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Releases: Ultimaker/Cura

UltiMaker Cura 5.7.0-beta.1

15 Mar 16:45
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New features and improvements

Universal Cura Project files

Universal Cura Project files contain models and settings and can be shared with people who have different printers. They can be used on any printer and they allow you to include positional data for the models on your build plate as well as select settings. Visit our Thingiverse page to download this amazing Dinosaur SD Card Holder to try the ease of sharing settings yourself.


Newly introduced Settings

  • Settings that define the raft offset for top, middle and bottom raft layers
  • Brim only on the inside setting, resolves #2853
  • Introduced a new Prime tower type: Interleaved, next to the current Normal, contributed by @wawanbreton
  • Apply Monotonic ordering to the Raft Top Surface
  • Raft Wall Line Count for the Bottom, Middle, and Top of the raft
  • Allowing to define print sequence manually, contributed by @alexandr-vladimirov



MethodX and MethodXL specific improvements

For the best experience with your MethodX and MethodXL please update to 5.7.1

  • Enabled Print over Cloud for UltiMaker MethodX and Method XL printers
  • Introduced ASA, SR30, and Nylon12-CF profiles for MethodX and Method XL Printers. The latest firmware version that supports these materials is available here.
  • Improved the predicted printing time so it's closer to the actual printing time on the MethodX and MethodXL
  • Improved the idle nozzle temperature for dual extrusion printing on MethodX and MethodXL
  • Resolved a crash for the Method printer when navigating to the Monitor tab
  • Improved the way that the fanspeeds were listed and controlled for MethodX and MethodXL printers
  • Updated Raft settings for UltiMaker MethodX and MethodXL
  • Enabled Monotonic Raft Surface to improve adhesion
  • Increased the Minimum Retract Distance to improve infill pattern wall overlaps

Other improvements

  • Introduced an analyzing tool in the cura engine to better track slicing crashes, and started fixing the biggest reports coming in.
  • The play speed of the nozzle in the preview is now closer to the movement of the printhead
  • Introduced an option to choose Drop Model to Buildplate every time a project file is loaded
  • Introduced DisplayInfoOnLCD Post Processing Script which combines DisplayFilenameAndLayerOnLCD with DisplayProgress, contributed by @GregValiant
  • Introduced alternative camera navigation similar to FreeCAD Trackpad, contributed by @quarnster

Bug fixes

  • Resolved significantly slower slicing for models with a lot of holes
  • A significant amount of crashes have been resolved that are caused by self intersecting polygons
  • Align to Buildplate did not work for grouped meshes, resolves #14237
  • The models in a 3mf file would not load in their saved position, please note that this also changes the behavior of the "import models" feature of a 3mf file, for this feature the saved model location will be ignored
  • Reduced the amount of floating support in areas near the support overhang angle threshold
  • Fixed a bug with the Initial Extruder Number in the start gcode, resolves #17501
  • Fixed a bug where Z could be negative if Remove Empty Layers was enabled, resolves #15975
  • Pressing the Esc key now doesn't exiting full screen mode, contributed by @Sophist-UK, resolves #7499
  • Improved the OAuth protocol to improve signing in with plug-ins, contributed by @wawanbreton
  • Fixed tree support-related crashes if there are no overhangs, contributed by @ThomasRahm
  • Fixed some slicing crashes with tree support, contributed by @ThomasRahm
  • Fixed available height when adding modifier mesh in One at a Time printing, contributed by @fieldOfView resolves #16566
  • Improved behavior for loading 3mfs by giving the models original names, contributed by @pietchaki, resolves #12089
  • Added an error so LimitXYAccelJerk doesn't run unless Accel Control is enabled in Cura, contributed by @GregValiant
  • Some helpful code cleanup contributed by @dmitrygribenchuk

Profiles and materials:

  • Introduced high-speed profiles for the layer heights <0.15mm for Ultimaker PLA, T-PLA, ABS and PETG.
  • Updated Initial Layer Speed settings for UltiMaker S3, and UltiMaker S5
  • Updated the Shrinkage Factor for PET CF to improve dimensional accuracy
  • Improved self-support settings for UltiMaker Materials
  • Renamed UltiMaker PP Transparent to UltiMaker PP Natural
  • Increased part strengths of high-speed modes by compensating for slip in high flow rates
  • Improved adhesion settings for UltiMaker ABS

