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Lab Answer Key: Module 7: Implementing containers in Azure

Lab A: Implementing containers on Azure VMs

Exercise 1: Implementing containers on Azure VMs

Task 1: Connect to an Azure VM running Linux

  1. Ensure that you are signed in to MIA-CL1 as Student with the password Pa55w.rd, and that the Add-20533EEnvironment script successfully completed. The script provisions a Linux Azure VM Docker host.

  2. Start Microsoft Edge and browse to When prompted, sign in by using the Microsoft account that is the Service Administrator of your Azure subscription.

  3. In the Azure portal, in the Microsoft Edge window, click the Cloud shell icon.

Note: You can open Cloud shell in a new window for ease of use via

  1. If you are presented with the Welcome to Azure Cloud Shell pane, click Bash (Linux).

  2. If you are presented with the You have no storage mounted message, click Show advanced settings.

  3. In the resulting pane, specify the following settings and click Create storage:

  • Subsciption: the same Azure subscription you chose when running the provisioning script at the beginning of this module

  • Cloud Shell region: the same Azure region you chose when running the provisioning script at the beginning of this module

  • Resource group: click Use existing and ensure that 20533E0701-LabRG resource group name appers in the text box below

  • Storage account: ensure that Create new is selected and type a unique name of betwen 3 and 24 characters consisting of lower case letters and digits

  • File share: ensure that Create new is selected and type a unique name of betwen 3 and 63 characters consisting of lower case letters, digits and dashes.

  1. To identify the fully qualified domain name of the target Azure VM Docker host, at the bash prompt, in the Cloud Shell pane, type the following, and then press Enter:
FQDN=$(az vm show --resource-group 20533E0701-LabRG --name 20533E0701-vm0 --show-details --query [fqdns] --output tsv)
  1. To display the value of the FQDN variable, at the Cloud Shell prompt, type the following, and then press Enter (take a note of this value since you will need it in the next task):
echo $FQDN
  1. To establish an SSH session to the Azure VM, at the Cloud Shell prompt, type the following, and then press Enter:
ssh student@$FQDN
  1. The Cloud Shell will display a message informing you that the authenticity of the remote host cannot be established. This is expected. Type yes and press Enter to continue connecting.

  2. When prompted for the password, type Pa55w.rd1234 and then press Enter. You should be presented with the student@20533E0701-vm0 prompt.

Task 2: Install Docker and deploy a container to an Azure VM

  1. In the Cloud Shell pane, within the SSH session to the Azure VM running Docker, type the following, and then press Enter (when prompted whether you want to continue, type y and then press Enter):
sudo apt install
  1. In the Cloud Shell pane, within the SSH session to the Azure VM running Docker, type the following, and then press Enter:
sudo docker run -d -p 80:80 --restart=always nginx
  1. Monitor the progress of the container deployment. To verify the successful outcome, at the Cloud Shell prompt, type the following, and then press Enter:
sudo docker ps
  1. On MIA-CL1, start Microsoft Edge and browse to the URL matching the DNS fully qualified domain name you obtained in the previous task. Verify that Microsoft Edge displays the Welcome to nginx! page

Result: After you complete this exercise, you should have successfully run a sample containerized web server nginx on the Docker host Azure VM.

Exercise 2: Deploying multi-container applications with Docker Compose to Azure VMs

Task 1: Install docker-compose and create a compose file

  1. In the Cloud Shell pane, within the SSH session to the Azure VM running Docker, to install Docker Compose on the target Docker Azure VM, type the following, and then press Enter (when prompted whether you want to continue, type y and then press Enter):
sudo apt install docker-compose
  1. To create a docker-compose.yml file, type the following, and then press Enter:
nano docker-compose.yml
  1. In the nano editor interface, type the following content (alternatively, you can copy and paste the content of the docker-compose.yml file residing in the F:\Labfiles\Lab07\Solution folder):
  version: "2"
      image: wordpress
        - db:mysql
        - 8080:80
       image: mariadb
         MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: Pa55w.rd

Note: Be careful when typing the text above. Make sure you include the spaces to the left of the text (each indent should be a multiple of 2 spaces).

  1. Once you typed in the text, press the Ctrl+O key combination and then press Enter.

  2. Next, press the Ctrl+X key combination to exit the nano editor.

Task 2: Deploy the containers with docker-compose to an Azure VM

  1. In the Cloud Shell pane, within the SSH session to the Azure VM running Docker, to deploy the multi-container application defined in the docker-compose.yml file, type the following, and then press Enter:
sudo docker-compose up -d
  1. Monitor the progress of the container deployment. To verify the successful outcome, type the following, and then press Enter:
sudo docker ps
  1. On MIA-CL1, start Microsoft Edge and browse to the port 8080 on the target host using the same URL you used in the previous exercise. Verify that Microsoft Edge displays the initial Wordpress setup page.

Note: This is possible because the template used to provision the deployment of the Linux Azure VM Docker host included a network security group with a rule that allows inbound traffic on TCP port 8080. If that was not the case, you would need to add this rule.

