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Repository containing all firmware and drivers for the Flight Avionics System (FAS)

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Flight Avionics System

Repository containing all firmware and drivers for the Flight Avionics System (FAS). The system comprises of 4 individual boards:

  • AVI_FAS_FMC: Flight Management Computer (FMS) - STM32H755ZI
    • Central computer responsible for processing data/telemetry, sending commands to and from all peripheral boards.
  • AVI_FAS_PMS: Power Management System - STM32L4R5ZI
    • Supplies power to entire FAS, supplying various voltage levels for diffrent systems.
  • AVI_FAS_SPB: Sensor peripheral Board: STM32L4R5ZI
    • Functions as data aquisition device for processing analog sensor data to be sent to FMC.
  • AVI_FAS_APB: Actuator peripheral Board: STM32L4R5ZI
    • Board responsible with interfacing with onboard actuators (Servos, solenoids, relays, etc.) upon command of FMC For more information FAS Hardware see here.


Bellow are the general steps to Contributing to the FAS project

  1. Fork the Repository: Start by forking our repository to your GitHub account. This creates a copy of the project for you to work on.
  2. Clone the Repository: Clone your forked repository to your local machine using git clone.
  3. Create a Branch: Before making any changes, create a new branch for your feature or bug fix. This keeps the main branch clean and allows for easier review. Use a descriptive name for your branch.
  4. Make Changes: Now you're ready to make your changes! Write your code, add new features, or fix bugs. Ensure that your changes adhere to our coding standards and guidelines.
  5. Commit Changes: Once you're satisfied with your changes, commit them to your branch using git commit. Be sure to write clear and concise commit messages.
  6. Push Changes: Push your changes to your forked repository on GitHub using git push.
  7. Submit a Pull Request: When you're ready for your changes to be reviewed and merged into the main project, submit a pull request. Provide a detailed description of the changes you've made and any relevant information for the reviewers.
  8. Code Review: Your pull request will undergo a code review process. Be responsive to feedback and make any necessary changes.
  9. Merge: Once your pull request has been approved and all discussions are resolved, it will be merged into the main project.

Develompent Enviroment

The Development of the FAS firmware relies on the following development tools:

  • STM32CubeMX
    • Graphical tool that allows a very easy configuration of STM32 microcontrollers and microprocessors, as well as the generation of the corresponding initialization C code.


It is recommended that contriubtors use Visual Studio Code with the following extensions to aide development process:

File Structure

│   ├── Core
|   |   ├── build
│   │   ├── CM4
│   │   ├── CM7
│   │   │   └── Core
│   │   │       ├── Inc
│   │   │       │   ├── FreeRTOSConfig.h...
│   │   │       │       \\Header files go here\\
│   │   │       └── Src
│   │   │           ├── freertos.c 
│   │   │           ├── main.c 
│   │   │               \\source files go here\\
│   │   ├── Common
│   │   ├── Drivers
│   │   ├── Middleware
│   │   ├── Makefile
│   │   ├── .mxproject
│   │   └── AVI_FAC_FMC.ioc
│   └── ...

Building the Project


It is recommended to always open the indidual board directory in VSCode rather than the root FlightAvionicsSystem to ensure extensions function correctly and prevent issues during build.


As of March 2024, STM32-for-VSCode does not support dual core MCUs, thus, the project must be built manually. In order to build the project begin by opening a terminal at the following directory:

> cd C:/.../AVI_FAS_FMC/Makfile

Run the makefile using the following command:

> make

Build files (.elf, binaries, etc.) should now be avilable for each core under

> cd C:/.../AVI_FAS_FMC/Makefile/CM4/build

For the Cortex-M4 and

> cd C:/.../AVI_FAS_FMC/Makefile/CM7/build

For the Cortex-M7


The project can be built using the STM32-for-VSCode Extension by clicking build.

Alternatively, the project can be built manually using make. In order to build the project begin by opening a terminal at the following directory:

> cd C:/.../AVI_FAS_SPB

Run the makefile using the following command:

> make

Build files (.elf, binaries, etc.) should now be avilable under

> cd C:/.../AVI_FAS_FMC/build

Flashing the Project


To be populated


Simply selected the flash STM32 option with the board plugged in

Useful Resources

FMC Resources

SPB/APB Resources


Repository containing all firmware and drivers for the Flight Avionics System (FAS)






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