent pod.
- A preview bug allowing more than 8 node pools to be created has been fixed to enforce a max of 8 node pools per cluster.
- A preview bug that would change the primary node pool when adding a new node pool has been fixed.
Behavioral Changes
- Review the planned changes for new cluster creation defaults referenced in Release 2019-08-26
Component Updates
- aks-engine has been updated to v0.40.0
This release is rolling out to all regions
- Features
- Added prometheus annotation to coredns to facilitate metric port discovery
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug with older 1.8 clusters that was preventing clusters from upgrading.
- Important: this was a best effort fix since these cluster versions are out of support. Please upgrade to a currently supported version
- For information on how AKS handles Kubernetes version support see: Supported Kubernetes versions in Azure
- Removed the default restricted Pod Security Policy to solve race condition with containers not seeing the user in their config. This policy can be applied by customers.
- Fixed a bug with kube-proxy, ip-masq-agent and kube-svc-redirect where in certain scenarios they could try to access iptables at the same time.
- Fixed bug with older 1.8 clusters that was preventing clusters from upgrading.
- Preview Features
- CLI extension updated for new Standard Load Balancer (SLB) and VM Scale Set (VMSS) Parameters:
Agent pool vm set type. VirtualMachineScaleSets or AvailabilitySet.--load-balancer-sku
- Azure Load Balancer SKU selection for your cluster. Basic or Standard.--load-balancer-outbound-ip-prefixes
- Comma-separated public IP prefix resource IDs for load balancer outbound connection. Valid for Standard SKU load balancer cluster only.--load-balancer-outbound-ips
- Comma-separated public IP resource IDs for load balancer outbound connection. Valid for Standard SKU load balancer cluster only.--load-balancer-managed-outbound-ip-count
- Desired number of automatically created and managed outbound IPs for load balancer outbound connection. Valid for Standard SKU load balancer cluster only.
- CLI extension updated for new Standard Load Balancer (SLB) and VM Scale Set (VMSS) Parameters:
- Behavioral Changes
- Starting from 2019-09-10, the preview CLI extension will default new cluster creates to VM Scale-Sets and Standard Load Balancers (VMSS/SLB) instead of VM Availability Sets and Basic Load Balancers (VMAS/BLB).
- Starting from 2019-10-22 the official CLI and Azure Portal will default new cluster creates to VMSS/SLB instead of VMAS/BLB.
- These client defaults changes are important to be aware of due to:
- SLB will automatically assign a public IP to enable egress. This is a requirement placed by Azure Standard Load Balancers, to learn more about Standard vs. Basic, read here.
- SLB enables bringing your own IP address to be used, you will be able to define these with new parameters.
- The capability to use an SLB without any public IP assigned is on the roadmap plan.
- You may still provision a basic load balancer by specifying "basic" for the "loadbalancersku" property at cluster create time.
- Component Updates
- aks-engine has been updated to v0.39.2
- Azure Monitor for Containers Agent updated to 2019-08-22 release:
This release is rolling out to all regions
Please Note: This release includes new Kubernetes versions 1.13.10 & 1.14.6 these include the fixes for CVEs CVE-2019-9512 and CVE-2019-9514. Please see our customer guidance
- Bug Fixes
- New kubernetes versions released to fix CVE-2019-9512 and CVE-2019-9514
- Kubernetes 1.14.6
- Kubernetes 1.13.10
- Fixed Azure Network Policy bug with multiple labels under a matchLabels selector.
- Fix for CNI lock timeout issue caused due to race condition in starting telemetry process.
- Fixed issue creating AKS clusters using supported Promo SKUs
- New kubernetes versions released to fix CVE-2019-9512 and CVE-2019-9514
- Component Updates
- aks-engine has been updated to v0.38.8
- Azure CNI has been updated to v1.0.25
This release is rolling out to all regions
Bug Fixes
- Several bug fixes for AKS NodePool creation and other CRUD operations.
- Fixed audit log bug on older < 1.9.0 clusters.
- Important: this was a best effort fix since these cluster versions are out of support. Please upgrade to a currently supported version
- For information on how AKS handles Kubernetes version support see: Supported Kubernetes versions in Azure
- Improved error messaging for VM size errors, including actions to take.
