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Applying to add your Repository to the Organization is easy:
1. Input your name
2. Input your GitHub Username
3. Input the name of the Repository you want to add
4. Briefly describe the Repository's function and purpose - mention if it is public or private
5. Include your Repository's opensource license, if it has one
6. Apply
The information you give will then be sent to the GitHub Coordinators for review. You should hear back from us with the result of your application within a week. If you have not heard back from us in over a week, please re-apply your Repository.
--Only public Virginia Tech Organization members can apply their Repository--
All applying Repositories must adhere to the Virginia Tech Policies and Honor Code. Any Repositories that break these guidelines will be denied. Some examples of unacceptable Repositories include: Course-Snipers, for-class programming HW/Projects, code malicious in nature, etc.
The applying Repositories must be owned by an applicate who is a public member of the VT GitHub Organization.
Have questions? Contact us, at {: style="text-align: center;"}
Name (required)
Contact Email (required)
GitHub Username (required)
Repository Name (required)
Repository Description (required)
Opensource license
By clicking Send you validate that this repository does not violate the Virginia Tech Policies nor Honor Code.