  1. Type exit to terminate the SSH session and then close the Cloud Shell pane.

Result: After you completed this exercise, you should have successfully implemented a multi-container application by using Docker Compose.

Exercise 3: Implementing Azure Container Registry

Task 1: Create an Azure Container Registry

  1. On MIA-CL1, in the Azure portal in the Microsoft Edge window, click + Create resource.

  2. On the New blade, click Containers, and then click Container Registry.

  3. On the Create container registry blade, specify the following settings and click Create:

  • Registry name: a unique name consisting of between 5 and 50 alphanumeric characters

  • Subscription: the name of the Azure subscription you are using in this lab

  • Resource group: click Create new and, in the text box below, type 20533E0702-LabRG

  • Location : the same Azure region that you chose when running the provisioning script at the beginning of this module

  • Admin user: Enable (this will allow you to use the registry name as username and admin user access key as its password to connect from the Docker host to the registry by using the docker login command)

  • SKU : Basic

  1. Wait for the operation to complete.

Task 2: Identify Azure Container Registry authentication settings.

  1. In the Azure portal, in the Microsoft Edge window, click the Cloud Shell icon.

  2. To identify the name of the newly created Container Registry instance, in the Cloud Shell pane, at the bash prompt, type the following, and then press Enter:

REGISTRY=$(az resource list --resource-group 20533E0702-LabRG --query '[].name' --output tsv)
  1. To display the value of the REGISTRY variable, type the following, and then press Enter (take a note of this value since you will need it in the next task):
  1. To identify the value of the Login server of the registry, type the following, and then press Enter (take a note of this value since you will need it in the next task):
az acr show -n $REGISTRY --query loginServer
  1. To identify the value of one of the passwords that is necessary to access the registry, type the following, and then press Enter (take a note of this value since you will need it in the next task):
az acr credential show -n $REGISTRY --query passwords[0].value

Task 3: Push an image to Azure Container Registry.

  1. In the Cloud Shell pane, at the bash prompt, set again the FQDN variable again the fully qualified domain name of the Azure VM Docker host by running the following:
FQDN=$(az vm show --resource-group 20533E0701-LabRG --name 20533E0701-vm0 --show-details --query [fqdns] --output tsv)
  1. To establish an SSH session to the Azure VM Docker host, type the following, and then press Enter:
ssh student@$FQDN
  1. When prompted for the password, type Pa55w.rd1234 and then press Enter. You should be presented with the student@20533E0701-vm0 prompt.

  2. Within the SSH session to the Azure VM Docker host, to log in to the Azure Container registry you created in the first task, type the following, replacing the <user name> , <password> , and <login-server> entries with the values you identified in the previous task, and then press Enter:

sudo docker login --username <user name> --password <password> <login-server>
  1. Ensure that you receive the Login succeeded message. Next to pull an existing image from Docker Hub, type the following, and then press Enter:
sudo docker pull microsoft/aci-helloworld
  1. Wait for the image to be downloaded to the Docker Azure VM. Next, to tag the image with the Azure Container registry name, type the following, replacing the <login-server> entry with the value you identified in the previous task, and then press Enter:
sudo docker tag microsoft/aci-helloworld <login-server>/aci-helloworld:v1
  1. To push the tagged image to the Azure Container registry, type the following, replacing the <login-server> entry with the value you identified in the previous task, and then press Enter:
sudo docker push <login-server>/aci-helloworld:v1
  1. Wait for the image to be pushed to the registry. Next, to view the images stored in the Azure Container registry name, in the Azure portal, in the Microsoft Edge window, on the container registry blade, click Repositories and note that the list includes the aci-helloworld repository.

Task 4: Download and deploy an image from the Azure Container Registry

  1. In the Cloud Shell pane, within the SSH session to the Docker host, to pull an image from the Azure Container registry, type the following, replacing the <login-server> entry with the values you identified earlier in this exercise, and then press Enter:
sudo docker pull <login-server>/aci-helloworld:v1
  1. Note that, in this case, the image does not need to be downloaded, since it is already present on the target Azure VM Docker host.

  2. Next, to deploy the image downloaded from the Azure Container registry, type the following, replacing the <login-server> entry with the values you identified earlier in this exercise, and then press Enter:

sudo docker run -d --restart=always -p 8081:80 <login-server>/aci-helloworld:v1
  1. To verify that the image has been successfully deployed, type the following, and then press Enter:
sudo docker ps
  1. Note that the output includes the <login-server>/aci-helloworld:v1 image, where <login-server> represents the Container Registry instance you provisioned.

  2. Type exit to terminate the SSH session and then close the Cloud Shell pane.

Task 5: Connect to a container running on a Docker host

  1. In order to connect to the newly provisioned container, you will need to modify network security group associated with the network interface of the Linux Azure VM Docker host. On MIA-CL1, in the Azure portal window, in the hub menu, click Resource groups.

