Releases: Ultimaker/Cura
Ultimaker Cura 4.7.1
For an overview of the new features in Cura 4.7, please see this video: Change log overview
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed a crash when duplicating a built-in profile.
- Having an equals symbol in your start or end g-code would cause part of that g-code to disappear and could cause a crash when loading a model. This is fixed now.
- The MacOS build is now notarized by Apple, to prevent a security warning from popping up when starting Cura for the first time.
- Corrected the orientation of the build plate mesh for Tevo Tarantula Pro.
Ultimaker Cura 4.7.0
Rotation widgets
fieldOfView has contributed code that adds 3 pairs of arrow widgets to the Rotate tool handle, to rotate objects by exactly 90 degrees.
Performance improvements with multiple 3D models
In previous versions many objects on a build plate could cause Cura's performance and response to be slow. We have made some code optimizations to increase the responsiveness of Cura in such cases.
Cloud connections improvements
Improved the overall UX workflow when a user is using a cloud connection. Check our new enhancements below.
Moved tree-support from experimental to normal settings
We've made stability fixes and tested thoroughly so that it can be considered stable.
Improve object list GUI
The object list indicates now the extruder used for each model, the mesh type if the model is not a normal mesh, and the number of per model setting overrides and whether a model is outside of the build plate. Contributed by fieldOfView.
Other Features
Support for MacOS Big Sur
Ultimaker Cura will now run on Apple's upcoming operating system.
Change normal support vs. tree support into a drop-down
There is now the option of easily switching between normal and tree support. You cannot enable both at the same time any more.
Add "Multiply model" to Edit menu
The option is now also accessible in the Edit menu and not only in the context menu (right-click).
Add local printer improvements
Whenever the user wants to add a non-networked printer it is now easier to distinguish the scrollbar and some more information regarding the selected printer in our new redesigned layout. Have a look yourself! Brought to us by fieldOfView.
Show all while searching per object settings
For more ease-of-use, the behavior has been changed so that all settings are visible temporarily, even if initial were hidden.
Search through setting descriptions
When searching through the custom settings, the results include all the matches found in both the setting names and setting descriptions. This makes some settings easier to find if you don't remember the name.
Check for account updates manually
A check for update/sync/refresh button was added near the account so that the user can manually check for updates of subscribed Marketplace packages and available Digital Factory printers.
Always select last write-device
Cura will now remember the last used output device to save the g-code to (to file, USB stick, etc.) Contributed by fieldOfView.
Improved sync with the Ultimaker Marketplace
Profile picture and links to the Digital Factory have been improved in the account dropdown.
Add option to sign in with another account while looking for cloud printers
The "Sign in with a different account" link logs the user off both from Cura and the browser, so that they can sign in with another account. In case the other account has extra cloud printers, then these printers are added to Cura and are available for use.
Show warning in printer management page that removing is temporary
When removing a printer in your Digital Factory, a message pops up to inform the user that the printer will be re-added in the next sync.
Show cloud connection not available
We now display an offline icon when losing connection to a printer in the Digital Factory.
Show notification when printer is removed from account
We show a notification when a printer is removed from the account. You can either go to the account page to restore access or remove it from Cura. In order to establish a new connection, the user is directed to the Digital Factory.
Add an offline printer, linked to an account, to Cura
Printers that are temporarily offline (but previously added to your account) will also be added to Cura. You won't be able to send a print to that printer, but you could slice for it and store the g-code elsewhere.
Adjust initial layer horizontal expansion
We adjusted the initial layer horizontal expansion for some profiles. This compensates for Elephant's Foot, a small defect where the bottom of the print has a little ridge where it is molten to the build plate.
Allow a g-code to be inserted before or after pausing
It allows the user to enter a custom g-code before and after a pause at height. Contributed by rodrigosclosa.
Remove package ratings
The package ratings have been removed from the Marketplace.
Remove extra skin wall count in concentric
Hide "Extra Skin Wall Count" setting if a concentric pattern is used, and don't let it affect the print any more.
Support Stair Step Minimum Slope Angle
With this setting you can disable stair stepping on the very bottom of the support, up until the slope of the model has a certain angle.
Pause at Height scripts combined
Instead of having various scripts to use for different machines, there is now just one Pause at Height post-processing script, so all printers can now have the same features when pausing. Contributed by fieldOfView.
Pause at Height limited to 1 redo layer
The "redo layers" setting is replaced by a checkbox to redo just the last layer, to prevent colliding the print head with previously printed layers.
Change at Z improvements
Added support for changing Retract Length and Speed and fixed an issue when multiple changes are stacked on top of each other. Contributed by novamxd.
Add post-processing script display progress on LCD
The "Display Progress On LCD" post-processing script shows the time left and the percentage on their LCD screen. Contributed by Bostwickenator.
Add preference for single instance
If enabled, only one instance of Cura will be started at a time. Contributed by fieldOfView.
Remove spaghetti infill
This setting was rarely used and didn't work well.
Bug fixes
- Fixed issues with support no longer generated on some parts of the model. Support Stair Steps has caused some support to be missing where it touches the build plate or where it's resting on a shallow surface. It should be complete again.
