bcrypt @ 5.1.1 - Library for hashing passwords.
cookie-parser @ 1.4.6 - Middleware for parsing cookies.
cors @ 2.8.5 - Middleware for enabling CORS in Express.
dotenv @ 16.4.5 - Zero-dependency module for loading environment variables.
express @ 4.19.2 - Web framework for Node.js.
jsonwebtoken @ 9.0.2 - Library for generating JWTs.
uuid @ 10.0.0 - Generates UUIDs.
Sequelize @ 6.X - Promise-based Node.js ORM for Postgres.
pg @ 8.X - PostgreSQL client for Node.js.
multer @ 1.4.X - Middleware for handling multipart/form-data.
pg-hstore @ 2.3.X - A module to serialize and deserialize JSON data in PostgreSQL.
- First of all you need to clone app repository from github:
git clone https://github.com/Tusho7/pets-platform-api
- Next step requires install all dependencies.
npm install
- Also you need to create .env file where copy information from .env.example file
Create a .env file based on the .env.example template.
Update the variables with your PostgreSQL database connection URI and other configuration settings.
├── config # Configuration files
├── controllers # Controller files
├── middlewares # Middleware functions
├── models # Database models
├── routes # Router files
├── utils # Utility functions
└── server.js # Main server file
Feel free to adjust the sections and details according to your specific project setup and requirements. This README template provides a clear structure and instructions for setting up and understanding your Pets Platform Website API project.