New and updated printers

  • Introduced Elegoo Neptune 4 Plus and Max, and updated Elegoo Neptune 4 and Pro, contributed by @mastercaution, @BremerButjer, @gsthnz, @ArthurREGNARD, @NovaScotianNorse, @ToasterUwU, @CharlKlein, @si0ls, @AlbeDarned @fuji97 and @Ev1dentFir3
  • Introduced Anycubic Kobra 2 Printer Definition contributed by @ThatGuyZim
  • Introduced Flying Bear Ghost 6, contributed by @Barrnet
  • Introduced Creality Ender 3 V2 Neo, contributed by @Hougaard22
  • Introduced Dagoma Sigma Pro 500z, and Dagoma Sigma Pro 500z Dual, contributed by @0r31
  • Introduced RRatRig V-Core 3, 200mm, 300mm, 400mm, 500mm and RatRig V-Minion, contributed by @Nu-hin
  • Introduced Flashforge Adventurer 3 (AD3 / AD3C / AD3 Lite / AD3 Pro) & Adventurer AD4, and AD4 Lite , contributed by @Jeremie-C
  • Updated the dimensions for Ender 3 V3 S, contributed by @mcuprojects
  • Updated start Gcode for creality_ender3v3se & Anycubic Kobra Go/Kobra 2, contributed by @zanghao912
  • Updated print and retraction settings for Sovol 3D printers, contributed by @Asterchades
  • Updated Creality Ender 5 Plus Bed Leveling Command, contributed by @dsnsgithub
  • Updated Voron definition to support Voron/Klipper, contributed by @NerdyGriffin

🌙 Nightly build 🌙 (5.7 Alpha)

22 Jan 12:46
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A Nightly Build with 💥 Slicing Crash Analysis Tool 💥

We are seeing a significant increase in the amount of slicing crashes that are reported since Cura 5.x and are taking steps to analyze the crashes more systematically.

This version of Cura has an updated slicing engine that will send a report to our Sentry tool when you encounter a slicing crash. Sentry will cluster the reports coming in, and point to where in the code the crash is likely coming from, so the Cura team can start working on resolving the biggest slicing crashes first.

This version has not passed any of our regular quality checks and we cannot guarantee it's reliability because it is still unfinished even though it may still be quite usable. For example, we are still working on fixing a crash when you open the printers settings or you might need to confirm that you trust the UltiMaker software. Before you upgrade to an upcoming 5.7 Beta or Stable, please delete this version including the configuration folder to prevent unwanted upgrading errors.

💡 Changes

Since this build is a work in progress, you can already benefit from fixes that are planned for the upcoming Cura release like:
  • Faster slicing times for models with a lot of holes
  • Improved Wall Ordering
  • Decrease in floating support pieces
  • A fix for a handful of crashes related to Tree Suppport
  • A fix where extruder_nr template variables weren't added in start/end machine/extruder gcode

⚠️ Please Note

Before reporting bugs on this build, please double-check if the issue is also present on the latest Stable Cura version. Right now that is Cura 5.6.0. This Nightly Build looks differently on purpose so we can spot reports done with these builds.

UltiMaker Cura 5.6.0

28 Nov 14:12
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New features and improvements

Introduced the MethodX and MethodXL printers with it's materials and the option to write to .makerbot
A year after the merger of Ultimaker and MakerBot, we have unlocked the ability for users of our Method series printers to slice files using UltiMaker Cura. As of this release, users can find profiles for our Method X and Method XL printers, as well as material profiles for ABS-R, ABS-CF, and RapidRinse

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Prime tower base settings increase the stability of large prime towers
New settings have been released that let you modify the base of your prime tower. The new settings are:

  • Prime Tower Base Size
  • Prime Tower Base Height
  • Prime Tower Base Slope
  • Prime Tower Raft Line Spacing

You can modify these settings to help improve the reliability of your prime towers. You can also use them to calibrate how well your prime tower adheres to the build plate for increased print success, or to avoid over-adhesion that may damage your build plate.


The Start and End gcodes now accept variables and math including the variables
Cura can now accept more start and end gcodes that include math, for example:

G0 X{prime_tower_position_x - prime_tower_size/2} Y{prime_tower_position_y-prime_tower_size/2} F6000
M109 S{material_final_print_temperature}

This hopefully also solves issues like #14111 (comment) and #16012 (comment)

Other Improvements

  • Introduced the setting for Raft Line Spacing, but for the prime tower
  • Updated the Support Z Distance to allow for more different values, no longer only multiple layerheights, solves #6105

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash for some Linux users when trying to open the file menu

Bugs resolved since the Beta Release

  • Introduced Balanced and Solid profiles for 1C extruders to UltiMaker Method X and Method XL
  • Improved self-support for UltiMaker MethodX and MethodXL printers so the support extruder will not be used
  • The prime tower is now always enabled when the second extruder is used for the MethodX and MethodXL printers
  • Updated the default prime tower position so it doesn't prevent slicing for some printers
  • Fixed an issue where raft layers were partially printed
  • Slice information template variables were not available through start-end code formulas
  • Resolved an issue with 100% support roof for tree support, contributed by @ThomasRahm

Printer Definitions, and Community Translations

  • Introduced Ender 3 V3 SE, contributed by @dim1triy
  • Updated bridge flows for UltiMaker PLA, TPLA and ABS to address pillowing in AA 0.8 for UltiMaker printers
  • Updated Spanish translation for Lightning infill, contributed by @Pelochus
  • Updated German translation for Laying object flat on buildplate, contributed by @gluetolf
  • Updated Brazilian translations, contributed by @Patola

Known Issues

  • The predicted printing time for dual extrusion printjobs on the Method series are deviating from the actual printing time.
  • It’s not possible yet, to use Method series printers with Digital Factory. We hope to resolve this for the next release.

