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Constantin Mihai edited this page Jun 16, 2022 · 14 revisions


Engine Modes since 0.3.0

Eryn comes with 2 built-in bridges for communicating with Node.js:

  • the normal bridge (flexible): allows the templates to contain any valid JavaScript code
  • the strict bridge (fast): only allows direct variable references

To change the mode under which the engine operates, simply do this:

    mode: 'strict' // default: 'normal'


In normal mode, the engine functions normally. The templates page reflects the behavior of the system under these circumstances. This mode is flexible due to the fact that it allows any valid JavaScript code in the templates.


Strict mode is similar, but the engine limits the contents of the templates. Strict mode is faster because it communicates more efficiently with Node.js: instead of using the eval function, it uses functions from N-API. This is the reason why it's much more limited. However, if speed is a concern, this mode should be used if possible.

In strict mode, the following can no longer contain any JavaScript code, and must instead only contain direct variable references:

  • normal and void templates
  • all conditional templates
  • the object/array in loop templates
  • the context in component templates

Direct variable reference means a maximum field depth of 1.

This is ok:


This isn't:


Beware that loop iterators are actually stored in the local object (see the local object page for more info). Therefore:

This is ok:

[|@ iterator : context.items |]

(aka [|local["iterator"]|])

This isn't:

[|@ iterator : context.items |]

(aka [|local["iterator"].field|])


The following table shows multiple examples which may or may not be accepted in strict mode.

Template Normal mode Strict mode
[|context.surname +|]



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