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Understandint Tables Data type


What are Tables ?

Tables are versatile data structures caplable of storing various values of any non-nil type, such as booleans, numbers, strings, functions, and even other tables.

Contructing tables is easy com curly braces ({}):

  -- Create an empty table assigned to the variable "myTable"
  local myTable = {}
  print(myTable) -- {}

Tables in Luau can function as arrays or dictionaries. Arays use an ordened list of numbers indices, while dictionaries can have indices of numbers, strings, or objects.

For more details and functions to work with tables, refer to the table library in Luau.


An arrays is like a list of things in order. You can use it to keep a bunch of information organized, like a list of players with special powers.

  • Creating Arrays

    • Making an array is easy. Just put your items inside curly braces ( {} ) and separate them with commas.

      local testArray = {"A string", 1234, 3.14159, workspace.Camera}
  • Reading from Arrays

    • To get something from the array, use square brackets ( [] ) with the indice of the item inside.

        local testArray = {"A string", 1234, 3.14159, workspace.Camera}
        print(testArray[1]) --> A string
        print(testArray[2]) --> 1234
        print(testArray[3]) --> 3.14159
        print(testArray[4]) --> Camera

      ⚠️ Remember, Luau starts counting at 1, not 0!

  • Writing to Arrays

    • To change something in the array, use the square brackets ( [] ) with the indice of the item and put = and new value.
        local testArray = {"A string", 3.14159, workspace.Camera}
        testArray[2] = 1234
        testArray[4] = "New tring"
        print(testArray[2]) --> 1234
        print(testArray[4]) --> New string
  • Interating over Arrays

    • If you want go to through each item in the array, use a loop. You can also use a loop that count from 1 to the length of the array

      local testArray = {"A string", 3.14159, workspace.Camera, "New string"}
      -- Loop 1 using general interation
      -- ipairs(testArray) returns index-value pairs for each item in the array.
      -- index is the index of the item.
      -- value is the value of the item.
      for index, value in ipairs(testArray) do
        print(index, value)
      -- Loop 2 using array length operator
      -- #testArray returns the length of the array.
      -- index is the loop control variable, ranging from 1 to the length of the array.
      for index = 1, #testArray do
        print(index, testArray[index])
      1. General Iteration Loop

        • In the first example, we use a general loop with the ipairs() function. This is useful when you want to go through all items in the array in the order they appear, without worrying about specific indices.

          This loop goes through the array and prints the index and value of each item. In this case, it will print.

      2. Loop using the Array Length Operator

        • The second example uses a loop that counts from 1 to the length of the array. This is done using the # operator to get the length of the array.

          This Loop also goes through the array and prints the index and value of each item. The output will be the same as the general interation loop.

    • Both loops are effective ways to traverse an array; choose the one that best fits your situation. The general interation loop is useful whe you need both indices and values, while the loop useing the array length operator is handy when you only need values and don't care about specific indices.

  • Inserting Items

    • Inserting items into arrays is a crucial operation when you want to add new elements to your array. Luau provide two common methods for inserting items: using table.insert() and using a convenient syntax with square brackets ( [] ).

      local testArray = {"A string", 3.14159}
      -- table.insert(testArray, "New string") adds "New string" to the end of testArray.
      table.insert(testArray, "New string")
      -- testArray[#testArray + 1] = "Another new string" is a convenient way to add "Another new string" to the end of the array.
      testArray[#testArray + 1] = "Another new string"
      print(testArray[3]) --> New string
      print(testArray[4]) --> Another new string
    • Inserting at a Specific Position

      • If you want to insert an item at a specific position in the array, you can provide a indice value as the second argument to table.insert(). This shifts existing items to higher indices.

        local testArray = {"First item", "Next item"}
        -- table.insert(testArray, 2, "NEW ITEM #2") inserts "NEW ITEM #2" at the second position in testArray.
        table.insert(testArray, 2, "NEW ITEM #2")
        print(testArray[1]) --> First item
        print(testArray[2]) --> NEW ITEM #2
        print(testArray[3]) --> Next item
    • These insertion methods are flexible and allow you to manage your arrays efficiently, whether you're adding items to the end or inserting them at specific positions. Choose the method that suits your needs best!

  • Removing Items

    • To take something out, use table.remove(). It removes the item at the position you specify and moves the others back.

      local testArray = {"First item", "Next item", "Last item"}
      -- table.remove(testArray, 2) This line removes the item at position 2 from the array ("Next item")
      table.remove(testArray, 2)
      print(testArray[1]) --> First item
      print(testArray[2]) --> Last item


Dictionaries, an upgrade from arrays, hold key-value pairs, where keys can be numbers, strings, or objects.

