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113 lines (109 loc) · 4.77 KB

File metadata and controls

113 lines (109 loc) · 4.77 KB


  • Authors: 羽学
  • Source: Tshock QQ Group 816771079
  • This is a Tshock server plugin, mainly used for:
  • modifying and storing player weapon data and automatically reloading. You can use the /mw command to give players items with specified attributes.


Syntax Alias Permission Description
/mw None mw.use Command
/mw hand /mw h mw.use Toggle switch for getting held item info
/mw join /mw j mw.use Toggle switch for login reload
/mw list /mw l mw.use List all modified items
/mw read None mw.use Manually reload all modified items
/mw auto /mw at mw.admn Toggle the automatic reload feature
/mw clear /mw cr mw.admin Toggle the automatic cleanup feature
/mw open PlayerName /mw op mw.admin Switch another player's login reload state
/mw add PlayerName Count None mw.admin Add reload counts
/mw del PlayerName None mw.admin Delete specified player's data
/mw up None mw.admin Modify specific attributes of a player's existing "modified item"
/mw set /mw s mw.admin Modify held item attributes
/mw give /mw g mw.admin Give a player a modified item and create data
/mw all None mw.admin Give a modified item to all players and create data
/mw pw /mw p mw.admin Reload for all or enable join reload
/mw reads /mw rds mw.admin Help everyone's reload "modified item"
/mw reset /mw rs mw.admin Reset all player data
/reload None tshock.cfg.reload Reload configuration file
None None Ignore cooldown and count for reloading weapons


Configuration file location:tshock/修改武器.json

  "Plugin Enabled": true,
  "Initial Reload Attempts": 2,
  "Give Only Specified Items by Name": true,
  "Enable Delayed Execution Command After Giving Items": true,
  "Delayed Command Milliseconds": 500.0,
  "Delayed Command List": [
    "/mw read"
  "Auto Reload": 1,
  "Trigger Reload Command Check List": [
  "Clean Modified Weapons (Dropped or Placed in Chests Will Disappear)": true,
  "Exempt from Cleaning List": [
  "Create Data for Admins Only on Join": false,
  "Increase Reload Attempts Cooldown Seconds": 1800.0,
  "Enable Public Weapons": true,
  "Data Sync Interval Seconds": 15,
  "Public Weapons Broadcast Title": "YuXue Kaifang Server ",
  "Public Weapons List": [
      "Name": "Firearm",
      "ID": 96,
      "Quantity": 1,
      "Prefix": 82,
      "Damage": 30,
      "Size": 1.0,
      "Knockback": 5.5,
      "Use Speed": 10,
      "Attack Speed": 15,
      "Projectile Type": 10,
      "Projectile Speed": 9.0,
      "Ammo": 0,
      "Launcher": 97,
      "Color": {
        "packedValue": 0,
        "R": 0,
        "G": 0,
        "B": 0,
        "A": 0,
        "PackedValue": 0
      "Name": "Deadly Gun",
      "ID": 800,
      "Quantity": 1,
      "Prefix": 82,
      "Damage": 35,
      "Size": 1.0,
      "Knockback": 2.5,
      "Use Speed": 10,
      "Attack Speed": 15,
      "Projectile Type": 5,
      "Projectile Speed": 6.0,
      "Ammo": 0,
      "Launcher": 97,
      "Color": {
        "packedValue": 0,
        "R": 0,
        "G": 0,
        "B": 0,
        "A": 0,
        "PackedValue": 0
