#INTRODUCTION I am making this system to study new framework for me first. After I make this system, I can memorize efficiently some terms and words based on Flash Card. I get this idea from my Android Apps "Wordroid".
##Common Function ###Logging
- Completed the module by AOP of spring framework.
- Monitoring the parameters into the controllers from the client request.
- Monitoring the return value of the controllers.
- Making the test code with JUnit again after introducing jEasyUI.
###User Authentication
- Implementing the module by AOP of spring framework.
- Monitoring the user information in http session object. If invalid, redirect to login page.
- Completed the screen layout with Tiles framework.
###Sign up/Logout and Join
- Checking validation of new user id through Ajax.
- Showing error message by JQuery.
- Showing the strength of the password as the user inputs by jQuery.
- Making the test code with JUnit again after introducing jEasyUI.
##User's Module
- Completed front end module(CRUDL) through Ajax with the datagrid/widow/from plugin of "jEasyUI".
- Completed Controller and Service modules with Spring framework.
- Completed DAO and DTO(VO) module with Hibernate framework.
##Flash Card Set's Module
- Completed the CRUDL function of Folder and CardSet through Ajax with the tree/form plugin of "jEasyUI".
- Completed the CRUDL function of Word through Ajax with the datagrid/window/form plugin of "jEasyUI".
- Completed Controller and Service modules with Spring framework.
- Completed DAO and DTO(VO) module with Hibernate framework.
##Study with Flash Card
- Completed Study Window , drag and drop function.
- Magic7 - Leightner Study method. - SRS Study method.
- String v3.1.0.RELEASE
- Hibernate v3.3
- Tiles v2.2.2
- MySQL v5.1.41
- CSS3
- JQuery v1.8.2
- JQuery UI v1.9.0
- jEasyUI v1.3.1
- JUnit 4.7 and Mockito v.1.9.0(TDD)