A C# .NET version based on mock4net which mimics the functionality from the JAVA based WireMock.
For more info, see also this WIKI page: What is WireMock.Net.
- HTTP response stubbing, matchable on URL/Path, headers, cookies and body content patterns
- Library can be used in unit tests and integration tests
- Runs as a standalone process, as windows service, as Azure/IIS or as docker
- Configurable via a fluent C# .NET API, JSON files and JSON over HTTP
- Record/playback of stubs (proxying)
- Per-request conditional proxying
- Stateful behaviour simulation
- Response templating / transformation using Handlebars and extensions
- Can be used locally or in CI/CD scenarios
- mstack.nl : Generate C# Code from Mapping(s)
- mstack.nl : Chaos Engineering with Fault Injections
- mstack.nl : gRPC / ProtoBuf Support
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| WireMock.Net | Main project | |
| WireMock.Net.Minimal | Minimal project
Does not include:
- GraphQL
- MimePart
- Protobuf| |
| WireMock.Net.StandAlone | StandAlone |
| WireMock.Net.GraphQL | GraphQL Support |
| WireMock.Net.MimeKitLite | MimePart Support |
| WireMock.Net.ProtoBuf | ProtoBuf gRPC Support |
| WireMock.Net.Matchers.CSharpCode | C# Code Matcher |
| WireMock.Net.OpenApiParser | OpenApiParser |
| WireMock.Net.FluentAssertions | FluentAssertions Extensions |
| WireMock.Net.xUnit | xUnit logging support |
| WireMock.Net.Testcontainers | Testcontainers Support |
| WireMock.Net.RestClient | RestClient for WireMock.Net|
| WireMock.Org.RestClient | RestClient for WireMock.Org|
For the supported frameworks and build information, see this page.
A core feature of WireMock.Net is the ability to return predefined HTTP responses for requests matching criteria. See Wiki : Stubbing.
WireMock.Net support advanced request-matching logic, see Wiki : Request Matching.
The response which is returned WireMock.Net can be changed using templating. This is described here Wiki : Response Templating.
The WireMock admin API provides functionality to define the mappings via a http interface see Wiki : Admin API Reference.
WireMock.Net can be used in several ways:
You can use your favorite test framework and use WireMock within your tests, see Wiki : UnitTesting.
You can use Wiki : WireMock.Net.Testcontainers to build a WireMock.Net Docker container which can be used in Unit/Integration testing.
It's simple to install WireMock.Net as (global) dotnet tool, see Wiki : dotnet tool.
This is quite straight forward to launch a mock server within a console application, see Wiki : Standalone Process.
You can also run WireMock.Net as a Windows Service, follow this WireMock-as-a-Windows-Service.
See this link WireMock-as-a-(Azure)-Web-App
There is also a Linux and Windows-Nano container available at hub.docker.com. For more details see also Docker.
More details on using HTTPS (SSL) can be found here Wiki : HTTPS