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Schedule |
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Society seminars/workshops are held in Stopford building, 4-5pm Fridays. New semester series to be announced soon!
Date | Presenter | Topic | Room |
TBC | - | - | 1.065/6 |
Date | Presenter | Topic | Room |
11th Dec 2015 | Christian Brenninkmeijer | Docker for bioinformatics | 1.065/6 |
27th Nov 2015 | Max Rothier Bautzer and Nick Pettican | Linux boot camp | 1.065/6 |
20th Nov 2015 | Yiying Lang | RNA-seq analysis with Cufflinks/Tophat | 1.065/6 |
13th Nov 2015 | Mark Reardon | Introduction to SQL | 1.065/6 |
6th Nov 2015 | Louis Maddox | Git, GitHub, and Git Large File Storage | G.054 |
Workshop materials can be found here.
Some proposed sessions we are seeking volunteers for:
- ggplot show-and-tell: demonstrate and describe your plots and ggplot tricks.
- Jupyter code notebooks & IPython workshop.
- Invited faculty/guest speakers (seeking UoM faculty / recommendations for external invitation, expenses covered)
- Training/discussion session: "Dealing with exceptions to the rule" - avoiding assumptions when programming, and defensive strategies for bioinformatics applications.
We want to hear your ideas and wishes for Bioinfo Soc topics - please fill out the sign up questionnaire online here.
We are looking for speakers on core computational skills which are not covered in FLS faculty teaching, as part of our Code For Life workshop series - if you are available on Friday afternoons and willing to present, please get in touch.
Our email is, and our "listserv" mailing list is BIOINFO-SOC. Sign up to receive an invitation.