concrete5 5.7 shell scripts
This is the successor to the previous consh scripts for concrete5.5 / 5.6 rewritten for concrete5.7.
- clone this repository
git clone
- switch to the newly created directory
cd consh
- install dependencies using composer
composer install
- symlink the consh script to your place of choosing.
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/consh consh
orln -s ~/bin/consh consh
In the base directory of a local concrete5.7 installation run the consh configuration script consh config
consh currently assumes that you have your concrete5 installation in a public_html/ sub-folder The plan is to have this dynamically discovered from a number of common sub-folders (or non at all).
This will create a config file in ./public_html/application/config/generated_overrides/consh/consh.php
Now you should be able to run the various consh commands.
consh config
Write the initial configuration fileconsh db:pull
Pull the remote site's database and import it into the local installationconsh db:backup
create a backup of the remote database on the local systemconsh db:restore <filename>
restore one of the previously created local backupsconsh files:pull
Rsync the remote site's files directory to the local filesystemconsh pull
Pulls the database and files from the remote server
If you have found a bug and have a suggestion for how to fix it or you have developed a new command / feature you wish to share, please fork this repository, create a branch and then submit a pull request.
Please make sure you have the correct licensing for all code submitted. consh is released under the MIT License.
If you have found a bug or have an idea for a feature, please feel free to open an issue. In the case of a bug, any information you can provide (error messages, the command run, what you expected to happen, what happened) would be helpful. For a feature request, a detailed description of the use-case would be great.
Keep in mind, this is a project in my (limited) spare time. I'll do my best to get to bug reports / feature requests, but please be patient.
The consh script is written by Dan Klassen I am the owner / lead developer of Triple I Web Solutions