GitHub #12 Integrate changelog generation enhancement
- Close #12 (Vyacheslav Enis)
- #12 Initial changelog generation (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Fixed release process (changelog generation) (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Updated changelog (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Updated (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Renamed changelog task (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Ignored okhttp cache (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Updated bintray config (added release notes) (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Updated changelog generation config (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Updated (Vyacheslav Enis)
GitHub #2 Integrade CPD checks quality
- hl7-2 Added CPD support (resolves #2) (Vyacheslav Enis)
GitHub #5 Integrate dependency checks (like JDepend) quality
- hl7-5 Added jDepend support (resolves #5) (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Updated release and added bintray upload (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Fixed CPD config (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Initial config for release plugin (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Added quality tools (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Updated gradle wrapper (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Added IDEA configs to ignore (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Initial build logic refactoring (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Refactored transports (host-related are separate now) (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Fixed access modifiers (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Fixed variable name that hides class field. (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Fixed interrupt handling (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Refactored connection initialization (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Added IDEA php config to ignore (Vyacheslav Enis)
- IDEA configs updated (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Initial implementation of incoming connection (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Updated IDE settings (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Some dummy transport and connection implementation (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Added generated IDE annotations to ignore. (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Added annotation processors support (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Removed old unused modules (receiver and receiver-app). Created module hl7-connection (Vyacheslav Enis)
- hl7-3 Added Findbugs support (Vyacheslav Enis)
- hl7-1 Updated IDEA-config (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Updated wrapper configuration to be IDE-friendly (Vyacheslav Enis)
- hl7-1 Added PMD config (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Ignored build directory for root project (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Updated IDEA configs (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Added ability to perform OWASP dependency check (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Updated IDEA configs (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Added bintray config (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Updated IDEA configs (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Changed version to "0.0.1.RELEASE" (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Reorganized hapi libraries usage and fixed hapi.home (Vyacheslav Enis)
- IDEA configs change (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Build file reorganization (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Changed version to 0.0.1 (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Updated IDEA configs (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Added hapi runtime files to ignore (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Added more tests (Vyacheslav Enis)
- build.gradle reorganized (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Some jacoco configuration (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Added some initial tests (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Added spock framework support (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Added sonar idea dirs to ignore (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Fixed sonar issue (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Set default initial version (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Fixed some issues (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Added SLF4J dependency (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Updated IDEA configs (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Added sonarqube plugin and group for projects (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Updated IDEA config (Vyacheslav Enis)
- IDEA config update (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Implemented Message and added some toStrings (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Fixed build directory ignore (Vyacheslav Enis)
- IDEA configs (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Implemented Field, Segment and Group (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Added provided hapi libraries (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Added project loombok (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Initial .idea config (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Initial gradle project configuration (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Added gitignore (Vyacheslav Enis)
- Gradle wrapper (Vyacheslav Enis)