This section contains intermediate-level JavaScript interview questions. Click on each question to see its detailed answer.
- Explain slice() and splice() methods of an array. ✅
- What is event bubbling in JavaScript? ✅
- What is the value of the "this" keyword in arrow functions? ✅
- What are closures in JavaScript? ✅
- What is recursion in JavaScript? ✅
- What are higher-order functions in JavaScript? ✅
- What is a callback function in JavaScript? ✅
- What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous programming? ✅
- What is the difference between querySelector and querySelectorAll? ✅
- What is hoisting in JavaScript? ✅
- What are JavaScript promises, and how do they work? ✅
- What is the difference between function declaration and function expression? ✅
- What are JavaScript modules, and why are they used? ✅
- What is the difference between shallow copy and deep copy? ✅
- What are the different ways to iterate over an array in JavaScript? ✅
- How does destructuring assignment work in JavaScript? ✅
- What are rest and spread operators in JavaScript? ✅
- What is the difference between call, apply, and bind methods? ✅
- How do you handle errors in JavaScript using try-catch? ✅
- What is the purpose of the
keyword in JavaScript? ✅