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Asia/Shanghai |
- 自我介绍
Ric Li C, 家庭主夫,天天在家带 2 个女儿,自学了 Solidity,NextJS,TypeScript,前一段时间在 BSC 链上,发行了个人的慈善性质的 NFT 项目:MAS Awareness (http://mas-awareness.top)。
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Yes 75%
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Add source codes for 24.Create and its tests
Add source codes for 25.Create2 and its tests
Add source codes for 13.Inheritance and its tests
Add source codes for 27.ABIEncode and its tests
Add source codes for 30.TryCatch and its tests
Add source codes for 22.Call and its tests
Add source codes for 24.Create and its tests
Add source codes for 25.Create2 and its tests
Add source codes for 13.Inheritance and its tests
Add source codes for 27.ABIEncode and its tests
Add source codes for 30.TryCatch and its tests
Add source codes for 22.Call and its tests