- Fixed for PUT request bug that caused an unexpected API restart.
Behavioral Changes
- AKS has released an API update, documentation available here:
- Important: With this API update there are changes to the API whitelisting API. This is now under ManagedClusterAPIServerAccessProfile, where previously it was a top level property.
- AKS has released an API update, documentation available here:
This release is rolling out to all regions
Please Note: This release includes new Kubernetes versions 1.13.9 & 1.14.5 (GA today) these include the fixes for CVEs CVE-2019-11247 and CVE-2019-11249. Please see our customer guidance
- New Features
- Kubernetes 1.14 is now GA (1.14.5)
- As of Monday August 12th (2019-08-12) customers running Kubernetes 1.10.x have 60 days (2019-10-14) to upgrade to a supported release. Please see AKS supported versions document for more information.
- Kubernetes Audit log support is now GA.
- Kubernetes 1.14 is now GA (1.14.5)
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where creating a cluster with a custom subnet would return an HTTP error 500 vs 400 when the subnet could not be found.
- Behavioral Changes
- Preview Features
- Fixed an issue where customers could not create a new node pool with AZs even if they were already using SLBs.
- Fixed an issue where VMSS cluster commands could return the incorrect node count.
- Component Updates
- aks-engine has been updated to v0.38.7
New Features
- Customers may now create multiple AKS clusters using ARM templates regardless of what region the clusters are located in.
Bug Fixes
- AKS has resolved the issue(s) with missing metrics in the default metrics blade.
- An issue where the
was set to 100 (maximum) for clusters and re-applied during upgrade causingpthread_create() failed (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
pod start failures was fixed.- See Azure/aks-engine#1623 for more information
Preview Features
- AKS is now in Public Preview in the Azure Government (Fairfax, VA)
region. Please note the following:
- Azure Portal support for AKS is in progress, for now customers must use the Azure CLI for all cluster operations currently.
- AKS preview features are not supported in Azure Government currently and will be supported when those features are GA.
- Fixed an issue where a delete request for a locked VMSS node would get an
incorrect and unclear
failure - the error message and error code have both been fixed. - Fixed an issue with egress filtering where managed AKS pods would incorrectly use the IP address to connect instead of the FQDN.
- Fixed an issue with the SLB preview where AKS allowed the customer to provide an IP address already in use by another SLB.
- An issue that prevented customers from using normal cluster operations on multiple node pool clusters with a single VMSS pool has been fixed.
- AKS is now in Public Preview in the Azure Government (Fairfax, VA)
region. Please note the following:
Component Updates
- AKS-Engine has been updated to v0.38.4
- Preview Features
- An issue where New Windows node pools in existing cluster would not get updated Windows versions has been fixed.
- TCP reset has been set for all new clusters using the SLB preview.
- An issue where AKS would trigger a scale operation requested on a previously deleted VMSS cluster has been fixed.
- Component Updates
- AKS-Engine has been updated to v0.38.3
Important behavioral change: All AKS clusters are being updated to pull all needed container images for cluster operations from Azure Container Registry, this means if you have custom allow/deny lists, port filtering, etc you will need to update your network configuration to allow ACR.
Please see the documentation for more information including all required AKS cluster ports and URLs
New Features
- Support for the M, NC_promo and DS_v3 Azure Compute VM SKUs has been added.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with clusters created in Canada and Australia regions between
2019-07-09 and 2019-07-10 as well as US region clusters created on 2019-07-10
where customers would receive
error: Changing property 'platformFaultDomainCount' is not allowed
- Fixed an issue with clusters created in Canada and Australia regions between
2019-07-09 and 2019-07-10 as well as US region clusters created on 2019-07-10
where customers would receive
Behavioral Changes
- The error message returned to users when attempting to create clusters with an unsupported Kubernetes version in that region has been fixed.
- Noted above, AKS has moved all container images required by AKS clusters for cluster CRUD operations have been moved to Azure Container Registry. This means that customers must update allow/deny rules and ports. See: Required ports and addresses for AKS clusters
Preview Features
- Fixed a VMSS cluster upgrade failure that would return:
Changing property 'type' is not allowed.
- An issue where
az aks nodepool list
would return the incorrect node count has been resolved.