  2. On the Resource groups blade, click 20533E0701-LabRG.

  3. On the 20533E0701-LabRG blade, in the list of resources, click 20533E0701-web-nsg.

  4. On the 20533E0701-web-nsg blade, click Inbound security rules.

  5. Click + Add.

  6. On the Add inbound security rule blade, ensure that Basic appears in the toolbar, specify the following settings and click OK:

  • Source: Any

  • Source port ranges: *

  • Destination: Any

  • Destination port ranges: 8081

  • Protocol: TCP

  • Action: Allow

  • Priority: 1300

  • Name: Port8081-TcpAllowAny

  1. Wait for the operation to complete.

  2. On MIA-CL1, start Microsoft Edge and browse to the port 8081 on the target host using the same URL you used in the previous exercise. Verify that Microsoft Edge displays the Welcome to Azure Container Instances! page.

Lab B: Implementing Azure Container Service (AKS)

Exercise 1: Creating an AKS cluster

Task 1: Create an AKS cluster

  1. Ensure that you are signed in to MIA-CL1 as Student with the password Pa55w.rd

  2. In the Azure portal, in the Microsoft Edge window, click the Cloud shell icon.

  3. In the Cloud Shell pane, at the bash prompt, type the following command (replacing <Azure region> with the name of the Azure region that you chose when running the provisioning script at the beginning of this module), and then press Enter:

az group create --name 20533E0703-LabRG --location <Azure region>
  1. In the Cloud Shell pane, at the bash prompt, type the following command (replacing <VM size> with the VM size you chose when running the provisioning script at the beginning of this module) and then press Enter:
az aks create --resource-group 20533E0703-LabRG --name 20533E0703-k8scluster --node-count 1 --node-vm-size <VM size> --generate-ssh-keys
  1. Wait for the deployment to complete.

Task 2: Connect to the AKS cluster.

  1. To download and configure the credentials to access the AKS cluster, in the Cloud Shell pane, at the bash prompt, type the following command and then press Enter:
az aks get-credentials --resource-group 20533E0703-LabRG --name 20533E0703-k8scluster 
  1. To verify connectivity to the AKS cluster, type the following command and then press Enter:
kubectl get nodes
  1. Review the output and verify that the agent node is reporting the Ready status. Rerun the command until the correct status is shown.

Result: After you complete this exercise, you should have successfully deployed a new AKS cluster.

Exercise 2: Managing an AKS cluster

Task 1: Deploy a containerized application to the AKS cluster

  1. In the Microsoft Edge window, in the Azure portal, in the Cloud Shell pane, at the bash prompt, in order to deploy the nginx container from the Docker Hub, type the following command and then press Enter:
kubectl run nginx-20533e0703 --image=nginx --replicas=1 --port=80

Note: Make sure to use lower case letters when typing the name of the deployment.

  1. To verify that a Kubernetes pod has been created, in the Cloud shell pane, at the bash prompt, type the following command and then press Enter:
kubectl get pods
  1. To identify the state of the deployment, type the following command and then press Enter:
kubectl get deployment
  1. To make the pod available from Internet, type the following command and then press Enter:
kubectl expose deployment nginx-20533e0703 --port=80 --type=LoadBalancer

Note: Make sure to use lower case letters when typing the name of the deployment.

  1. To identify whether the public IP address has been provisioned, type the following command and then press Enter:
kubectl get services
  1. Repeat step 5 until the value in the EXTERNAL-IP column for nginx-20533E0703 changes from <pending> to a public IP address. Note the public IP address in the EXTERNAL-IP column for nginx-20533E0703.

  2. Start Microsoft Edge and browse to the IP address you obtained in the previous step. Verify that Microsoft Edge displays the Welcome to nginx!

Task 2: Manage deployment of a containerized application on the AKS cluster

  1. To scale the deployment, in the Cloud shell pane, at the bash prompt, type the following command and then press Enter:
kubectl scale --replicas=2 deployment/nginx-20533e0703 
  1. To verify the outcome of scaling the deployment, type the following command and then press Enter:
kubectl get pods
  1. In the output of the command you ran in the previous step, verify that the number of pods increased to 2.

  2. To delete the deployment, in the Cloud shell pane, at the bash prompt, type the following command and then press Enter:

kubectl delete deployment nginx-20533e0703 
  1. To verify that the command you ran in the previous step completed successfully, type the following command and then press Enter:
kubectl get deployment

Task 3: Remove the lab environment

  1. On MIA-CL1, close all open windows without saving any files.

  2. On the taskbar, right-click the Windows PowerShell icon, and then click Run as Administrator. In the User Account Control dialog box, click Yes.

  3. Type the following command, and then press Enter:

  1. When prompted, sign in by using the Microsoft account that is the Service Administrator of your Azure subscription.

  2. If you have multiple Azure subscriptions, select the one you want the script to target.

  3. If prompted, specify the current lab number.

  4. When prompted for confirmation, type y.

  5. Start Microsoft Edge, browse to the Azure portal at, and sign in by using the Microsoft account that is the Service Administrator of your Azure subscription.

  6. In the Azure portal, on Dashboard, click Edit.

  7. Right-click unoccupied area of the dashboard and, in the right-click menu, click Reset to default state. When prompted to confirm, click Yes.

  8. Click Done customizing.

  9. Close all open windows.

Result: After you complete this exercise, you should have successfully deployed a containerized workload to the new AKS cluster and validated its availability.

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