A website offers food options based on emotions by user input. Check out the live website here.
I am a foodie and everytime I think about what I want to eat next meal after meal. I enjoy the process of exploring amazing food to make or to eat out. However, it could be exhuasting at times. Also, my mood affects what I want to eat. I want to combine my mood with food searching tools to create a whimsical and playful search engine for food to make or food to get.
npm libraries used:
Clone the repo and install npm library, you can do as below in your terminal:
npm install dotenv express mongoose morgan nodemon node
- VS Code
- A good understanding of API, html, CSS, Javascript, and node.
- Familiar with npm libraries and backend.
This project is hosted on Github ande deployed on Heroku.
- Yiting Liu -- ITP 2021-- NYU ITP
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Thanks to the help of Cassie Tarakajian, Tito, and Zeyao Li, without them, this project wouldn't be as accomplished as it is now.
This project is a 2-week project.
Here are the user interface flow of my website.
I did research to figure out what food is for certain emotion. I searched for six universal human emotions: happy, sad, anger, surprise, fear, disgust from here. I decided to start with three emotions: sad, stressed, and anger since most of the information I found are to make people happy in terms of food selections.
I built my data model in excel first. This is ingredients for emotions:
This is recipes for each individual ingredient:
For my detailed excel sheet, please go here.
I tried to smooth the interaction in terms of user experience. I used
to make sure one button press can automatically move to another element of the body. In this case, when you press the button "show me the food", it will scroll to "because you are feeling". Identifically, I used this method for another button at the bottom to nudge users to play with the website more. When they press the bottom button, it will direct them to the top of the page.
I created the function of fun part in my client.js to have the following features:
- Change background color based on mouse position
- Reset background color when mouse is off the website
- Add emojis based on key press
- Clearn emojis when pressing spacebar
It was quite fun to play with JS to make it look pretty and fun.
I ran into a problem with the database information didn't show up on the index.html. It was working in my console.log. I got this:
Then I figured it out that I had to use a forEach rather than map since map creates a new array. Hence it explains the comma situation.
I was having trouble with flexbox to create what I wanted. Turned out I would have to make sure the whole page with the display:flex and tweak around the row and column and other details. This website is a complete guide to flexbox.
I wanted to hover on top of the image to show the text. Since I created the image and recipe content in JS, it took me a while to understand how to do so. I set class for the heading and text for the recipe information and make sure the visiblity is hidden at first to make it work.
I wanted to customize the cursor in JS since I would ideally want the different emojis to replace the default cursor every 10 seconds when user is browsing on the page. However, I tried in JS to use the code below. It still didn't work. I tried console.log in the browser to see the cursor, it only shows "".
So I just customized the cursor in CSS. I woudl love to learn to customize the cursor in JS in the future.
I was confused at first about the database to MongoDB since I wasn't clear of the order of making the data structure.
I was thinking how user would access the data at first and I was trying to be super ambitious in building a very comprehensive database where almost all the information will be displayed.
I didn't use MongoDB at first since I was building my own JSON file. It turns out connecting to MongoDB using Mongoose would make the whole process easier.
I did conquer the part of showing the content with my previous data structure before using any MongoDB.
This is how the webpage looks like using my difficult old-school method:
However, things became extremely difficult for me to find certain variable within the JSON file. After consulting with Cassie, she recommended me to think of the flow of the data before creating a data structure. The flow would be
Emotion Types ==> Recipe Information ==> Further Details of Special Ingredients ==> Link to Url
Here is the detailed look of the database I learned from the office hour with Cassie.
I then updated my data structure to fit the flow of it and used MongoDB. There were some obstacles for me. I couldn't get the update of the collection of the database on MongoAtlas. Later, I discovered that I should replace the text in the URL with my app name. In this case, I need to replace the text with
I was having trouble deploying to Heroku. It shows me "Application Error" and when I checked log, it shows "npm ERR".
It turned out that I had to put the KEY and VALUE in the Config Vars in the settings of my APP page.
- Elaborated Pages
- Cursor Customization in JS
- Smoother User Interactions
I would like to link user to another webpage with the collection of food images. When they click on the images, they will be directed to another page with customized design showing ingredient details and instructions. For this project till Mar. 21, 2020, I achieved in displaying the information in the index.html. I would like to make it more cohesive and comprehensive.
I also want to customize the cursor into some food or drink emojis and I would like them to change according to the mouse position on the canvas.
- How to move the content of images to another page?
- How to customize cursor with images or emojis that change according to the mouse position or based on time spent on the page?