- Fixed a VMSS cluster upgrade failure that would return:
Component Updates
- The Azure Monitor for Container agent has been updated to the 2019-07-09 release
- Please see the release notes.
- The Azure Monitor for Container agent has been updated to the 2019-07-09 release
- New Features
- Kubernetes versions 1.11.10 and 1.13.7 have been added. Customers
are encouraged to upgrade.
- For information on how AKS handles Kubernetes version support see: Supported Kubernetes versions in Azure)
- The
az aks update-credentials
command now supports Azure tenant migration of your AKS cluster. Follow the instructions in Choose to update or create a service principal and then execute theUpdate AKS cluster with new credentials
command passing in the--tenant-id
- Kubernetes versions 1.11.10 and 1.13.7 have been added. Customers
are encouraged to upgrade.
- Behavioral Changes
- All new clusters now have --protect-kernel-defaults enabled.
- Preview Features
- Kubernetes 1.14.3 is now available for preview users.
- Azure availability zone support is now in public preview.
- This feature enables customers to distribute their AKS clusters across availability zones providing a higher level of availability.
- Please see AKS previews for additional information.
- For all previews, please see the previews document for opt-in instructions and documentation links.
- Component Updates
- aks-engine has been updated to version 0.37.5
- Azure CNI has been updated to version 1.0.22
- Moby has been updated to 3.0.5 from 3.0.4
- Note that this version number is Azure specific, the Moby project does not have official releases / release numbers.
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with
az aks update-credentials
where the command would not take special characters and nodes would get incorrect values. Note that double quote"
, backslash\
, ampersand&
, and angle quotations<>
are still NOT allowed to be used as password characters. - Fixed an issue with update-credentials where the command would not work for VMSS clusters with more than 10 instances.
- AKS now has validation to check for Resource Locks when performing Scale and Upgrade operations.
- Fixed an issue where GPU nodes could fail to install the GPU driver due to ongoing background apt operations.
- Adjusted the timeout value for Service Principal update based on the number of nodes in the cluster, to accommodate larger clusters.
- Fixed an issue with
- New Features
- AKS now supports OS disk sizes of up to 2048GiB.
- Persistent Tags
- Custom tags can now be passed to AKS and will persisted onto the MC infrastructure Resource Group. Note: They will NOT be applied to all child resources in that RG, aka VMs, VNets, disks, etc.
- Preview Features
- Windows Node Pools
- AKS updated Windows default image to latest windows patch release.
- API server authorized IP ranges
- The max number of API server authorized IP ranges has now increased to 100.
- Windows Node Pools
- Component Updates
- AKS-Engine has been updated to v0.35.6
- This change includes a new AKS VHD with the Linux Kernel CVE fixes. See more:
- This new VHD also fixes broken IPv6 support for the host.
- AKS-Engine has been updated to v0.35.6
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that could result in a failed service principal update and AKS cluster creation.
- Fixed an issue where deploying AKS clusters using ARM templates without a defined Service Principal would incorrectly pass validation.
- Preview Features
- Azure Standard load balancer support is now in public preview.
- This has been a long awaited feature which enables selection of the SKU type offered by Azure Load Balancer to be used with your AKS cluster. Please see AKS previews for additional information.
- For all previews, please see the previews document for opt-in instructions and documentation links.
- Azure Standard load balancer support is now in public preview.
- Component Updates
- The Azure Monitor for Container agent has been updated to the 2019-06-14 release
- Please see the release notes.
- The Azure Monitor for Container agent has been updated to the 2019-06-14 release
Behavioral Changes
- Important: Change in UDR and subnet behavior
- When using Kubenet with a custom subnet, AKS now checks if there is an existing associated route table.
- If that is the case AKS will NOT attach the kubenet RT/Routes automatically and they should be added manually to the existing RT.
- If no Route Table exists AKS will automatically attach the kubenet RT/Routes.
- Important: Change in UDR and subnet behavior
Preview Features
- A bug where users could not scale VMSS based clusters after disabling the cluster autoscaler has been fixed.
- A missing CRD for calico-enabled clusters (#1042) has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Kubernetes taints and tolerations are now supported in all AKS regions.
- Taints & Tolerations are preserved for current cluster nodes and through upgrades, however they are not preserved through scale (up, down) operations.
