Pagirinya satelite house prototype is a sustainable ICT enhanced social network work space(SNS) aligned with The Youth Empowerment Foundation (YEF) adjumani
- Bringing all the Youths from different ethnic affiliation in pagirinya and neighbouring south sudan refugee settlements and host communities in Uganda together.
- Engaging in open tech innovation,peace building,media and information literacy(MIL),career inspiration and life skills
- To strengthen the activities of The Youth Empowerment Foundation (YEF)in the region for a collective,social, mobilisation as a strategy for empowering the youth to embrace the active participation in peace,non violence and reconciliation dialogues.
The Youths are actively participating in the construction of the satelite house prototype
In order to overcome
The past ethnic prejudice or stereotypes Cultural rigidity/nostalgia Political differences Economic depression etc
- A network of trainings via the satelite is to be established and existing projects to connect the satelite and the youths will be accelerated
- To organise and conduct regular training and free space for young innovatories in the settlement.
- To act as a modal institution and resource center of excellence in technology and open source research.
- To develop an ICT and youth led skill enhanced social network space(SNS)for effective peace, education,mobility and Empowerment of the youths in south sudanese refugee settlement and the host communities.
For procedure,read more in the link Procedure