New Engine Plugin

Not related to this release but nice to mention is that there is a new plugin has been created by the Cura team that makes use of the improved engine plugin capabilities introduced in Cura 5.5 (as mentioned #15629). The plugin is called CuraEngine Tiled Infill Generation and it allows users to select from an expanded list of infill patterns, as well as allowing users to add their own infill pattern by uploading a *.wtk file.

This plugin is just a taste of what is now possible when creating Cura plugins. We look forward to seeing what the Cura community creates next!

UltiMaker Cura 5.6.0-beta.2

17 Nov 13:58
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New Improvements

  • Introduced Balanced and Solid profiles for 1C extruders to UltiMaker Method X and Method XL

UltiMaker Cura 5.6.0-beta.1

15 Nov 13:54
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New features and improvements

Introduced the MethodX and MethodXL printers with it's materials and the option to write to .makerbot
A year after the merger of Ultimaker and MakerBot, we have unlocked the ability for users of our Method series printers to slice files using UltiMaker Cura. As of this release, users can find profiles for our Method X and Method XL printers, as well as material profiles for ABS-R, ABS-CF, and RapidRinse


Prime tower base settings increase the stability of large prime towers
New settings have been released that let you modify the base of your prime tower. The new settings are:

  • Prime Tower Base Size
  • Prime Tower Base Height
  • Prime Tower Base Slope
  • Prime Tower Raft Line Spacing

You can modify these settings to help improve the reliability of your prime towers. You can also use them to calibrate how well your prime tower adheres to the build plate for increased print success, or to avoid over-adhesion that may damage your build plate.


The Start and End gcodes now accept variables and math including the variables
Cura can now accept more start and end gcodes that include math, for example:

G0 X{prime_tower_position_x - prime_tower_size/2} Y{prime_tower_position_y-prime_tower_size/2} F6000
M109 S{material_final_print_temperature}

This hopefully also solves issues like #14111 (comment) and #16012 (comment)

Other Improvements

  • Introduced the setting for Raft Line Spacing, but for the primetower
  • Updated the Support Z Distance to allow for more different values, no longer only multiple layerheights, solves #6105

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash for some Linux users when trying to open the file menu

Printer Definitions, and Community Translations

  • Introduced Ender 3 V3 SE, contributed by @dim1triy
  • Updated Spanish translation for Lightning infill, contributed by @Pelochus

Known Issue

  • The predicted printing time for dual extrusion printjobs on the Method are deviating from the actual printing time.

New Engine Plugin

Not related to this release but nice to mention is that there is a new plugin has been created by the Cura team that makes use of the improved engine plugin capabilities introduced in Cura 5.5 (as mentioned #15629). The plugin is called CuraEngine Tiled Infill Generation and it allows users to select from an expanded list of infill patterns, as well as allowing users to add their own infill pattern by uploading a *.wtk file.

This plugin is just a taste of what is now possible when creating Cura plugins. We look forward to seeing what the Cura community creates next!

UltiMaker Cura 5.5.0

25 Oct 12:51
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New features and improvements

Engine Plugins
Introduced infrastructure for Engine Plugins; Plugin developers can now hook into and change the actual slice process using a programming language in which they feel comfortable: C++, Python, C#/.NET, Dart, Go, Java, Kotlin, Node, Objective-C, PHP, Ruby
In this initial version, plugins can hook into the following engine slots:

  • Modify generated gcode, postprocessing it per layer
  • Generate Infill patterns
  • Modify extrusion paths
  • Listen to a broadcast of all Settings

Cura plugins can now easily add new Settings and extend existing dropdown Settings. Users are now warned if a previously saved project file depends on a plugin and that plugin isn't installed in the Cura instance that tries to load it.

To showcase this new infrastructure we introduced a Gradual Flow Engine plugin; This plugin prevents sudden drastic changes in flow transitions. You can find it under your bundled plugins and the new gradual flow settings can be found in the material category when all settings are visible
Do you want to participate in the discussion about the potential and possibilities? You can join the discussion on GitHub here.