- Kubernetes taints and tolerations are now supported in all AKS regions.
Preview Features
- A bug that prevented cluster agent pool deletions due to VMSS creation failures has been fixed.
- A bug preventing the cluster autoscaler from working with nodepool enabled clusters (one or more nodepools) has been fixed.
- A bug where the NSG would not be reset as needed during a nodepool create request has been fixed.
Behavioral Changes
- AKS removed all weak CBC suite ciphers for API server. More info:
Component Updates
- AKS-Engine has been updated to v0.35.4
New Features
- AKS is now available in both China East 2 / China North 2 Azure Regions.
- AKS is now available in South Africa North
- The L and M series Virtual Machines are now supported
Component Updates
- AKS-Engine has been updated to version 0.35.3
- CoreDNS has been upgraded from 1.2.2 to version 1.2.6
Preview Features
- A bug where users could not deleted an agent pool containing VMSS nodes if the VMSS node creation fails has been fixed.
Behavioral Changes
- The IP block is now reserved for AKS use. Clusters created in a VNet that overlaps with this block will fail pre-flight validation.
Bug Fixes
- An issue where users running old AKS clusters attempting to upgrade would get a failed upgrade with an Internal Server Error has been fixed.
- An issue where Kubernetes 1.14.0 would not show in the Azure Portal or AKS Preview CLI with the 'Preview' or 'isPreview' tag has been resolved.
- An issue where customers would get excessive log entries due to missing Heapster rbac permissions has been fixed.
- An issue where AKS clusters could end up with missing DNS entries resulting in DNS resolution errors or crashes within CoreDNS has been resolved.
Preview Features
- A bug where the AKS node count could be out of sync with the VMSS node count has been resolved.
- There is a known issue with the cluster autoscaler preview and multiple agent pools. The current autoscaler in preview is not compatible with multiple agent pools, and could not be disabled. We have fixed the issue that blocked disabling the autoscaler. A fix for multiple agent pools and the cluster autoscaler is in development.
Window node support for AKS is now in Public Preview
- Blog post:
- Support and documentation:
- Documentation:
- Issues may be filed on this Github repository ( or raised as a Sev C support request. Support requests and issues for preview features do not have an SLA / SLO and are best-effort only.
- Do not enable preview featured on production subscriptions or clusters.
- For all previews, please see the previews document for opt-in instructions and documentation links.
Bug fixes
- An issue impacting Java workloads where pods running Java workloads would
consume all available node resources instead of the defined pod resource
limits defined by the user has been resolved.
- AKS-Engine PR for fix: Azure/aks-engine#1095
- An issue impacting Java workloads where pods running Java workloads would
consume all available node resources instead of the defined pod resource
limits defined by the user has been resolved.
Component Updates
- AKS-Engine has been updates to v0.35.1
- New Features
- Shared Subnets are now supported with Azure CNI.
- Users may bring / provide their own subnets to AKS clusters
- Subnets are no longer restricted to a single subnet per AKS cluster, users may now have multiple AKS clusters on a subnet.
- If the subnet provided to AKS has NSGs, those NSGs will be preserved and
- Warning: NSGs must respect: or the cluster might not come up or work properly.
- Note: Shared subnet support is not supported with VMSS (in preview)
- Shared Subnets are now supported with Azure CNI.
- Bug Fixes
- A bug that blocked Azure CNI users from setting maxPods above 110 (maximum of 250) and that blocked existing clusters from scaling up when the value was over 110 for CNI has been fixed.
- A validation bug blocking long DNS names used by customers has been fixed. For restrictions on DNS/Cluster names, please see
New Features
- Kubernetes Network Policies are GA
- See for documentation.
- Kubernetes Network Policies are GA
Bug Fixes
- An issues customers reported with CoreDNS entering CrashLoopBackoff has
been fixed. This was related to the upstream move to
- An issue where AKS managed pods (within kube-system) did not have the correct tolerations preventing them from being scheduled when customers use taints/tolerations has been fixed.
- An issue with kube-dns crashing on specific config map override scenarios as seen in Azure/acs-engine#3534 has been resolved by updating to the latest upstream kube-dns release.
- An issue where customers could experience longer than normal create times for clusters tied to a blocking wait on heapster pods has been resolved.
