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File metadata and controls

89 lines (77 loc) · 5.08 KB


  • Authors: WhiteX等人,Average,Cjx,肝帝熙恩适配与修改,Cai更新
  • Source: github
  • Essentials+ is a combination of things from Essentials and things from MoreAdminCommands made better. All commands run asynchronously. It does not include Sign Commands.


  • /find -> Takes a variety of subcommands:
    • -command -> Searches for a specific command based on input, returning matching commands and their permissions.
    • -item -> Searches for a specific item based on input, returning matching items and their IDs.
    • -tile -> Searches for a specific tile based on input, returning matching tiles and their IDs.
    • -wall -> Searches for a specific wall based on input, returning matching walls and their IDs.
  • /freezetime -> Freezes and unfreezes time.
  • /delhome <home name> -> Deletes a home specified by <home name>.
  • /sethome <home name> -> Sets a home named <home name>.
  • /myhome <home name> -> Teleports you to your home named <home name>.
  • /kickall <flag> <reason> -> Kicks every player for <reason>. Valid flag: -nosave -> The kick doesn't save SSC inventory.
  • /= -> Repeats your last entered command (not including other instances of /=).
  • /more -> Maximizes the item stack of the held item. Includes subcommands:
    • -all -> Maximizes all stackable items in the player's inventory.
  • /mute -> Overwrites TShock's /mute. Includes subcommands:
    • add <name> <time> -> Mutes the player <name> for the duration <time>.
    • delete <name> -> Removes the mute for the player <name>.
    • help -> Displays command info.
  • /pvpget -> Enables or disables your PvP status.
  • /ruler [1|2] -> Measures the distance between points 1 and 2.
  • /sudo [flag] <player> <command> -> Makes <player> execute <command>. Valid flag: -force -> Forces the player to run the command, ignoring permission checks. Players with the essentials.sudo.super permission can use /sudo on anyone.
  • /timecmd [flag] <time> <command> -> Executes <command> after <time>. Valid flag: -repeat -> Repeats <command> every <time>.
  • /eback [steps] -> Returns you to a previous location. If [steps] is provided, it takes you back to your position [steps] steps ago.
  • /down [levels] -> Moves you down on the map. If [levels] is specified, it attempts to move you down [levels] levels.
  • /left [levels] -> Similar to /down [levels], but moves left.
  • /right [levels] -> Similar to /down [levels], but moves right.
  • /up [levels] -> Similar to /down [levels], but moves upwards.


  • essentials.find -> Grants access to the /find command.
  • essentials.freezetime -> Grants access to the /freezetime command.
  • essentials.home.delete -> Grants access to the /delhome and /sethome commands.
  • -> Grants access to the /myhome command.
  • essentials.kickall -> Grants access to the /kickall command.
  • essentials.lastcommand -> Grants access to the /= command.
  • essentials.more -> Grants access to the /more command.
  • essentials.mute -> Grants access to the improved /mute command.
  • essentials.pvp -> Grants access to the /pvpget command.
  • essentials.ruler -> Grants access to the /ruler command.
  • essentials.send -> Grants access to the /send command.
  • essentials.sudo -> Grants access to the /sudo command.
  • essentials.sudo.force -> Extends the capabilities of sudo.
  • essentials.sudo.super -> Allows sudo to be used on anyone.
  • essentials.sudo.invisible -> Causes sudo'd commands to be executed invisibly.
  • essentials.timecmd -> Grants access to the /timecmd command.
  • -> Grants access to the /back command.
  • -> Grants access to the /down command.
  • -> Grants access to the /left command.
  • -> Grants access to the /right command.
  • -> Grants access to the /up command.


Configuration file location:tshock/EssentialsPlus.json

  // List of commands that disable PvP (Player vs Player) when used.
  "Pvp禁用命令": [

  // The number of previous locations to store in the history for rollback or similar features.
  "回退位置历史记录": 10,

  // MySQL server host information. Required if using MySQL as the database.
  "MySql主机": "如使用Mysql这里需要配置完整信息",  // Host address, e.g., "localhost" or an IP address.

  // Name of the MySQL database to be used.
  "MySql数据库名称": "",  // Database name, e.g., "mydatabase".

  // MySQL user with access to the specified database.
  "MySql用户": "",  // Username for database access, e.g., "dbuser".

  // Password for the MySQL user.
  "MySql密码": ""  // Password for the specified user, e.g., "password123".