Introduced the following new settings
Gradual Flow Enabled, Gradual Flow Max Acceleration, Initial Layer Max Flow Acceleration, Gradual Flow discretization step size, are to finetune the Gradual Flow plug-in.


Top Surface Outer Wall Flow, Top Surface Inner Wall Flow, Top Surface Outer Wall Speed, Top Surface Inner Wall Speed, Top Surface Outer Wall Acceleration, Top Surface Inner Wall Acceleration, Top Surface Outer Wall Jerk, and Top Surface Inner Wall Jerk settings can be used to tune the top surface of your models.


Small Top/Bottom Width reduces jerky motions in small top/bottom surfaces, with Small Top/Bottom On Surface you can exclude the setting on the surface

Untitled design (2)

Group Outer Walls will bundle types of walls in the same layer reducing travels, thanks to the contribution by @Arcari55

Untitled design (4)

Enable Fluid Motion, Fluid Motion Shift Distance, Fluid Motions Small Distance, and Fluid Motion Angle are settings for printers with smooth motion planners like Klipper. It's hard to show the changes in preview, but we encourage you to check it out.

Untitled design (3)

Updates in the available supported OSses

  • Introduced Max OSX builds for ARM64 (M1 support), next to our existing X64 builds. With major contributions from @TheSin
  • Introduced a single Linux build removing the need to have a different modern and regular Linux build.

Setting improvements for Ultimaker Printers

  • UltiMaker printers with UltiMaker Materials have faster-predicted printing times as a result of a number of changed printing speeds
  • UltiMaker configurations with limited intents in the past like AA 0.8 cores, now have more intents available
  • Updated printing temperatures for UltiMaker printers to be more uniform
  • Updated Support Interface Settings for UltiMaker printers
  • Introduced a support material tag, so support is automatically printed with support material
  • Default has been updated to Balanced to reflect the perfect harmony between these visual, engineering, and draft profiles.


Quality of Life Improvements

  • Use Tab to navigate between settings in the Per Model Settings window, solves #10967
  • Introduced Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V next to the current multiply behavior, solves #8859
  • Arrange your models in a grid with the same orientation with Grid Placement
  • A message that shows when your Removable Disk is out of space and prevents incomplete gcodes from being saved, solves #14273
  • Add Printer and Printer Settings windows are now resizable to fit in more start/end gcode in an orderly way
  • Restored the color picker tool when creating custom materials, solves #11899
  • You can now scroll through long messages, and can easily close them if you finished reading, solves #12325
  • Searching for materials and plugins in the Cura Marketplace has been improved
  • "This Setting Is Hidden Because" icons were missing in the settings visibility for Windows and Mac
  • Only one file could be loaded and you could not load multiple files if they were mixed STLs and Project Files, solves #15879
  • It seemed like models could be multiplied more than 99 times, there is now a limit, solves #14105
  • It's now more clear if Cura is syncing materials over the cloud
  • It's not possible anymore to send a printjob to a turned off cloud connected UltiMaker printer


More Features

  • You can now sponsor the Cura team from the Application Switcher, and Help menu
  • Infill behavior close to the skin to prevent jerky motions and visible overextrusion
  • The About Dialog includes more build information for Cura developers
  • Introduced more hardware info like system, release, version, processor, and CPU cores to the logging to improve troubleshooting.
  • Updated supporting certify libraries
  • Introduced a new Post Processing Script; Limit XY Accel for bed-slinger printers, contributed by @GregValiant
  • Introduced the machine name in the gcode headers, contributed by @smartin015
  • Extruder settings are cached to speed up slicing, contributed by @sesse


Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes that improve Printed Part Quality

  • The first support layers were printed incorrectly if adhesion was set to None, solves #14983
  • Some improvements to the Zseam for user-specified or the sharpest corner seam alignment
  • The support was printed before the brim when the origin was at the center of the buildplate, solves #14983
  • Printers with a high resolution value would incorrectly print embossed features,
  • The flow would unexpectedly increase after a bridge was completed.
  • Bridging settings would not be applied to the first skin layer if the infill density was set to 0, solves #9056
  • The skirt height could collide with some models and could be printed in support, solves #16552
  • A brim would be too small if the extruder was not defined, solves #16151
  • The Initial Buildplate and Printing Temperature would not be applied correctly when printing One-At-A-Time, solves #11219