- An issues customers reported with CoreDNS entering CrashLoopBackoff has
been fixed. This was related to the upstream move to
Preview Features
- New features in public preview:
- Secure access to the API server using authorized IP address ranges
- Locked down egress traffic
- This feature allows users to limit / whitelist the hosts used by AKS clusters.
- Multiple Node Pools
- For all previews, please see the previews document for opt-in instructions and documentation links.
- New features in public preview:
Kubernetes 1.14 is now in Preview
- Do not use this for production clusters. This version is for early adopters and advanced users to test and validate.
- Accessing the Kubernetes 1.14 release requires the
CLI extension to be installed.
New Features
- Users are no longer forced to create / pre-provision subnets when using Advanced networking. Instead, if you choose advanced networking and do not supply a subnet, AKS will create one on your behalf.
Bug fixes
- An issue where AKS / the Azure CLI would ignore the
option silently and create clusters with Kubenet has been resolved.- Specifically, there was a bug in the cluster creation workflow where users
would specific
with Azure CNI / Advanced Networking but miss passing in the additional options (eg '--pod-cidr, --service-cidr, etc). If this occured, the service would fall-back and create the cluster with Kubenet instead.
- Specifically, there was a bug in the cluster creation workflow where users
would specific
- An issue where AKS / the Azure CLI would ignore the
Preview Features
- Kubernetes 1.14 is now in Preview
- An issue with Network Policy and Calico where cluster creation could
fail/time out and pods would enter a crashloop has been fixed.
- Azure#905
- Note, in order to get the fix properly applied, you should create a new cluster based on this release, or upgrade your existing cluster and then run the following clean up command after the upgrade is complete:
kubectl delete -f
- Component Updates
- Azure Monitoring for Containers has been updated to the 2019-04-23 release
- For more information, please see:
- Azure Monitoring for Containers has been updated to the 2019-04-23 release
Kubernetes 1.13 is GA
The Kubernetes 1.9.x releases are now deprecated. All clusters on version 1.9 must be upgraded to a later release (1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13) within 30 days. Clusters still on 1.9.x after 30 days (2019-05-25) will no longer be supported.
- During the deprecation period, 1.9.x will continue to appear in the available versions list. Once deprecation is completed 1.9 will be removed.
(Region) North Central US is now available
(Region) Japan West is now available
New Features
- Customers may now provide custom Resource Group names.
- This means that users are no longer locked into the MC_* resource name group. On cluster creation you may pass in a custom RG and AKS will inherit that RG, permissions and attach AKS resources to the customer provided resource group. * Currently, you must pass in a new RG (resource group) must be new, and can not be a pre-existing RG. We are working on support for pre-existing RGs. * This change requires newly provisioned clusters, existing clusters can not be migrated to support this new capability. Cluster migration across subscriptions and RGs is not currently supported.
- AKS now properly associates existing route tables created by AKS when passing in custom VNET for Kubenet/Basic Networking. This does not support User Defined / Custom routes (UDRs).
- Customers may now provide custom Resource Group names.
Bug fixes
- An issue where two delete operations could be issued against a cluster simultaneously resulting in an unknown and unrecoverable state has been resolved.
- An issue where users could create a new AKS cluster and set the
value too low has been resolved.- Users have reported cluster crashes, unavailability and other issues
when changing this setting. As AKS is a managed service, we provide
sidecars and pods we deploy and manage as part of the cluster. However
users could define a maxPods value lower than the value required for the
managed pods to run (eg 30), AKS now calculates the minimum number of
pods via:
maxPods or maxPods * vm_count > managed add-on pods
- Users have reported cluster crashes, unavailability and other issues
when changing this setting. As AKS is a managed service, we provide
sidecars and pods we deploy and manage as part of the cluster. However
users could define a maxPods value lower than the value required for the
managed pods to run (eg 30), AKS now calculates the minimum number of
pods via:
Behavioral Changes * AKS cluster creation now properly pre-checks the assigned service CIDR range to block against possible conflicts with the dns-service CIDR. * As an example, a user could use instead of which would lead to IP conflicts. This is now validated/checked and if there is a conflict, a clear error is returned. * AKS now correctly blocks/validates users who accidentally attempt an upgrade to a previous release (eg downgrade).
