- (main) Satoshi Fukutomi fuktommy@shingetsu.info
- sbwhitecap
- (apollo) replaceable anonymous.
- (2ch interface) kkka
- (thumbnail patch) A shinGETsu user.
- (imghdr patch) A shinGETsu user.
- (js extensions) shinGETsu users.
- (markdown extension) WhiteCat6142
- (run_cgi) Python Software Foundation.
- (jQuery) The jQuery Foundation.
- (Twitter Bootstrap) Twitter.
- (jQuery Lazy) Daniel 'Eisbehr' Kern
- (Spoiler Alert) Joshua Hull, Jared Volpe, Dwayne Charrington
- (marked) Christopher Jeffrey
Saku stands for "Shingetsu Another Keen Utility". Both the word "saku" and "shingetsu" mean the new moon in Japanese.
Agree following terms and join shinGETsu network.
- Descrive your license in your articles. Or they are open, public and/or free: anyone can use, modify and/or distribute them.
- Do not use the network for illegality.
- Do not use the network at the cost of othor peolpe.
- Saku is a P2P anonymous BBS works on Python.
- We confirm that Saku works on CPython 3.4 on GNU/Linux. Saku may not work on MacOS(ver.9 or before).
- The features of shinGETsu are...
- 2ch.net style interface
- Wiki style hyperlink
- IRC style cache
- Uploader
- Python (ver.3.4.2 or later)
- pipenv if you install packages with pipenv
- Jinja2 (ver.2.7.3 or later) if you install Saku
- PIL or Pillow (Python Imaging Libraty) if you need
- Supervisor if you need
Open port 8000/tcp.
Edit file/saku.ini.
Start with
% pipenv install % pipenv run python3 ./saku.py -v
Browse http://localhost:8000/.
Stop with ^C.
Install Jinja2.
Open port 8000/tcp.
Compile and install.
# make install
You can use PREFIX option for make, and use setup.py directly. If your system do not read modules in /usr/bin/local, do
# ln -s /usr/local/lib/python3.2/site-packages/shingetsu \ /usr/lib/python3.2/site-packages
Configration files are installed into /usr/local/share/doc/saku/sample. You shoud install them:
# cp init.sample /usr/local/etc/init.d/saku # cp saku.ini /usr/local/etc/saku/saku.ini
and so on. If you use Supervisor, install supervisor.sample instead of init.sample. The paths of config files are set in saku.ini, they are in /usr/local/etc/saku by defaults. saku.ini are loaded from following paths and the later settings have a priority.
* /usr/local/etc/saku/saku.ini * /etc/saku/saku.ini * ~/.saku/saku.ini
Setup user and directories refering config files.
Start with
# /usr/local/etc/init.d/saku start
Browse http://localhost:8000/.
Stop with
# /usr/local/etc/init.d/saku stop
Run /usr/local/bin/saku for user application.
$ sudo aptitude install python3 python3-jinja2 python3-pil
- The design is made referring to Vojta and Winny.
- I learned how to handle file name from YukiWiki written by Hiroshi Yuki.
- Module apollo.py is was made referring to apollo.c written by replaceable anonymous.
- Popup JavaScript was made referring to Kindan-no Tubo by Zero corp.
- XLST was made reffring to Landscape.