Bidirectional MR can help determine causality between risk factors and disease. When Microbiome genera abundancy phenotypes were the exposure, the SNPs are filtered by 1e-05. When cardiometabolic or sleep phenotypes were the exposure, the SNPs are filtered by 5e-08.
For ~200 genera of gut microbiota, TwoSampleMR can be run in a loop format with the shell script included. For other traits, I used a different script. Each R script calls on a python script to create an intersection file and edit the pval column. *PANUKBB stores pval as either lnpval or neglog10pval which must be converted for TwoSamepleMR
loop TwoSampleMR script: /home/camilla/TwoSampleMR/MiBioGen_Summary_Statistics/run_TwoSampleMR_intersection_then_clumping.R
python script (MiBioGen and panukb intersection): /home/camilla/TwoSampleMR/MiBioGen_Summary_Statistics/
once through TwoSampleMR script (2 panukb files): /home/camilla/TwoSampleMR/MiBioGen_Summary_Statistics/run_TwoSampleMR_chrpos.R
once through TwoSampleMR script (MiBioGen and panukb): /home/camilla/TwoSampleMR/MiBioGen_Summary_Statistics/run_mbg_oncethrough.R
python script for once through (2 panukb files intersection): /home/camilla/TwoSampleMR/MiBioGen_Summary_Statistics/
*python scripts must be edited for the amount of columns in the sum stats file and pval conversion
*R script variables must be edited for the names of the sumstats files/file paths and phenotype descriptions
link to MR project summary Google Doc: