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@WillStrohl WillStrohl released this 23 May 20:37
· 161 commits to main since this release

This is the Upendo DNN User Management module for DNN. This module empowers website owners to delegate the ability to manage users to other trusted individuals on the website, regardless of whether they are an administrator or superuser already.

Release Notes

The release notes continue after the Sponsors and Code Contributors below.


Open-source is not free. We're so GRATEFUL for the following people/organizations for sponsoring developers to work on this release!

Sponsorship is Powered by GitHub Sponsors and ensures that this project lives and thrives. Please consider sponsoring any amount.

You can support us for as little as $0.10 a day! (that's only $3/month)

THANK YOU to the following rock stars!

Code Contributors

THANK YOU to the following community members for participating in this release!

Release Note Prefixes

The following prefixes are defined as:

  • SI: Support Inquiry - This issue was reported by a support customer and was prioritized above all other tasks.

Version 01.01.01 Updates


SI: Added Ability to Specify Start/End Dates for Roles - You can now independently assign a start or end date for the role expiration, as well as a one-click clearing for the expiry dates. (Issue 52), Thanks, @alejoroman0605!
SI: Added Visual Email Validation - The email address validation now follows a similar UX pattern as the password. (Issue 43), Thanks, @alejoroman0605!

Bug Fixes & Maintenance Updates