  • Creating Dictionaries

    • Create dictionary with key-value pairs using curly braces ( {} ).

      local testDictionary = {
        FruitName = "Lemon",
        FruitColor = "Yellow",
        Sour = true
      • Keys can be numbers, strings, or objects. For object key, use square brackets ( [] )

        local part ="Part")
        local testDictionary = {
          PartType = "Block",
          [part] = true
    • Reading from Dictionaries

      • To read from dictionary, use square backets ( [] ) and specify the key

          local part ="Part")
          local testDictionary = {
            PartType = "Block",
            [part] = true
          print(testDictionary["PartType"]) --> Block
          print(testDictionary[part]) --> true
    • Writing to Dictionaries

      • Define or rewrite a key's value, use the square brackets ( [] ) with the key of the item and put = and new value.

          local testDictionary = {
            FruitName = "Lemon",
            Suor = true
          testDictionary[FruitName] = "Cherry"
          testDictionary[Suor] = false
          testDictionary[FruitCount] = 10
          print(testDictionary[FruitName]) --> Cherry
          print(testDictionary[Suor]) --> false
          print(testDictionary[FruitCount]) = 10
    • Iterating over Dictionaries

      • Iterating over dictionaries allows you to access and process each key-value pair. Use the pairs() function in a for loop to traverse the dictionary.

        local testDictionary = {
          FruitName = "Lemon",
          FruitColor = "Yellow",
          Sour = true
        for key, value in pairs(testDictionary) do
          print(key, value)

        In the example above, key represents the key of the dictionary, and value represents the value associated with that key. The for loop iterates over each key-value pair in the testDictionary.

        Output Result

        FruitName Lemon
        Sour true
        FruitColor Yellow

        Note that unlike using ipairs() on an array, using pairs() on a dictionary doesn't guarantee that items will be returned in the same order as they appear in the dictionary. The order is not guaranteed in Lua dictionaries.

        This technique is useful for performing operations on all elements of a dictionary, such as display, processing, or data manipulation.

    • Removing Key-Value Pairs

      • To remove or delete a key-value pair from a dictionary, you set the value associated with the key to nil.

        local exampleDictionary = {
          FruitName = "Lemon",
          FruitColor = "Yellow",
          Sour = true
        -- Removing the key-value pair "Sour"
        exampleDictionary["Sour"] = nil
        -- Iterating over the modified dictionary
        for key, value in pairs(exampleDictionary) do
          print(key, value)

        In this example, the line exampleDictionary["Sour"] = nil removes the key-value pair where the key is "Sour" The result of the subsequent iteration shows that the pair has been removed as it's no longer displayed in the console:

        Output Result

        FruitName Lemon
        FruitColor Yellow

        By setting the value associated with a key to nil, you effectively eliminate that key-value pair from the dictionary. This can be useful when you need to dynamically adjust the content of the dictionary during program execution.

Tables as Reference

When you assign a table to a new variable, Luau doesn't make a copy. Instead, the new variable becomes a reference to the original table. Any changes to the original table reflect in all references.

local originalArray = {10, 20}

-- Assign the table to a new variable
local arrayReference = originalArray

-- Both show the same values
print("Original:", originalArray[1], originalArray[2])
print("Reference:", arrayReference[1], arrayReference[2])

-- Change values in the original table
originalArray[1] = 1000
originalArray[2] = 2000

-- Now both references reflect the changes
print("Reference:", arrayReference[1], arrayReference[2])

Resulting Output

Original: 10 20
Reference: 10 20
Reference: 1000 2000

Cloning Tables

  • Shallow Clone

    • A shallow clone refers to creating a new table that is a copy of the original table, but it only copies the immediate values of the original table, not any nested tables within it. In Luau, you can achieve a shallow clone using the table.clone() method.

      Here's a breakdown

        local original = {
          key = "value",
          engine = "Roblox",
          playerID = 505306092
        local clone = table.clone(original)

      In this example, original is a table with three key-value pairs. When you use table.clone(original), it creates a new table clone that has the same key-value pairs as original. Importantly, if any of the values in the original table are themselves tables, the table.clone() method won't create separate copies of those nested tables; it will simply copy references to them. This means changes made to nested tables within the will also affect the original and vice versa.

      In summary, a shallow clone captures the structure of the original table and copies its immediate contents. If the original table has nested tables, a shallow clone maintains references to those nested tables rather than creating new copies.

  • Deep Clone

    • In Luau, a deep clone involves creating a copy of a table that not only duplicates the top-level elements but also ensures that any nested tables within the original table are duplicated as well. This is essential when dealing with complex data structures containing multiple layers of tables.

      Here's a breakdown of the code for creating a deep clone

        local function deepCopy(original)
          local copy = {}
          for k, v in pairs(original) do
            if type(v) == "table" then
              v = deepCopy(v)  -- Recursively deep copy nested tables
            copy[k] = v
          return copy

      Function Explanation

      1. The deepCopy function takes a table (original) as input.
      2. It initializes an empty table (copy) to store the cloned elements.
      3. It then iterates over the key-value pairs of the original table using pairs.
      4. For each key-value pair, it checks if the value (v) is itself a table. If it is, the function recursively calls itself to deep copy the nested table.
      5. The key-value pair is then added to the copy table.
      6. The function returns the cloned table (copy).

      Now, let's consider an example table with nested structures:

        local original = {
          key = "value",
          playerInfo = {
            playerID = 505306092,
            playerName = "PlayerName"
          otherInfo = {
              {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
        local clone = deepCopy(original)

      In this example, clone is a deep clone of the original table. It not only replicates the top-level keys and values but also ensures that any nested tables within playerInfo and otherInfo are also cloned. This guarantees that modifications to the cloned table won't affect the original and vice versa, providing a true independent duplicate.

      Deep cloning is particularly useful when working with intricate data structures, such as configurations, where preserving the entire hierarchy is crucial.