The goal is to recreate the functionality of tiles slicing from imagemagick
in Rust. The slicing time has shown to be significantly reduced, and the built binary can be run as a platform agnostic program.
Follow the steps from Rust Documentation
If you are working with the code, run cargo build
to create a debug build executable file in target/debug/tile-split
If you want to generate a distributable binary, run cargo build -r
to create a release build executable file in target/release/tile-split
Prerequisite for Mac users: Right click ( control + click ) the tile-split
program and click Open from the menu. Close the terminal and continue as normal. This step is to create an exception to Mac's security rules for running an unauthorized program.
The binary takes a single PNG file as an input, which must be a square. We tell the binary what zoomlevel the PNG file is via the --zoomlevel
arg, which is compulsory. To slice a single zoom level PNG, the command is
tile-split level-5.png --zoomlevel 5
We can also optionally take a PNG for a high zoom level, downsize it to create PNGs of lower zoom levels, and then also slice those into tiles. The --zoomrange
argument is used to specify which zoomlevels we want to generate tiles for. The --targetrange
argument specifies subset of tiles to slice, if not provided the full range of tiles is sliced.
tile-split level-5.png --zoomlevel 5 --zoomrange 2-5 --targetrange 0-44
This would generate tiles for zoomlevels 2, 3, 4 and 5 from the single level 5 PNG and slice the first subset of 45 tiles for the whole zoom range.
For example, for a chunk size of 300 tiles per round, the arguments would be
tile-split level-5.png --zoomlevel 5 --zoomrange 0-5 --targetrange 0-300
tile-split level-5.png --zoomlevel 5 --zoomrange 0-5 --targetrange 300-600
tile-split level-5.png --zoomlevel 5 --zoomrange 0-5 --targetrange 600-900
tile-split level-5.png --zoomlevel 5 --zoomrange 0-5 --targetrange 900-1200
tile-split level-5.png --zoomlevel 5 --zoomrange 0-5 --targetrange 1200-1365
Note that we cannot upscale an input PNG to higher zoomlevels, only downscale -- so all zoomlevels passed via --zoomrange
must be equal to or less than the input PNG zoomlevel passed via --zoomlevel
If --parentzoomlevel
is provided, it indicates that the input PNG has the dimension of the --zoomlevel
value and is sliced from an whole png of dimension --parentzoomlevel
. --indexforzoom
indicates the index of the input PNG among all the sliced ones (Note the index needs to follow Z-curve). If --parentzoomlevel
is provided, --zoomrange
and --targetrange
will be ignored and the code will split the input PNG to all tiles and give it the correct names that corresponds to the parent zoom level location. These arguments are designed to be run by multiple lambda function to slice level 6 and level 7 PNGs.
For example, if we have four level 5 dimension PNGs sliced from one whole level 6 PNG, by running
tile-split 5-0-0.png --zoomlevel 5 --parentzoomlevel 6 --indexforzoom 0
tile-split 5-1-0.png --zoomlevel 5 --parentzoomlevel 6 --indexforzoom 1
tile-split 5-0-1.png --zoomlevel 5 --parentzoomlevel 6 --indexforzoom 2
tile-split 5-1-1.png --zoomlevel 5 --parentzoomlevel 6 --indexforzoom 3
This will output all 4096 tiles from level 6 with correct names.
Run tile-split --help
for more command description.
Split input image files into sets of tiles.
Usage: tile-split [OPTIONS] --zoomlevel <ZOOMLEVEL> <FILENAME>
<FILENAME> Input PNG filename
-l, --zoomlevel <ZOOMLEVEL>
Zoomlevel of input PNG file [env: ZOOMLEVEL=]
-p, --parentzoomlevel <PARENTZOOMLEVEL>
Parent zoomlevel of input sub PNG file
-i, --indexforzoom <INDEXFORZOOM>
Index of the input sub PNG [default: 0]
-r, --zoomrange <ZOOMRANGE>
Zoomrange to slice tiles for
-o, --output-dir <OUTPUT_DIR>
Location to write output tiles to [env: OUTPUT_DIR=] [default: out]
--tilesize <TILESIZE>
Dimension of output tiles, in pixels [default: 256]
--tileformat <TILEFORMAT>
Type of output tiles [env: TILEFORMAT=] [default: png]
-t, --targetrange <TARGETRANGE>
Subset morton range of tiles to slice
--preset <PRESET>
PNG compression preset [env: PRESET=]
Save the resized files [env: SAVE_RESIZE=]
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version