- AKS now validate all CRUD operations to confirm the requested action will not fail due to IP Address/subnet exhaustion. If a call is made that would exceed available addresses, the service correctly returns an error.
- The amount of memory allocated to the Kubernetes Dashboard has been increased to 500Mi for customers with large numbers of nodes/jobs/objects.
- Small VM SKUs (such as Standard F1, and A2) that do not have enough RAM to support the Kubernetes control plane components have been removed from the list of available VMs users can use when creating AKS clusters.
Preview Features
- A bug where Calico pods would not start after a 1.11 to 1.12 upgrade has been resolved.
- When using network policies and Calico, AKS now properly uses Azure CNI for all routing vs defaulting to using Calico the routing plugin.
- Calico has been updated to v3.5.0
Component Updates
- AKS-Engine has been updates to v0.33.4
- Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue preventing some users from leveraging the Live Container Logs feature (due to a 401 unauthorized).
- Resolved an issue where users could get "Failed to get list of supported orchestrators" during upgrade calls.
- Resolved an issue where users using custom subnets/routes/networking with
AKS where IP ranges match the cluster/service or node IPs could result in
an inability to
, get cluster logs (kubectl get logs
) or otherwise pass required health checks. - An issue where a user running
az aks get-credentials
while a cluster is in creation resulting in an unclear error ('Could not find role name') has been resolved.
This release fixes one AKS product regression and an issue identified with the Azure Jenkins plugin.
- A regression when using ARM templates to issue AKS cluster update(s) (such as
configuration changes) that also impacted the Azure Portal has been fixed.
- Users do not need to perform any actions / upgrades for this fix.
- An issue when using the Azure Container Jenkins plugin with AKS has been
- This issue caused errors and failures when using the Jenkins plugin - the bug triggered by a new AKS API version but was related to a latent issue in the plugin's API detection behavior.
- An updated Jenkins plugin has been published: jenkinsci/azure-acs-plugin#16
Bug fixes
- New kubernetes versions released with multiple CVE mitigations
- Kubernetes 1.12.7
- Kubernetes 1.11.9
- Customers should upgrade to the latest 1.11 and 1.12 releases.
- Kubernetes versions prior to 1.11 must upgrade to 1.11/1.12 for the fix.
- New kubernetes versions released with multiple CVE mitigations
Component updates
- Updated included AKS-Engine version to 0.33.2
- See: for details
- Updated included AKS-Engine version to 0.33.2
The following regions are now GA: South Central US, Korea Central and Korea South
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue which prevented Kubernetes addons from being disabled.
Behavioral Changes
- AKS will now block subsequent PUT requests (with a status code 409 - Conflict) while an ongoing operation is being performed.
The Central India region is now GA
Bug fixes
- AKS will now begin preserving node labels & annotations users apply to
clusters during upgrades.
- Note: labels & annotations will not be applied to new nodes added during a scale up operation.
- AKS now properly validates the Service Principal / Azure Active Directory
(AAD) credentials
- This prevents invalid, expired or otherwise broken credentials being inserted and causing cluster issues.
- Clusters that enter a failed state due to upgrade issues will now allow users to re-attempt to upgrade or will throw an error message with instructions to the user.
- Fixed an issue with cloud-init and the walinuxagent resulting in
failed state
VMs/worker nodes - The
is now correctly defaulted if not passed in for AAD enabled clusters.
- AKS will now begin preserving node labels & annotations users apply to
clusters during upgrades.
Behavioral Changes
- AKS is now pre-validating MC_* resource group locks before any CRUD operation, avoiding the cluster enter Failed state.
- Scale up/down calls now return a correct error ('Bad Request') when users delete underlying virtual machines during the scale operation.
- Performance Improvement: caching is now set to read only for data disks
- The Nvidia driver has been updated to 410.79 for N series cluster configurations
- The default worker node disk size has been increased to 100GB
- This resolves customer reported issues with large numbers (and large sizes) of Docker images triggering out of disk issues and possible workload eviction.