- Fixed multiple different issues with tree support, where branches would intersect with the model, the wouldn't keep distance when resting on the model, or when printing with Spiralize mode.
- Fixed an issue where Cubic Subdivision infill didn't move along with the model.
- Cubic Subdivision will now rotate according to the Infill Line Directions setting. Contributed by smartavionics.
- X-ray view is now red again, instead of translucent green.
- Improved wording of the "Discard/Keep Changes" dialog for clarity.
- Models assigned to extruders >4 are visible again in layer view.
- Fixed an issue when importing images if the "Base" setting was greater than "Height".
- Cura now outputs a command to cool down the build plate for the second object in one-at-a-time mode even if the Initial Layer Build Plate Temperature is 0.
- Distance between infill and walls and between infill and skin is corrected when using Infill Layer Thickness.
- Fixed a crash when Coasting Minimum Volume is set to 0.
- The usable build volume will no longer be shrunk unnecessarily when not using any adhesion, but using a prime tower with a brim.
- Fixed a slicing crash when combining Randomize Infill Start with an even number for Infill Line Multiplier.
- Improved reduction of model resolution. The Maximum Resolution and Deviation settings should now be more accurate and no longer behave differently in one corner of the model.
- Removed an unintended gap when something was resting on an ironed surface.
- Fix skirt printing out of order, causing unnecessary travel moves. Contributed by smartavionics.
- A fix was added by smartavionics which removes unnecessary long moves that travel towards the outer wall.
- It wasn't possible to connect to a network printer if two network plugins were enabled simultaneously. Now made possible by Loociano.
- Support settings are now visible when you have support disabled, but a support mesh is present in the scene. Fixed by fieldOfView.
- Fix printing speed after performing a retraction when using the stretch post-processing script. Contributed by sgtnoodle.
- Prevent tool panels from overlapping with scene information. Fix made by smartavionics.
- The values of the machine settings would look cut-off on some Linux distributions. Now fixed by smartavionics.
- Fixed settings sometimes not appearing if they belong to a checkbox setting that is enabled by default (e.g. retraction settings belonging to Enable Retraction).
- We cleaned up our “About...” dialog. It is now up to date.
- Improve performance of loading profile metadata. This fix improves the start-up time of Cura.
- When loading images, the translucency and linear options were swapped. Translucency should now again be tuned for lithophanes, and linear for a height map. Contributed by michalsc.
- Retractions in travel move to next layer were sometimes omitted, but that's fixed now. Contributed by smartavionics.
- Fix initial layer thickness when empty initial layers are removed. Contributed by smartavionics.
- If Brim Replaces Support is enabled, the brim will now also replace support interface.
Printer definitions and profiles
- Custom printer for Smoothieware firmware. Contributed by grk3010.
- SVT DYITech. Contributed by venkatkamesh.
- HMS434 update. Contributed by maukCC.
- Cubicon Style NEO-A22. Contributed by hunibest-Hyvision.
- Atmat Machines. Contributed by gandzia44.
- Adjusted error limits for some MonoPrice Mini Delta settings. Contributed by PurpleHullPeas.
- Tronxy. Contributed by 64bittuning.
- Uni 3D Series. Contributed by evg33.
- Predator printers and mesh for FLSUN-QQ. Contributed by curso007.
- Fixed bed dimensions for Geeetech A10M and update Geeetech A10. Contributed by gerardrubio and keleticsaba.
- Anycub...
4.7 BETA
Ultimaker Cura 4.7 beta
Rotation widgets. fieldOfView has contributed code that adds 3 pairs of arrow widgets to the Rotate tool handle, to rotate objects by exactly 90 degrees.
Performance improvements with multiple 3D models. In previous versions many objects on a build plate could cause Cura's performance and response to be slow. We have made some code optimizations to increase the responsiveness of Cura in such cases.
Cloud connections improvements. Improved the overall UX workflow when a user is using a cloud connection. Check our new enhancements below.
Moved tree-support from experimental to normal settings. We've made stability fixes and tested thoroughly so that it can be considered stable.
Improve object list GUI. The object list indicates now the extruder used for each model, the mesh type if the model is not a normal mesh, and the number of per model setting overrides and whether a model is outside of the build plate. Contributed by fieldOfView.
Change normal support vs. tree support into a drop-down. There is now the option of easily switching between normal and tree support.
Search through setting descriptions. Upon every search in the Custom settings the results which are now returned include all the matches found in both the setting names and the setting description, settings are now easier to find.
Support Stair Step Minimum Slope Angle. With this setting you can disable stair stepping on the very bottom of the support, up until the slope of the model has a certain angle.
Add local printer improvements. Whenever the user wants to add a non-networked printer it is now easier to distinguish the scrollbar and some more information regarding the selected printer in our new redesigned layout. Have a look yourself! Brought to us by fieldOfView.
Add “Multiply model” to Edit menu. The option is now also accessible in the Edit menu and not only in the context menu (right-click).
Show all while searching per object settings. For more ease-of-use, the behavior has been changed so that all settings are visible temporarily, even if initial were hidden.
