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Will Strohl edited this page Nov 22, 2020 · 3 revisions

Page Settings Editor Module

On some websites, developers can get very creative with implementation in DNN. An example of this might be storing information for a complex mega menu implementation.

In fact, did you even realize that pages in DNN has settings that you can use in the same way that you may be aware of with ModuleSettings and TabModuleSettings? That's right! This module basically allows you to edit the TabSettings table for the given page that this module is on.

How to Use the Page Settings Editor Module

Download the latest release of the module.

Install the module like any other DNN extension.

NOTE: This module assumes you're running a website with a theme that uses Bootstrap 4.

Navigate to a page whose settings you wish to manage.

Add the module to the page.

Set the permissions for the module to NOT inherit view from the page using the module settings view.

Setting View Permissions

IMPORTANT! In almost all cases, you should ensure that Administrators are the only people who can edit the page settings. Anyone else may not have the technical savviness to prevent mistakes that could crash the page (or potentially the entire website).

In some cases, the current page may not have any settings to display. In most cases, though, your initial view will look something like what you see below.

Page Settings Editor

For each setting listed, you can click the Edit button to change its value. The delete button does exactly what you think... It deletes the page setting next to it.

Editing a Page Setting

Below the active settings is an area where you can add a new one of your own. Just enter any desired value for the setting name and value, then click the Save button. That's all there is to it!

FYI - You're intentionally unable to change the name of a setting once it's saved. This is the "key" or ID of the setting. It also must be unique for the page.

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