Bugs resolved since the Beta Release

  • Updated some settings for UltiMaker printers to prevent infill from being exposed, introduce a visual mode for PETG, and prevent stringing for PETG and ABS
  • Fixed the upgrade script for UltiMaker materials that would cause configuration errors
  • Updated the arrange algorithm to work better with larger models, solves #14112
  • Prevented future crashes caused by the new gradual flow plugin with some active printers, solves #16941
  • Fixed Linux Legacy crashes for open file dialog due to OS icon style, solves #16941
  • The Linux Appimage had an unnessecarily large file size, solves #16932
  • The top layers where not showing distinct inner and outer walls in the preview.
  • A printjob with a different raft extruder could cause a printjob to be considered too large to print
  • A project file with an intent would not be loaded correctly
  • Moved the position of the Target Machine name in the start gcode to predicted time and material use for some printers
  • Restored the ColorDialog to prevent an SDK break, solves #17002

Other Bug Fixes

  • You could not load some Marketplace materials with intents on the UltiMaker printers like BASF 17-4PH
  • For some Linux versions it was not possible to add a 3D printer, solves #15263
  • Fixed the installation screen for DMG installation because it still had the old logo.
  • The minimum support area was not working correctly for tree support, contributed by @ThomasRahm
  • Support Horizontal Expansion would be hidden but influenced the warning values for Support Interface, solves #15873
  • The shadow in One At A Time printing sequence would not correctly resize with the skirt/brim size, solves #14382
  • Fixed a bug where it was not possible to select the support structure with basic setting visibility.
  • Removed the option to change the Brim Distance in the per object setting until a better solution is available.
  • Fixed a slicing crash if the skirt was larger than the buildplate, solves #16002
  • Fixed a crash that would be caused when rotating a...
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UltiMaker Cura 5.5.0-beta.1

10 Oct 14:22
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New features and improvements

Engine Plugins
Introduced infrastructure for Engine Plugins; Plugin developers can now hook into and change the actual slice process using a programming language in which they feel comfortable: C++, Python, C#/.NET, Dart, Go, Java, Kotlin, Node, Objective-C, PHP, Ruby
In this initial version, plugins can hook into the following engine slots:

  • Modify generated gcode, postprocessing it per layer
  • Generate Infill patterns
  • Modify extrusion paths
  • Listen to a broadcast of all Settings

Cura plugins can now easily add new Settings and extend existing dropdown Settings. Users are now warned if a previously saved project file depends on a plugin and that plugin isn't installed in the Cura instance that tries to load it.

To showcase this new infrastructure we introduced a Gradual Flow Engine plugin; This plugin prevents sudden drastic changes in flow transitions. You can find it under your bundled plugins and the new gradual flow settings can be found in the material category when all settings are visible
Do you want to participate in the discussion about the potential and possibilities? You can join the discussion on GitHub here.

Introduced the following new settings
Gradual Flow Enabled, Gradual Flow Max Acceleration, Initial Layer Max Flow Acceleration, Gradual Flow discretization step size, are to finetune the Gradual Flow plug-in.


Top Surface Outer Wall Flow, Top Surface Inner Wall Flow, Top Surface Outer Wall Speed, Top Surface Inner Wall Speed, Top Surface Outer Wall Acceleration, Top Surface Inner Wall Acceleration, Top Surface Outer Wall Jerk, and Top Surface Inner Wall Jerk settings can be used to tune the top surface of your models.


Small Top/Bottom Width reduces jerky motions in small top/bottom surfaces, with Small Top/Bottom On Surface you can exclude the setting on the surface

Untitled design (2)

Group Outer Walls will bundle types of walls in the same layer reducing travels, thanks to the contribution by @Arcari55

Untitled design (4)

Enable Fluid Motion, Fluid Motion Shift Distance, Fluid Motions Small Distance, and Fluid Motion Angle are settings for printers with smooth motion planners like Klipper. It's hard to show the changes in preview, but we encourage you to check it out.

Untitled design (3)

Updates in the available supported OSses

  • Introduced Max OSX builds for ARM64 (M1 support), next to our existing X64 builds. With major contributions from @TheSin
  • Introduced a single Linux build removing the need to have a different modern and regular Linux build.

Setting improvements for Ultimaker Printers

  • UltiMaker printers with UltiMaker Materials have faster-predicted printing times as a result of a number of changed printing speeds
  • UltiMaker configurations with limited intents in the past like AA 0.8 cores, now have more intents available
  • Updated printing temperatures for UltiMaker printers to be more uniform
  • Updated Support Interface Settings for UltiMaker printers
  • Introduced a support material tag, so support is automatically printed with support material
  • Default has been updated to Balanced to reflect the perfect harmony between these visual, engineering, and draft profiles.


