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This is an external Django application running on Canvas

Testing Plan for New Changes

Whenever Canvas is bolded, this is a step to be done inside Canvas, otherwise it is within Flexible Assessment. I recommend you split tabs to quickly switch between Canvas and Flexible Assessment. Also open two separate browsers, one for the instructor, and one for the student (You can't use the same browser window due to cookies and authentication). Note: If you open Flexible Assessment first as an instructor, then Flexible Assessment from the Student View in a separate browser, you'll be able to see the Test Student in Flexible Assessment, Test Student gets cleared everytime you relaunch Flexible Assessment as an instructor since it keeps up to date with students added/removed in Canvas.

Testing Canvas Integration

  1. You can reset a course by deleting all the assessments and hitting submit, you should close and relaunch Flexible Assessment afterwards
  2. In Canvas, enable and open Flexible Assessment as an instructor
  3. From Canvas, open Flexible Assessment as a student
  4. Go to Course Setup, setup assessments and make sure 'Hide totals in student grades summary' correctly enables/disables the Canvas setting under 'More Options' > 'Hide totals in student grades summary'
  5. Inside Canvas, create assignment groups with at least one assignment inside, grade some students
  6. Go to Final Grades, and match assignment groups
  7. Inside Canvas, check that the assignment group percentages now match those in Flexible Assessment
  8. On the Final Grades page, double check that the grades matches Canvas Gradebook
  9. Update some student choices so some override totals are different.
  10. Click on 'Submit Grades to Canvas' button
  11. Should not be able to submit grades if Canvas setting under 'Grades' > 'Advanced' > 'Allow final grade override' is unchecked. (If you don't see this setting, check Canvas 'Settings' > 'Feature Options' > 'Final Grade Override')
  12. Check Canvas Gradebook that override grades are sent correctly
  13. From student perspective, Canvas grades should not be visible
  14. Uncheck 'Hide totals in student grades summary' then submit grades to Canvas again
  15. Student should now be able to see their overridden grade on Canvas
  16. Delete an assignment group in Canvas
  17. Rematch different assignment groups then submit grades to Canvas again

Testing Core Features inside Flexible Assessment

As long as tests are maintained for new features created, the following checks are already unit tested. All of these steps are within Flexible Assessment.

  1. Student: Check student view before instructor has setup a course
  2. Instructor: Setup assessments, try to make invalid choices such as default is lower than the minimum. Set the Open date to be in the future
  3. Student: Check that student view homepage has been updated, but they should not be able to make changes
  4. Instructor: Change Open date to a time in the past, also set Welcome Instructions and Comment Instructions
  5. Student: Choose assessment weights as a student, submit, then go back to update the choices
  6. Instructor: Verify that student choices are received then set Close date to a time in the past
  7. Student: Student should no longer be able to make changes
  8. Instructor: Go to Student Choices and manually change student's choices
  9. Instructor: Change assessment ranges so that some student choices are now invalid. Verify that those students choices are reset, but valid ones remain.
  10. Instructor: Delete or add an assessment. Check that all student choices are reset
  11. Instructor: Go to Final Grades and double check the exported csv is correct. Also check the Change Log and Percentages export in Student Choices.

Test Canvas Issues

Since Test Canvas resets every month, you might run into an oauth error mentioning a refresh token. Check the Flexible Assessment logs and verify that you see "Instructor Login". That means they made it to our server so the Canvas keys we received are correct. Our database has a CanvasOauth2Token table which contains tokens for the courses that got reset and is likely causing the issue. Access the postgres > flex database and use select * from oauth_canvasoauth2token; to see the old tokens that we have. Delete those tokens, restart the server and the issue should go away.