Please keep this list in alphabetic order. Only WordPress agencies, developers and freelance workers please!
Please submit changes and additions to this repository via Patch or Pull Request. Don't have a Github account, or you're not sure how to contribute? Just send an email to and we'll take it from there.
- Blueforce Internet Solutions - @blueforce1
- BlueGlass | Team Farner - @blueglasszrh
- CLUS Werbeagentur - @clus_ch
- Comotive
- cubetech - @cubetech_ch
- Dream Production - @dreamproduction
- flake GmbH
- Guave Interactive- @guave_ia
- Haptiq
- Metoki GmbH – @metoki_digital
- Miux AG
- MONTAG Webstudios
- OneByte AG
- Openstream - @openstream
- PATDEF-webdesign - @PatriceDefago
- Picture-Planet GmbH
- Refined Practice - @RefinedPractice
- required - @wearerequired
- Resort Studio
- Say Hello - @sayhellogmbh
- someco
- WebKinder
- Web Updates KMU GmbH - @wuk_ch
- WeLoveYou - @weloveyou_ch
- whatwedo
- Xeit
- Christoph S. Ackermann - @acki_
- Claudio Rimann - @pandulu
- Claudio Schwarz - @purzlbaum
- Karin Christen - @karinchristen
- Kevin Walker - @walkeezy
- Marc Wieland - @marcwieland95
- Mark Howells-Mead - @howellsmead
- Martin Sauter – @msauter
- Martin Steiner - @stooni
- Michael Sebel - @msebel
- Nick Weisser - @nickweisser
- Nico Martin - @nic_o_martin
- Nina Regli - @NinaRegli
- Pascal Birchler - @swissspidy
- Patrice Défago - @PatriceDefago
- Paul Ratcliffe - @Meester_Paul
- Roger Burkhard
- Sandro Würmli - @sandrowuermli
- Silvan Hagen - @neverything
- Stefan Murawski - @stefanmurawski
- Ulrich Pogson - @grapplerulrich