Check for account updates manually. A check for update/sync/refresh button was added near the account so that the user can manually check for updates and start the syncing package flow or have cloud printers added in Cura.
Always select last write-device. fieldOfView's PR adds a preference to remember which last used device was chosen (print/save to file/save to usb/etc.).
Add preference for single instance. If enabled, only one instance of Cura will be started at a time. Contributed by fieldOfView.
Improved sync with the Ultimaker Marketplace. Profile picture and links to the digital factory have been improved in the account dropdown.
Add option to sign in with another account while looking for cloud printers. The "Sign In with a different account" link logs the user off both from Cura and the browser, so that they can sign in with another account. In case the other account has extra cloud printers, then these printers are added to Cura and are available for use.
Show warning in printer management page that it will be added with removal. When removing a connected printer, a message pops up to inform the user that the printer will be re-added in the next sync.
Show cloud connection not available. We now display an offline icon when losing connection to a cloud printer.
Show notification when printer is removed from account. We show a notification when the printer is removed from the account. You can either go to the account page to restore access or remove it from Cura. In order to establish a new connection, the user is directed to the Digital Factory.
Add an offline printer, linked to an account, to Cura. Currently not online printers will also be added to the list even if they are temporary offline, the only actions available will be printing via USB and Save to file.
Adjust initial layer horizontal expansion to compensate for elephant's foot. We adjusted the initial layer horizontal expansion for some profiles. This compensates for Elephant's Foot, a small defect where the bottom of the print has a little ridge where it is molten to the build plate.
Allow a g-code to be inserted before or after pausing. It allows the user to enter a custom g-code before and after a pause at height. Contributed by rodrigosclosa.
Remove 'ratings' feature. The packages rating has been removed from the Marketplace.
Remove extra skin wall count in concentric. Hide "Extra Skin Wall Count" if a concentric pattern is used.
Pause at Height with more than 1 redo layer collides with model. The "Redo layers" is now a checkbox that allows only one layer to be redone, to prevent hitting the model with the nozzle.
Change at Z improvements. Added support for changing Retract Length and Speed and fixed an issue when multiple changes are stacked on top of each other. Contributed by novamxd.
Add post-processing script display progress on LCD. The "Display Progress On LCD" post-processing script shows the time left and the percentage on their LCD screen. Contributed by Bostwickenator.
Unify Pause at Height script. fieldOfView has combined all Pause at Height scripts into one. It ensures that all flavors have the same options available.
Remove spaghetti infill. The setting was rarely used, and didn't work well.
Bug fixes
Support no longer generated on some parts of the model. Issues with Support Stair Steps have been resolved to make sure the bottom side of support is correct again.
Tree support improvements. Together with moving the tree support out of the Experimental category we also fixed multiple reported issues where the support branches would interfere with the model, or the support bottom distance was too small, or printing in the vase mode.
Cubic Subdivision infill does not move with model. Fixed an issue where cubic subdivision infill didn't move along with the model.
Gradual infill overlaps too much with skin. There used to be an overlap between skin and infill when using the gradual infill option. Fixed now.
Crash with randomize infill start + infill line multiplier. Cura would crash when combining Randomize Infill Start with an even number for Infill Line Multiplier.
X Ray View error wrong color. The error color in the X Ray View turned translucent green. This version fixes it so it's a more logical solid red.
Discard/keep changes dialog. Improved the wording for more clarity.
Fix layer view for >4 extruders. Models assigned to extruders >4 are now visible in the layer view.
Convert Image base height. Fixed an issue processing JPG files if "Base" was greater than "Height".
Initial layer build plate temperature. An exception in the algorithm prevented setting the build plate temperature to 0 when printing in one-at-a-time mode.
Apply infill layer thickness through flow, rather than line width. Distance between infill and walls is corrected when using Infill Layer Thickness.
Crash with coasting minimum volume set to 0.
Ironing. Removed an unintended gap when something was resting on an ironed surface.
Build volume shrinks with prime tower brim and no adhesion. The usable build plate volume was reduced (by increasing the disallowed areas) when there was a brimmed prime tower and the adhesion set to None. This is not the case any more.
Improved reduction of model resolution. The Maximum Resolution and Deviation settings should now be more accurate and no longer behave differently in one corner of the model.
Fix chopped-up skirt. The skirt is now printing in the correct order to prevent unnecessary travel moves. Contributed by smartavionics.
Remove long travel right before outer wall. A fix was added by smartavionics which removes unnecessary long moves that travel towards the outer wall.
Add by IP: only one network plugin can be active. It wasn't possible to connect to a network printer if two network plugins were enabled simultaneously. Made now possible by loociano.
Make Cubic Subdivision listen to infill angles. You can now rotate this infill pattern by using the 'Infill Line Directions' setting. Contributed by smartavionics.
Support settings not visible if support is disabled but support mesh present. This is now fixed by fieldOfView. The support settings are visible when support mesh is selected even if normal support is disabled.
Fix printing speed in stretch post-processing script. The printing speed was incorrect after performing a retraction. Contributed by sgtnoodle.