- The Kubernetes controller manager
has been lowered to 6000 (previously 12500)- This will help system performance for customers running large number of Jobs (finished pods)
- The Azure Monitor for Container agent has been updated to the 2019-03 release
- The "View Kubernetes Dashboard" has been removed from the Azure Portal
- Note that this button did not expose/add functionality, it only linked to the existing instructions for using the Kubernetes dashboard found here:
The Azure Monitor for containers Agent has been updated to 3.0.0-4 for newly built or upgraded clusters
The Azure CLI now properly defaults to N-1 for Kubernetes versions, for example N is the current latest (1.12) release - the CLI will correctly pick 1.11.x. When 1.13 is released, the default will move to 1.12.
Bug Fixes:
- If a user exceeds quota during a scale operation, the Azure CLI will now correctly display a "Quota exceeded" vs "deployment not found"
- All AKS CRUD (put) operations now validate and confirm user subscriptions have the needed quota to perform the operation. If a user does not, an error is correctly shown and the operation will not take effect.
- All AKS issued Kubernetes SSL certificates have had weak cipher support
removed, all certificates should now pass security audits for BEAST and
other vulnerabilities.
- If you are using older clients that do not support TLS 1.2 you will need
to upgrade those clients and associated SSL libraries to securely connect.
- Note that only Kubernetes 1.10 and above support the new certificates, additionally existing certificates will not be updated as this would revoke all user access. To get the updated certificates you will need to create a new AKS cluster.
- If you are using older clients that do not support TLS 1.2 you will need
to upgrade those clients and associated SSL libraries to securely connect.
- Clusters that are in the process of upgrading or in failed upgrade state will attempt to re-execute the upgrade or throw an obvious error message.
The preview feature for Calico/Network Security Policies has been updated to repair a bug where ip-forwarding was not enabled by default.
cachingmode: ReadOnly
flag was not always being correctly applied to the managed premium storage class, this has been resolved.
- New kubernetes versions released for CVE-2019-1002100 mitigation
- Kubernetes 1.12.6
- Kubernetes 1.11.8
- Customers should upgrade to the latest 1.11 and 1.12 releases.
- Kubernetes versions prior to 1.11 must upgrade to 1.11/1.12 for the fix.
- A security bug with the Kubernetes dashboard and overly permissive service account access has been fixed
- The France Central region is now GA for all customers
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Fixed a bug in cluster location/region validation has been resolved.
- Previously, if you passed in a location/region with a trailing unicode non-breaking space (U+00A0) would cause failures on CRUD operations or cause other non-parseable characters to be displayed.
- Fixed a bug where if the dnsService IP conflicts with the apiServer IP
address(es) creates or updates would fail after the fact.
- Addresses are now checked to ensure no overlap or conflict at CRUD operation time.
- The Australia Southeast region is now GA
- Fixed a bug when using the new Service Principal rotation/update command on
cluster nodes using the Azure CLI would fail
- Specifically, there was a missing dependency (e.g.
jq is missing
) on the nodes, all new nodes should now contain thejq
- Specifically, there was a missing dependency (e.g.
At this time, all regions now have the CVE hotfix release. The simplest way to consume it is to perform a Kubernetes version upgrade, which will cordon, drain, and replace all nodes with a new base image that includes the patched version of Moby. In conjunction with this release, we have enabled new patch versions for Kubernetes 1.11 and 1.12. However, as there are no new patch versions available for Kubernetes versions 1.9 and 1.10, customers are recommended to move forward to a later minor release.
If that is not possible and you must remain on 1.9.x/1.10.x, you can perform the following steps to get the patched runtime:
- Scale up your existing 1.9/1.10 cluster - add an equal number of nodes to your existing worker count.
- After scale-up completes, pick a single node and using the kubectl command, cordon the old node, drain all traffic from it, and then delete it.
- Repeat step 2 for each worker in your cluster, until only the new nodes remain.
Once this is complete, all nodes should reflect the new Moby runtime version.
We apologize for the confusion, and we recognize that this process is not ideal and we have future plans to enable an upgrade strategy that decouples system components like the container runtime from the Kubernetes version.
Note: All newly created 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12 clusters will have the new Moby runtime and will not need to be upgraded to get the patch.
Hotfix releases follow an accelerated rollout schedule - this release should be in all regions by 12am PST 2019-02-13
- Kubernetes 1.12.5, 1.11.7
- This release mitigates CVE-2019-5736 for Azure Kubernetes Service (see below).
