This is an Armadillo library for using ADT7410 temperature sensor.
For using this library, prease inheritance it and QObject library like Qsennsser.cpp and QSensser.h.
Starts initialization settings.
Returns true
, if initialization settings with any ploblem.
Returns value of quotized temperature.
It is not value Celsius or Fahrenheit, only electric value.
Prease throw the value got with getTmp()
as argument.
Returns double
type value. It means Celsius tempelature.
ADT7410 has two resolutions.
To set resolution 13, write ADT7410_RESOLUTION_13
as argument.
To set resolution 16, write ADT7410_RESOLUTION_16
as argument.
ADT7410 has 4 modes.
To set NORMAL mode, write ADT7410_NORMAL_MODE
as argument.
To set ONE SHOT mode, write ADT7410_ONE_SHOT_MODE
as argument.
To set ONE SPS mode, write ADT7410_ONE_SPS_MODE
as argument.
To set SHUTDOWN mode, write ADT7410_SHUTDOWN_MODE
as argument.