Prevent tool panels from overlapping with scene information. Fix made by smartavionics.
Display of text fields in machine settings. The values of the machine settings would look cut-off on some Linux distributions. Now fixed by smartavionics.
Some settings don't appear if parent settings are enabled by default. All children settings are now correctly displayed when parent is enabled.
Update the list of dependencies in the about dialog. We cleaned up our “About...” dialog. It is now up to date.
Improve performance of loading profile metadata. This fix improves the start-up time of Cura.
Translucency/linear swapped for image load. The Linear and Translucency modes were swapped. Translucency should now again be tuned for lithophanes, and linear for a height map. Contributed by michalsc.
Retractions in travel move to next layer. Travel moves were sometimes omitted, but that's fixed now. Contributed by smartavionics.
Fix initial layer thickness when empty initial layers are removed. The Initial Layer Thickness is correct again when model is not aligned to the build ...
Ultimaker Cura 4.6.2
July 14, 2020
4.6.2 is another patch release to resolve issues in 4.6.1.
Bug fixes:
Persistent notifications in Marketplace. We fixed a frustrating bug where a package would keep issuing a badge notification to update, even after the package had been updated.
[Pull request]
Removed Ultibot from Marketplace login screen. For professionalism, Ultibot has been asked to leave the Marketplace login screen. He's now gone from everything.
[Commit 1]
[Commit 2]
Ultimaker 2+ Z-hop. The Ultimaker 2+ included an unwanted travel move that could drag purged material into the start of a print. This is now fixed.
[Commit 1]
[Commit 2]
Ultimaker Cura 4.6.1
April 29, 2020
Once again, THANK YOU to all Ultimaker Cura users helping in the fight against COVID-19 – with 3D printing, volunteering, or just by staying home. Want to get involved? Find out more on our website.
Patch release to fix some bugs that emerged with 4.6.0.
Bug fixes
Z seam placement. Changes to the Simplify() algorithm in 4.6.0 caused Z seam placement issues, which resulted in less-than-perfect results. This has been fixed.
Ender 3 Pro nozzles missing. A lot of issue reports came in about nozzles missing for this machine definition, so we made a fix to stop this happening.
Ultimaker Cura 4.6
April 21, 2020
THANK YOU to all Ultimaker Cura users helping in the fight against COVID-19 – with 3D printing, volunteering, or just by staying home. Want to get involved? Find out more on our website.
New features
New Intent profiles. In version 4.4 we introduced Intent profiles for the Ultimaker S3 and Ultimaker S5 which allow you to start prints at the click of a button without a lot of configuration steps. Due to popular demand, version 4.6 expands the range of Engineering Intent profiles to include more of the Ultimaker material portfolio: PC, Nylon, CPE, and CPE+. These work with 0.4 print cores.
Show active post processing scripts. fieldOfview has contributed an ease of use improvement to the post processing plugin. The number of enabled post processing scripts will now display as a badge notification over the post processing scripts icon. A tooltip gives extra information about which scripts are enabled for quick and easy inspection, so there's no need to open the post processing dialog.
[Pull request]
Hole Horizontal Expansion. smartavionics has contributed a new setting that applies an offset to all holes on each layer, allowing you to manually enlarge or contract holes to compensate for horizontal expansion.
[Pull request - Frontend]
[Pull request - Engine]
Per-model settings. The "Infill only" checkbox has been changed to a dropdown selection: “Infill mesh only” or “Cutting mesh”.
Transparent support rendering. In preview mode with ‘Line type’ selected, support material will render with transparency so you can easily see what’s being supported.
[Pull request]
No stair stepping for PVA profiles. Stair stepping is intended to reduce the adhesion between support and the model, where the support rests on the model, and to reduce scarring. As PVA doesn't suffer from scarring or adhesion issues due to its water-solubility, this value has been set to 0 for PVA profiles. A known issue with the stair stepping algorithm causes support to disappear sometimes, so doing this reduces the chance of that happening when PVA is used.
Separators in extensions menu. fieldOfview has contributed a method for plugin authors to add separators between menu items in the “Extensions” submenu. The method is backwards-compatible so changes don’t have to be made in Cura and Uranium together.
[Pull request]
Ultimaker account sign in prompt. Added clearer text to the sign in popup and first use flow to highlight the benefits of using an Ultimaker account with Cura.
Updated installer. Small fixes have been made to the installer. To keep up with the times, we’ve also updated the images to display an Ultimaker S3 instead of an Ultimaker 3.
Bug fixes
Infill mesh ordering.
When you have three objects overlapping each other and you set two of them to "Modify settings for infill of other models", then the setting "Infill Mesh Order" determines which of the two infill meshes gets priority where they overlap. This was broken for cutting meshes, so BagelOrb contributed a fix.
[Pull request]
Backups storage size. We’ve put a hard limit on backup file size in this release to prevent other files being stored there.
3MF gcode comments removed. Fixed a bug where comments were removed from Start/End G-codes when opening from a 3MF.