Quality of Life Improvements

  • Use Tab to navigate between settings in the Per Model Settings window, solves #10967
  • Introduced Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V next to the current multiply behavior, solves #8859
  • Arrange your models in a grid with the same orientation with Grid Placement
  • A message that shows when your Removable Disk is out of space and prevents incomplete gcodes from being saved, solves #14273
  • Add Printer and Printer Settings windows are now resizable to fit in more start/end gcode in an orderly way
  • Restored the color picker tool when creating custom materials, solves #11899
  • You can now scroll through long messages, and can easily close them if you finished reading, solves #12325
  • Searching for materials and plugins in the Cura Marketplace has been improved
  • "This Setting Is Hidden Because" icons were missing in the settings visibility for Windows and Mac
  • Only one file could be loaded and you could not load multiple files if they were mixed STLs and Project Files, solves #15879
  • It seemed like models could be multiplied more than 99 times, there is now a limit, solves #14105
  • It's now more clear if Cura is syncing materials over the cloud
  • It's not possible anymore to send a printjob to a turned off cloud connected UltiMaker printer


More Features

  • You can now sponsor the Cura team from the Application Switcher, and Help menu
  • Infill behavior close to the skin to prevent jerky motions and visible overextrusion
  • The About Dialog includes more build information for Cura developers
  • Introduced more hardware info like system, release, version, processor, and CPU cores to the logging to improve troubleshooting.
  • Updated supporting certify libraries
  • Introduced a new Post Processing Script; Limit XY Accel for bed-slinger printers, contributed by @GregValiant
  • Introduced the machine name in the gcode headers, contributed by @smartin015
  • Extruder settings are cached to speed up slicing, contributed by @sesse


Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes that improve Printed Part Quality

  • The first support layers were printed incorrectly if adhesion was set to None, solves #14983
  • The support was printed before the brim when the origin was at the center of the buildplate, solves #14983
  • Printers with a high resolution value would incorrectly print embossed features,
  • The flow would unexpectedly increase after a bridge was completed.
  • Bridging settings would not be applied to the first skin layer if the infill density was set to 0, solves #9056
  • The skirt height could collide with some models and could be printed in support, solves #16552
  • A brim would be too small if the extruder was not defined, solves #16151
  • The Initial Buildplate and Printing Temperature would not be applied correctly when printing One-At-A-Time, solves #11219

Other Bug Fixes

  • You could not load some Marketplace materials with intents on the UltiMaker printers like BASF Ultrafuse 17-4PH
  • For some Linux versions it was not possible to add a 3D printer, solves #15263
  • Fixed the installation screen for DMG installation because it still had the old logo.
  • The minimum support area was not working correctly for tree support, contributed by @ThomasRahm
  • Support Horizontal Expansion would be hidden but influenced the warning values for Support Interface, solves #15873
  • The shadow in One-At-A-Time printing sequence would not correctly resize with the skirt/brim size, solves #14382
  • Fixed a bug where it was not possible to select the support structure with basic setting visibility.
  • Removed the option to change the Brim Distance in the per object setting until a better solution is available.
  • Fixed a slicing crash if the skirt was larger than the buildplate, solves #16002
  • Fixed a crash that would be caused when rotating a model only a little
  • If there is support interface is disabled, you can no longer change those settings
  • Ints would be truncated instead of rounded in the engine, contributed by @onitake
  • Fixed a non-raw RegEx pattern string removing a depreciation warning, contributed by @cgobat

Printer definitions, profiles, and materials:

  • For MacOS users these printers are supported again: Elegoo, Strateo3D, Uni, ZAV, solves #16007
  • Added Anycubic Kobra Plus, contributed by @Jordonbc
  • Added Creality Ender-5 S1, contributed @thomaspleasance
  • Added Entina Tina 2, contributed by @protosam
  • Updated All Goofoo 3D printers to have more nozzles, contributed by @goofoo3d
  • Added Pulse XE E444M, contributed by @randyzwitch
  • Updated Primetower settings for Sovol 2
  • Updated Kingroon KP3S Pro, contributed by @Tachyonn
  • Updated Tree Support settings for Elegoo Printers, Contributed by @ThomasRahm
  • Updated Voron Trident 250, 300 & 350 Voron to include new nozzles, contributed by @zadi15
  • Updated Creality Ender 3 start gcode to prevent bed scratching, Contributed by @PresentMonkey
  • Updated nozzle options for Dagoma Pro 430, contributed by @0r31
  • Updated start gcode and homing behavior in Creality Ender 3 S1, contributed by @GregValiant.
  • Updated faulty disallowed areas for Anycubic ...
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UltiMaker Cura 5.4.0

04 Jul 13:48
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Introduced the new Tree Support contributed by @ThomasRahm
Try it for yourself with this dragon pencil cup.

  • Improved slicing time for Tree Support
  • Introduced 10 new settings and updated 2 so anyone can tune the behavior
  • Updated options for Tree Support Rest Preference to be more correct
  • Fixed a bug where Tree Support would generate unsupported islands
  • Fixed a bug where slicing would fail if Preference was set to On Any Flat Surface
  • Fixed a bug where branches were not generated when Support Interface was enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where the Support Overhang Angle caused a crash with Tree Support
  • Fixed a bug where the Support Interface was not correctly generated with Tree Support

Changed the order in which the brim is printed so it's easier to remove
Introduced the Smart Brim setting that changes the order in which the brim lines are printed making them easier to remove. Try it for yourself with this Cura Cookie Cutter.

