New: Add ability to override Sermon Manager's CSS by putting "sermon.css" file in theme (thanks @zSeriesGuy )
New: Add default image during installation (thanks @zSeriesGuy )
New: Add setting for showing and hiding the filter (shortcode and archive, thanks @zSeriesGuy )
New: Add setting for default image (thanks @zSeriesGuy )
Change: Update Plyr to 3.4.3
Change: Re-organized the settings, with more descriptive options
Fix: Fix importing from Sermon Browser stopping after first sermon
Fix: Audio file length and size not being automatically filled
Fix: Taxonomy archive sermons ordered by date preached
Fix: "sermon" argument not working in shortcode
Fix: Database errors on Import/Export screen on some hosts
Fix: Pause button not showing up when file is being played
Fix: "Upload Image" button not working in Podcast settings
Fix: Audio file sometime not being correct
Fix: Add more theme support for pagination
Fix: Image selector in settings now showing up
Fix: Filter not working correctly in shortcode (thanks @zSeriesGuy )
Fix: Plyr not having border
Dev: Update function for getting sermon image to return fallback with any option
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