Print monitor preheat fields. Values in the print monitor preheat fields were broken in previous versions, they have now been fixed by fieldOfview. [Source]
[Pull request]
Stepper motor disarming during pause at height. Some printers automatically disable their steppers after a pause (after a certain time). This script makes it possible to set that in the pause script (instead of relying on default behavior of the firmware).
[Pull request]
Crash if logging in on two instances at the same time. During the beta period we caught a critical bug where logging in to an Ultimaker account with two instances of Cura would crash the second instance. It crashes because while the web page is open, Cura opens a web server in the local host. The web page redirects to that web server when you've logged in, so that it knows that the log-in was successful and what the credentials are. Both instances try to create a web server on the same port, which is impossible.
[Crash report]
"Changes detected from your Ultimaker account" message. We fixed a bug on MacOS where duplicate "Changes detected from your Ultimaker account" popups would appear at a single time.
Crashes when inactive. Some people reported experiencing crashes when the computer had been inactive for a long time, or when the laptop got suspended or went to sleep. This has been fixed.
[Crash report]
Support blocker is not blocking support. Fixed an issue where the support blocker was not blocking support.
Sending slice message takes too long when using mesh helpers. Fixed an issue where it would take too long to trigger a slice when using the mesh helpers and support blocker.
Third-party printers
Flying Bear printers. oducceu has contributed a machine definition for the Flying Bear Ghost 4S Printer.
[Pull request]
Magicfirm printers. jeffkyjin has contributed machine definitions for MBot Grid II+, MBot Grid II+ (dual), MBot Grid IV+ and MBot Grid IV+ (dual).
[Pull request]
HMS434. Updates to the HMS434 machine definition have been contributed by maukcc.
[Pull request]
FabX Pro. hussainsail2002 has contributed machine definitions for FabX Pro and print profiles for REDD materials
[Pull request]
[Pull request - REDD materials]
Want to add a third-party machine definition to Ultimaker Cura? Here’s how.
Disclaimer: Third-party machine definitions are accepted as contributed, and will not be tested or maintained in any way by the Cura development team. Make sure anything submitted to us is thoroughly tested.
Found a bug in this release? Spotted a mistake in these release notes? Open an issue and tell us.
4.6 BETA
Ultimaker Cura 4.6 beta
April 3, 2020
THANK YOU to all Ultimaker Cura users helping in the fight against COVID-19 – with 3D printing, volunteering, or just by staying home. Want to get involved? Find out more on our website.
New features
New Intent profiles. In version 4.4 we introduced Intent profiles for the Ultimaker S3 and Ultimaker S5 which allow you to start prints at the click of a button without a lot of configuration steps. Due to popular demand, version 4.6 expands the range of Engineering Intent profiles to include more of the Ultimaker material portfolio: PC, Nylon, CPE, and CPE+. These work with 0.4 print cores.
Show active post processing scripts. fieldOfview has contributed an ease of use improvement to the post processing plugin. The number of enabled post processing scripts will now display as a badge notification over the post processing scripts icon. A tooltip gives extra information about which scripts are enabled for quick and easy inspection, so there's no need to open the post processing dialog.
[Pull request]
Hole Horizontal Expansion. smartavionics has contributed a new setting that applies an offset to all holes on each layer, allowing you to manually enlarge or contract holes to compensate for horizontal expansion.
[Pull request - Frontend]
[Pull request - Engine]
Per-model settings. The "Infill only" checkbox has been changed to a dropdown selection: “Infill mesh only” or “Cutting mesh”.
Transparent support rendering. In preview mode with ‘Line type’ selected, support material will render with transparency so you can easily see what’s being supported.
[Pull request]
No stair stepping for PVA profiles. Stair stepping is intended to reduce the adhesion between support and the model, where the support rests on the model, and to reduce scarring. As PVA doesn't suffer from scarring or adhesion issues due to its water-solubility, this value has been set to 0 for PVA profiles. A known issue with the stair stepping algorithm causes support to disappear sometimes, so doing this reduces the chance of that happening when PVA is used.
Separators in extensions menu. fieldOfview has contributed a method for plugin authors to add separators between menu items in the “Extensions” submenu. The method is backwards-compatible so changes don’t have to be made in Cura and Uranium together.
[Pull request]
Ultimaker account sign in prompt. Added clearer text to the sign in popup and first use flow to highlight the benefits of using an Ultimaker account with Cura.
Updated installer. Small fixes have been made to the installer. To keep up with the times, we’ve also updated the images to display an Ultimaker S3 instead of an Ultimaker 3.
Bug fixes
Infill mesh ordering. When you have three objects overlapping each other and you set two of them to "Modify settings for infill of other models", then the setting "Infill Mesh Order" determines which of the two infill meshes gets priority where they overlap. This was broken for cutting meshes, so BagelOrb contributed a fix.
[Pull request]
Backups storage size. We’ve put a hard limit on backup file size in this release to prevent other files being stored there.
3MF gcode comments removed. Fixed a bug where comments were removed from Start/End G-codes when opening from a 3MF.
Print monitor preheat fields. Values in the print monitor preheat fields were broken in previous versions, they have now been fixed by fieldOfview. [Source]
[Pull request]
Stepper motor disarming during pause at height. Some printers automatically disable their steppers after a pause (after a certain time). This script makes it possible to set that in the pause script (instead of relying on default behavior of the firmware).
