Here you can write text in only one column
This is regular text, bold text, italic text
A list:
- Hello
- World
Here is an example of a 2 column slide.
- I can
- List
- Elements
- Here
And a picture can fit in this column
You can add pictures in your slides.
Left alignment | Center | Right alignment |
Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 |
Hello | World |
This is red This is orange This is blue
You can specify colors using the following syntax :
[[color:red][This is red.]]
int main(){
char *strs[7] = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"};
int fd = open("testfile", O_CREAT|O_RDWR);
for(int i=0; i<7; i++){
write(fd, strs[i], 1);
// =========> Persistence guarantee
Units can be used as in \LaTeX.
- \SI{4}{\kibi\byte}
- \SI{9.81}{\meter\per\second\square}
- \SI{88}{mph}
- \SI{2.21}{\giga\watt}
To export:
- Open this file in emacs
- Press Ctrl+c Ctrl+e
- Press `l` (for \LaTeX)
- Press `P` (for PDF with Beamer)
Some of these features are set up with my emacs config file, available on github.
Issues, forks, and pull requests are welcome!
/Contact :/ Rémi Dulong,