New features and improvements:

  • Updated the UltiMaker logo to reflect the new company logo
  • Added support for the updated mainboard revisions of UltiMaker S3, S5, and S7
  • Introduced Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter so only the expansion of smaller holes can be tuned while leaving larger holes untouched.
  • Introduced Skirt Height setting to make a skirt easier to remove
  • Improved the minimum layer time for printers with multiple extruders.
  • Improved accuracy of when the M104 Hotend Temperature command is added
  • Improved printing order of the prime tower to include a dual brim, primed every layer, and primed before and after the extruder switch.
  • Improved behavior for opening and closing categories when adding a new printer
  • Removed the settings related to Wire Printing since it was broken and barely used.
  • Upgraded PyQt to version 6.4.2 which improves responsiveness in the UI

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the brim line would not be printed in the same orientation
  • Fixed a bug where models dropped to the buildplate when they were supposed to be floating
  • Fixed a bug where models would overlap if multiple models were loaded at the same time
  • Fixed a bug where an error would be shown too often in One At A Time print sequence
  • Fixed a bug where the message for a new Beta version available would show up during the Beta.
  • Fixed a bug where ESun PLA+ would display unsupported.
  • Fixed a bug where the printjob name was hard to read in darkmode
  • Fixed a bug where the Minimum Layer Time was incorrectly interpolated
  • Fixed a bug where Cura would crash on star-up for some Linux systems because of missing SimpleButton, contributed by @fieldOfView
  • Fixed a bug where the Post Processing Plugin would create extra folders, contributed by @fieldOfView
  • Fixed AppImage Icon for Linux systems, contributed by @leoheck
  • Fixed a bug where the buildplate temperature in the USB printing monitor was not rounded, contributed by @asteroids1975
  • Fixed a bug where retracting for Filament Change was not performed correctly because of an extra /n in the gcode. Contributed by @JuanManuelCuello
  • Fixed a bug where the material estimation would not show currencies correctly. Contributed by @Diegovd

Bugs resolved since the Beta Release

  • Fixed a bug where undesirable micro-segments would introduce jagged paths on curved surfaces.
  • Fixed a bug where it was not possible to use custom support and brim meshes
  • Fixed a bug Cura would not start when upgrading from a Cura 5.4 Nightly
  • Fixed a bug where Connect Top/Bottom Polygons would cause a slicing crash
  • Fixed a bug where generic materials were missing for some printers
  • Fixed a bug where Support Horizontal Expansion would be incorrectly applied to tree supports
  • Fixed a bug where nozzles were missing from the Elegoo Neptune 3 Plus. Contributed by @GregValiant

Printer definitions, profiles, and materials:

  • Introduced UltiMaker PET CF with Annealing and Engineering intents
  • Updated Infill- and Skin Overlap settings for UltiMaker printers
  • Enabled a modest Support Brim by default for UltiMaker printers
  • Updated Support Interface speeds for PVA for UltiMaker printers
  • Added Gutenberg G-Zero, contributed by @ChipCE
  • Added Hellbot Magna SE 300, and Magna SE Pro, contributed by @DevelopmentHellbot
  • Added Kingroon KP3S Pro, contributed by @willuhmjs
  • Added LNL3D D3, D3 Vulcan, D5 and D6, contributed by @LNL3D
  • Added Longer LK4 X, contributed by @BradleyFord
  • Added Mixware Hyper K, Hyper S, Vulcan, and Wand, contributed by @Mixwarebot
  • Added Snapmaker 2 A150, A250 an A350 dual extruder printers, contributed by @highpowerxh
  • Added Sovol SV04, contributed by @Joyce-lujunxu
  • Added Sovol SV06 plus, and updated Sovol SV06, contributed by @Ashok-Varma and @eropple
  • Added WeeFun Tina2, and WeeFun Tina2, contributed by @syntax1269
  • Updated Creality 3 S1, Creality 3 S1 Plus, and Creality 3 S1 Pro, contributed by @sparkym3
  • Updated Cremaker profile to remove material temperature boost, contributed by @hyu7000

Community translations:

  • Updated Brazilian translations, contributed by @Patola

Known critical issues:

We are interested in having Cura and Klipper/Smooth Motion 3D printers work together more smoothly and are looking for input on how to do this. Do you have feedback on this topic? Please leave a comment on our discussion.

UltiMaker Cura 5.4.0-beta.1

16 Jun 12:28
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Introduced the new Tree Support contributed by @ThomasRahm
Try it for yourself with this dragon pencil cup.