[Pull request]
Third-party printers
Flying Bear printers. oducceu has contributed a machine definition for the Flying Bear Ghost 4S Printer.
[Pull request]
Magicfirm printers. jeffkyjin has contributed machine definitions for MBot Grid II+, MBot Grid II+ (dual), MBot Grid IV+ and MBot Grid IV+ (dual). [Pull request]
HMS434. Updates to the HMS434 machine definition have been contributed by maukcc. [Pull request]
FabX Pro. hussainsail2002 has contributed machine definitions for FabX Pro and print profiles for REDD materials [Pull request] [Pull request - REDD materials]
Want to add a third-party machine definition to Ultimaker Cura? Here’s how.
Disclaimer: Third-party machine definitions are accepted as contributed, and will not be tested or maintained in any way by the Cura development team. Make sure anything submitted to us is thoroughly tested.
Found a bug in this release? Spotted a mistake in these release notes? Open an issue and tell us.
Ultimaker Cura 4.5
February 26, 2020
Ultimaker Marketplace sync. Plugins and print profiles downloaded from the Ultimaker Marketplace will now become associated with your Ultimaker account when logged in. If changes are detected in your installation after logging in, an option to sync a list of available packages will become available. You can also add packages to your installation using the web-based Ultimaker Marketplace.
Layer preview number. The layer slider number in preview mode is now at the top, instead of on the left, for a neater fit next to the settings panel.
Project name in window title. In the same way your browser shows the page title next to the name of the application, Cura now shows the name of the loaded file in the title bar.
Slicing enhancements
Fuzzy skin outside only. When enabled, this option prevents fuzzy skin inside holes. This way you can still fit your prints around other things – useful for printing grips or similar applications.
Brim distance. This new setting contributed by smartavionics allows you to define a gap between the brim and the model for easier brim removal and reduced chance of leaving a mark on the finished piece.
'Skin Edge Support' settings. It’s now possible to add an extra line inside your infill that supports the edge of the skin better. Two new settings contributed by smartavionics control this feature: ‘Skin Edge Support Thickness’ and ‘Skin Edge Support Layers’. Find these under ‘Infill settings’.
Bridge over low density infill. smartavionics has contributed a new setting that determines if the infill density in a location is lower than the specified infill density, skin and walls above it should be treated as bridging.
Shared heater. A new ‘Shared heater’ checkbox has been added to the machine settings page to support printers that have one nozzle and one heater, but multiple feeders. When enabled, heating and pre-heating procedures act differently so that the nozzle doesn’t cool down for the stand-by temperature or the initial/final printing temperatures. Contributed by smartavionics.
Material mixing. A new post-processing script can be used to mix materials if you have a mixing nozzle. Mix materials of different colors in order to print in a different color than either of your currently loaded materials. Contributed by Hrybmo.
Infill mesh planning. Another contribution from smartavionics optimizes the order in which infill meshes print their parts. It now takes the previous location into account instead of always the starting location.
Automatic extruder values. Automatic extruder values are now added for dual extrusion when slicing via the command line.
Gamma correction for lithopanes. Loading an image file into Cura creates a heightmap that can be used to make lithopanes. BagelOrb has altered the method of calculating this to apply gamma correction, so that the lightness of the pane is more truthful to the original lightness.
Support for alpha channels in ImageReader. Added support for images with transparency, such as PNGs. When using an image with transparency, the contours of the transparent layer will be followed. Contributed by BagelOrb.
Performance improvements
Speed up plugin loading. fieldOfview has contributed a code optimization to load plugins faster on start. Mileage may vary, but Cura’s startup speed should see a marked improvement.
Crash logging. We switched to a more robust provider for crash analytics, so we can develop a more stable product for you. We also added some extra datapoints to crash reports.
Scene re-rendering. A new performance enhancement that limits re-rendering of the application interface from ‘constant’ to ‘only-when-necessary’.
HTTP request handling. Previous versions used different ways of handling HTTP requests. This version uses a unified method, for better performance.
Jobnames less sensitive to being touched. A contribution from fieldOfview has fixed an issue where the jobname in the bottom-left of the scene is no longer made static by clicking on it. If you load a model and change to another printer, the prefix is now correctly updated.
Property checks on instance containers. A new speed optimization for reading setting values from profiles.
New printer definitions
Native support has been added for the following third-party printers. Find them in the ‘Add printer’ list.
BeamUp S. Contributed by BeamUp 3D.
Anet3D. Contributed by springtiger.
Lotmaxx. Contributed by sm3dp.
eMotionTech. KOUBeMT has contributed updates to eMotionTech materials and the Strateo3D printer.
HMS434. Updates contributed by maukcc.
3D Tech. Contributed by dvdsouza.
Skriware 2. Contributed by skriDude.
Leapfrog Bolt. Contributed by VincentRiemens.
Makeblock mCreate. Contributed by pkz0313.
Voron2. Contributed by Fulg.
Do you want to add a third-party printer definition to Ultimaker Cura? Here’s how.