- Please note that GPU-based nodes do not support the new container runtime yet. We will provide another service update once a fix is available for those nodes.
CVE-2019-5736 notes and mitigation Microsoft has built a new version of the Moby container runtime that includes the OCI update to address this vulnerability. In order to consume the updated container runtime release, you will need to upgrade your Kubernetes cluster.
Any upgrade will suffice as it will ensure that all existing nodes are removed and replaced with new nodes that include the patched runtime. You can see the upgrade paths/versions available to you by running the following command with the Azure CLI:
az aks get-upgrades -n myClusterName -g myResourceGroup
To upgrade to a given version, run the following command:
az aks upgrade -n myClusterName -g myResourceGroup -k <new Kubernetes version>
You can also upgrade from the Azure portal.
When the upgrade is complete, you can verify that you are patched by running the following command:
kubectl get nodes -o wide
If all of the nodes list docker://3.0.4 in the Container Runtime column, you have successfully upgraded to the new release.
This hotfix release fixes the root-cause of several bugs / regressions introduced in the 2019-01-31 release. This release does not add new features, functionality or other improvements.
Hotfix releases follow an accelerated rollout schedule - this release should be in all regions within 24-48 hours barring unforeseen issues
- Fix for the API regression introduced by removing the Get Access Profile API
- Note: This call is planned to be deprecated, however we will issue advance communications and provide the required logging/warnings on the API call to reflect it's deprecating status.
- Resolves Issue 809
- Fix for CoreDNS / kube-dns autoscaler conflict(s) leading to both running in
the same cluster post-upgrade
- Resolves Issue 812
- Fix to enable the CoreDNS customization / compatibility with kube-dns config
- Resolves Issue 811
- Note: customization of Kube-dns via the config map method was technically unsupported, however the AKS team understands the need and has created a compatible work around (formatting of the customizations has changed however). Please see the example/notes below for usage.
With kube-dns, there was an undocumented feature where it supported two config maps allowing users to perform DNS overrides/stub domains, and other customizations. With the conversion to CoreDNS, this functionality was lost - CoreDNS only supports a single config map. With the hotfix above, AKS now has a work around to meet the same level of customization.
You can see the pre-CoreDNS conversion customization instructions here
Here is the equivalent ConfigMap for CoreDNS:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: coredns-custom
namespace: kube-system
azurestack.server: |
azurestack.local:53 {
cache 30
proxy .
After create the config map, you will need to delete the CoreDNS deployment to force-load the new config.
kubectl -n kube-system delete po -l k8s-app=kube-dns
- Kubernetes 1.12.4 GA Release
- With the release of 1.12.4 Kubernetes 1.8 support has been removed, you will need to upgrade to at least 1.9.x
- CoreDNS support GA release
- Conversion from kube-dns to CoreDNS completed, CoreDNS is the default for all new 1.12.4+ AKS clusters.
- If you are using configmaps or other tools for kube-dns modifications, you
will need to be adjust them to be CoreDNS compatible.
- The CoreDNS add-on is set to
which means modifications to the deployments will be discarded. - We have identified two issues with this release that will be resolved in a hot fix beginning rollout this week:
- The CoreDNS add-on is set to
- Kube-dns (pre 1.12) / CoreDNS (1.12+) autoscaler(s) are enabled by default,
this should resolve the DNS timeout and other issues related to DNS queries
overloading kube-dns.
- In order to get the dns-autoscaler, you must perform an AKS cluster upgrade to a later supported release (clusters prior to 1.12 will continue to get kube-dns, with kube-dns autoscale)
- Users may now self update/rotate Security Principal credentials using the Azure CLI
- Additional non-user facing stability and reliability service enhancements
- New Features in Preview
- Note: Features in preview are considered beta/non-production ready and unsupported. Please do not enable these features on production AKS clusters.
- Cluster Autoscaler / Virtual machine Scale Sets
- Kubernetes Audit Log
- Network Policies/Network Security Policies
- This means you can now use
as a valid entry in addition toazure
when creating clusters using Advanced Networking - There is a known issue when using Network Policies/calico that prevents
into the cluster containers which will be fixed in the next release
- This means you can now use
- For all product / feature previews including related projects, see this document.