  • Improved slicing time for Tree Support
  • Introduced 10 new settings and updated 2 so anyone can tune the behavior
  • Updated options for Tree Support Rest Preference to be more correct
  • Fixed a bug where Tree Support would generate unsupported islands
  • Fixed a bug where slicing would fail if Preference was set to On Any Flat Surface
  • Fixed a bug where branches were not generated when Support Interface was enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where the Support Overhang Angle caused a crash with Tree Support
  • Fixed a bug where the Support Interface was not correctly generated with Tree Support

Changed the order in which the brim is printed so it's easier to remove
Introduced the Smart Brim setting that changes the order in which the brim lines are printed making them easier to remove.
Visit our Thingiverse page to download this cookie cutter to try the smart brim for yourself.

Other new features and improvements:

  • Updated the UltiMaker logo to reflect the new company logo
  • Added support for the updated mainboard revisions of UltiMaker S3, S5, and S7
  • Introduced Hole Horizontal Expansion Max Diameter so only the expansion of smaller holes can be tuned while leaving larger holes untouched.
  • Introduced Skirt Height setting to make a skirt easier to remove
  • Improved the minimum layer time for printers with multiple extruders.
  • Improved accuracy of when the M104 Hotend Temperature command is added
  • Improved printing order of the prime tower to include a dual brim, primed every layer, and primed before and after the extruder switch.
  • Improved behavior for opening and closing categories when adding a new printer
  • Removed the settings related to Wire Printing since it was broken and barely used.

Other Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where undesirable micro segments would introduce jagged paths on curved surfaces.
  • Fixed a bug where the brim line would not be printed in the same orientation
  • Fixed a bug where models dropped to the buildplate when they were supposed to be floating
  • Fixed a bug where models would overlap if multiple models were loaded at the same time
  • Fixed a bug where an error would be shown too often in One At A Time print sequence
  • Fixed a bug where the message for a new Beta version available would show up during the Beta.
  • Fixed a bug where ESun PLA+ would display unsupported.
  • Fixed a bug where the printjob name was hard to read in darkmode
  • Fixed a bug where the Minimum Layer Time was incorrectly interpolated
  • Fixed a bug where Cura would crash on star-up for some Linux systems because of missing SimpleButton, contributed by @fieldOfView
  • Fixed a bug where the Post Processing Plugin would create extra folders, contributed by @fieldOfView
  • Fixed AppImage Icon for Linux systems, contributed by @leoheck
  • Fixed a bug where the buildplate temperature in the USB printing monitor was not rounded, contributed by @asteroids1975
  • Fixed a bug where retracting for Filament Change was not performed correctly because of an extra /n in the gcode. Contributed by @JuanManuelCuello

Printer definitions, profiles and materials:

  • Updated Infill- and Skin Overlap settings for UltiMaker printers
  • Enabled a modest Support Brim by default for UltiMaker printers
  • Updated Support Interface speeds for PVA for UltiMaker printers
  • Added Gutenberg G-Zero, contributed by @ChipCE
  • Added Hellbot Magna SE 300, and Magna SE Pro, contributed by @DevelopmentHellbot
  • Added Kingroon KP3S Pro, contributed by @willuhmjs
  • Added LNL3D D3, D3 Vulcan, D5 and D6, contributed by @LNL3D
  • Added Longer LK4 X, contributed by @BradleyFord
  • Added Mixware Hyper K, Hyper S, Vulcan, and Wand, contributed by @Mixwarebot
  • Added Snapmaker 2 A150, A250 an A350 dual extruder printers, contributed by @highpowerxh
  • Added Sovol SV04, contributed by @Joyce-lujunxu
  • Added Sovol SV06 plus, and updated Sovol SV06, contributed by @Ashok-Varma and @eropple
  • Added WeeFun Tina2, and WeeFun Tina2, contributed by @syntax1269
  • Updated Creality 3 S1, Creality 3 S1 Plus, and Creality 3 S1 Pro, contributed by @sparkym3
  • Updated Cremaker profile to remove material temperature boost, contributed by @hyu7000

UltiMaker Cura 5.3.1

19 Apr 14:01
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Restored and updated translations for 11 languages

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the machine definitions could not be updated
  • Fixed a bug where part of the model would not have fuzzy skin
  • Fixed a bug where a project files that contain an intent profile would not load correctly
  • Fixed a bug where Pause At Height was not working correctly for Griffin (UltiMaker printers)
  • Fixed a bug where slicing was blocked if initial printing temperature was higher than the printing temperature
  • Fixed a bug where Gcode would display NOMESH instead of NONMESH, contributed by @ckvsoft
  • Fixed a bug where users were unable to slice with certain materials