Bug fixes
Application not starting (Windows). After a lot of sleuthing, we managed to fix a major bug for this release. The application was getting stuck on trying to load "qgif.dll", which is required to load the PNG file for the splash screen. In other cases, it was caused by trying to load a DLL file from the Intel graphics driver for OpenGL. Thanks to the community for the help and feedback to solve this one. Send logs!
Round interpolated z values. When spiralizing, the interpolated z values are rounded to the nearest micron. Contributed by smartavionics.
S-line build plate temp limit. Values over 125C will turn the setting input box orange for safety reasons. It’s still possible to print above these temperatures, though.
Apple keyboard delete button. Fixed an issue where pressing the delete button on an Apple keyboard wouldn’t delete things.
Added “all” setting visibility. Fixed an issue where selecting ‘all settings’ visibility in custom mode would override a custom selection of settings when switching back.
Min x/y distance on sloped walls. Contribution from smartavionics that uses minimum x/y distance when the layer below protrudes beyond current layer (i.e. sloped walls).
Large polygon ordering. Another contribution from smartavionics. This one speeds up the ordering of large numbers of polygons when using the combed travel distances.
Surface mode: Don't combine overlapping. Fixed an issue where overlapping volumes interfered with each other when in surface mode. Contributed by BagelOrb.
Time lapse post processing script. Fixed a wrong extrusion move between the last x/y position and the ‘park head to take a photo’ position.
Window size. Fixed an issue where window sizes weren’t saved when closing Ultimaker Cura. Contributed by fieldOfview.
Prime tower duplicate brim. Fixed an issue where a duplicate brim was created when adhesion and a prime tower was enabled at the same time. Contributed by smartavionics.
Different printer losing settings. Previous versions would lose modified settings when switching to a print group with printers of different types, e.g. adding an Ultimaker 3, modifying the infill settings from the default profile, and then switching to an Ultimaker S5 would change infill settings back to the default profile value. This version has fixed it.
One-at-a-time slice overlapping models. Fixed an issue where one-at-a-time mode was marking models as unprintable even though they were. This occurred a lot with Creality printers, due to print head definition issues.
Huge extrusions after bridging. Fixed an issue where there was a huge extrusion move after bridge wall lines.
Minimum support area eating into parts. Setting ‘Minimum Support Interface Area’ or minimum ‘Support area’ to a non-zero value larger than the area of a model’s layer would cause support material to eat into features of the model. This has been fixed by smartavionics.
CX_Freeze needs LD_LIBRARY_PATH. An issue caused by different Qt versions shipped with older versions of Cura would take a wrong instance which resulted in broken libraries. This has been fixed by smartavionics.
Retraction Min Travel broken. We recently discovered this was broken since version 4.0. Luckily it was fixed by smartavionics.
Mirror + Lay Flat behaves the other way. Fixed some broken behavior with mirror + lay flat settings when used together.
Cura splash screen loading indicator doesn’t always spin. During some load phases, the spinner stops spinning, which could give the impression of a crash. This has been fixed.
**UI elements get obscured on small ...
4.5 BETA
Beta release of the upcoming 4.5 version. We usually release the final release +/- 2 weeks after the beta. Please let us know of any remaining issues, so we can fix the 'criticals' and 'blockers' before the final is out!
Ultimaker Cura 4.5 beta
February 11, 2020
Ultimaker Marketplace sync. Plugins and print profiles downloaded from the Ultimaker Marketplace will now become associated with your Ultimaker account when logged in. If changes are detected in your installation after logging in, an option to sync a list of available packages will become available. You can also add packages to your installation using the web-based Ultimaker Marketplace.
Layer preview number. The layer slider number in preview mode is now at the top, instead of on the left, for a neater fit next to the settings panel.
Project name in window title. In the same way your browser shows the page title next to the name of the application, Cura now shows the name of the loaded file in the title bar.
Slicing enhancements
Fuzzy skin outside only. When enabled, this option prevents fuzzy skin inside holes. This way you can still fit your prints around other things – useful for printing grips or similar applications.
Brim distance. This new setting contributed by smartavionics allows you to define a gap between the brim and the model for easier brim removal and reduced chance of leaving a mark on the finished piece.
'Skin Edge Support' settings. It’s now possible to add an extra line inside your infill that supports the edge of the skin better. Two new settings contributed by smartavionics control this feature: ‘Skin Edge Support Thickness’ and ‘Skin Edge Support Layers’. Find these under ‘Infill settings’.
Bridge over low density infill. smartavionics has contributed a new setting that determines if the infill density in a location is lower than the specified infill density, skin and walls above it should be treated as bridging.
Shared heater. A new ‘Shared heater’ checkbox has been added to the machine settings page to support printers that have one nozzle and one heater, but multiple feeders. When enabled, heating and pre-heating procedures act differently so that the nozzle doesn’t cool down for the stand-by temperature or the initial/final printing temperatures. Contributed by smartavionics.
Material mixing. A new post-processing script can be used to mix materials if you have a mixing nozzle. Mix materials of different colors in order to print in a different color than either of your currently loaded materials. Contributed by Hrybmo.
Infill mesh planning. Another contribution from smartavionics optimizes the order in which infill meshes print their parts. It now takes the previous location into account instead of always the starting location.
Automatic extruder values. Automatic extruder values are now added for dual extrusion when slicing via the command line.
Gamma correction for lithopanes. Loading an image file into Cura creates a heightmap that can be used to make lithopanes. BagelOrb has altered the method of calculating this to apply gamma correction, so that the lightness of the pane is more truthful to the original lightness.
Support for alpha channels in ImageReader. Added support for images with transparency, such as PNGs. When using an image with transparency, the contours of the transparent layer will be followed. Contributed by BagelOrb.
Performance improvements
Speed up plugin loading. fieldOfview has contributed a code optimization to load plugins faster on start. Mileage may vary, but Cura’s startup speed should see a marked improvement.
Crash logging. We switched to a more robust provider for crash analytics, so we can develop a more stable product for you. We also added some extra datapoints to crash reports.
Scene re-rendering. A new performance enhancement that limits re-rendering of the application interface from ‘constant’ to ‘only-when-necessary’.
HTTP request handling. Previous versions used different ways of handling HTTP requests. This version uses a unified method, for better performance.
Jobnames less sensitive to being touched. A contribution from fieldOfview has fixed an issue where the jobname in the bottom-left of the scene is no longer made static by clicking on it. If you load a model and change to another printer, the prefix is now correctly updated.
Property checks on instance containers. A new speed optimization for reading setting values from profiles.
New printer definitions
Native support has been added for the following third-party printers. Find them in the ‘Add printer’ list.
BeamUp S. Contributed by BeamUp 3D.
Anet3D. Contributed by springtiger.
Lotmaxx. Contributed by sm3dp.
eMotionTech. KOUBeMT has contributed updates to eMotionTech materials and the Strateo3D printer.
HMS434. Updates contributed by maukcc.
3D Tech. Contributed by dvdsouza.
Skriware 2. Contributed by skriDude.
Leapfrog Bolt. Contributed by VincentRiemens.
Makeblock mCreate. Contributed by pkz0313.
Voron2. Contributed by Fulg.
Do you want to add a third-party printer definition to Ultimaker Cura? Here’s how.
Bug fixes
Application not starting (Windows). After a lot of sleuthing, we managed to fix a major bug for this release. The application was getting stuck on trying to load "qgif.dll", which is required to load the PNG file for the splash screen. In other cases, it was caused by trying to load a DLL file from the Intel graphics driver for OpenGL. Thanks to the community for the help and feedback to solve this one. Send logs!
Round interpolated z values. When spiralizing, the interpolated z values are rounded to the nearest micron. Contributed by smartavionics.
S-line build plate temp limit. Values over 125C will turn the setting input box orange for safety reasons. It’s still possible to print above these temperatures, though.
Apple keyboard delete button. Fixed an issue where pressing the delete button on an Apple keyboard wouldn’t delete things.
Added “all” setting visibility. Fixed an issue where selecting ‘all settings’ visibility in custom mode would override a custom selection of settings when switching back.
Min x/y distance on sloped walls. Contribution from smartavionics that uses minimum x/y distance when the layer below protrudes beyond current layer (i.e. sloped walls).
Large polygon ordering. Another contribution from smartavionics. This one speeds up the ordering of large numbers of polygons when using the combed travel distances.
Surface mode: Don't combine overlapping. Fixed an issue where overlapping volumes interfered with each other when in surface mode. Contributed by BagelOrb.
Time lapse post processing script. Fixed a wrong extrusion move between the last x/y position and the ‘park head to take a photo’ position.
Window size. Fixed an issue where window sizes weren’t saved when closing Ultimaker Cura. Contributed by fieldOfview.
Prime tower duplicate brim. Fixed an issue where a duplicate brim was created when adhesion and a prime tower was enabled at the same time. Contributed by smartavionics.
Different printer losing settings. Previous versions would lose modified settings when switching to a print group with printers of different types, e.g. adding an Ultimaker 3, modifying the infill settings from the default profile, and then switching to an Ultimaker S5 would change infill settings back to the default profile value. This version has fixed it.
One-at-a-time slice overlapping models. Fixed an issue where one-at-a-time mode was marking models as unprintable even though they were. This occurred a lot with Creality printers, due to print head definition issues.
Huge extrusions after bridging. Fixed an issue where there was a huge extrusion move after bridge wall lines.
Minimum support area eating into parts. Setting ‘Minimum Support Interface Area’ or minimum ‘Support area’ to a non-zero value larger than the area of a model’s layer would cause support material to eat into features of the model. This has been fixed by smartavionics.
CX_Freeze needs LD_LIBRARY_PATH. An issue caused by different Qt versions shipped with older versions of Cura would take a wrong instance which resulted in broken libraries. This has been fixed by smartavionics.
Retraction Min Travel broken. We recently discovered this was broken since version 4.0. Luckily it was fixed by smartavionics.
Mirror + Lay Flat behaves the other way. Fixed some broken behavior with mirror + lay flat settings when used tog...